
Sunday, May 06, 2012

Saint Michel area

I took this photo from the taxi that was taking me home from the airport after my vacation. I did not think it would be any good, but now that I see it on the computer I kinda like it. I took it in the Saint Michel area; you can see on of the pedestrian streets that they have there. I don't really know why this building is all lit to be honest, as to me, this is just a book shop (the famous Gibert Jeunes that all Parisian students know!). Anyway, thanks so much for your best recovery wishes yesterday. It worked, I already feel much better today ;-)


  1. I love that area.
    It's a bit tourist(y), but it always feels good.

    And good to hear that you feel better.

  2. Lovely shot...I am wondering what sort of activity there may be in this area after the election tomorrow night?? The Calm before the Storm??

  3. It's a great shot. Taxi rather than the Metro? At least you got a good photo. I'm glad you feel better.

  4. JUST a bookshop? Is there such a place as "just a book shop"? LOL I do love our local book shop and it is anything but "just". :) Glad you're feeling better and thanks for sharing a bit of Paris with us today!

  5. Maybe the bookshop was having a signing... perhaps they had a local celeb due to arrive for a talk... perhaps the local celeb forgot it was in his diary, his mind being full of holiday thoughts.... ;D xx

  6. I "kinda like it" too....a lot!

    Didn't know you felt ill, and happy to know you feel bettah!

  7. As I look at this street scene, there is nothing that conjures up the same sense of history, dramatic lighting , and romance in PHX
    ( that is Phoenix, Arizona for those who are not familiar with airline codes).

  8. France 24 Chanel seems to lean to Holland winning tonight. Am going to the local polling place to watch them count the votes. All Francopholes who are not privy to this process, like me, stay tuned.

  9. Just heard the election results—adieu, Sarko. Glad you're feeling better, Eric, and wondering what you think of Hollande. (Looks like poor Segolene is never going to get to live at the Elysée Palace.)

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