I saw this lamp from the outside of this shop (19 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1st arrondissement) and I had to take a photo of it! I opened the door and asked the salesman politely if he would allow me to take a picture. The guy said "OK, but only the lamp - and only one photo!" For yes, ladies and gentlemen, without realizing it, I had opened the door to the shoe God... Christian Louboutin! I must confess, I had never heard of this designer, but a quick look around his shop, and later on his web site, made me understand that there is nothing like a Frenchman when it comes to fashion !
Fabulous! I need to look at the other links...
ReplyDeleteOooh, now this is the stuff that makes me wish I were fabulously rich, thin, and glamorous. All his shoes have a signature red sole; hence the red leather model. You can really see the red sole best when you click on the flat shoes. Thanks, Eric, for a taste of how the other half lives!
ReplyDeleteThis is a marvelous shot, Eric. So fun! I love to discover something new by just stumbling upon it. You'll have to collect all your photo blogging adventures in a book someday,
I love it! When he's done with it, could I have that lamp, please?
ReplyDeleteLyrics spring to mind, by Chris DeBurgh, a lovely song -
ReplyDeleteThe lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek,
There's nobody here, it's just you and me,
It's where I want to be,
But I hardly know this beauty by my side,
I'll never forget the way you look tonight
I never will forget the way you look tonight...
The lady in red, the lady in red,
The lady in red, my lady in red.
Actually i would not like to be that thin. Curves are good i think. She is very elegant, though. I adore those shoes, love the red soles and the t-bar design is gorgeous! Shoes to arrive in i feel, rather than to walk in, or dare i say, for the bedroom. Ooh la la ! Great pic Eric yet again.
I love it - and Louboutin, too!
ReplyDeleteI can't help but think of the "special award" from the movie "Christmas Story".
ReplyDeleteI suppose it was very generous of the clerk to allow you to take the shot!
Actually yes, the clerk did not know whether he sould allow me to take the photo or not. He was obviously embarassed.
ReplyDeletehee hee...great ideas to make such a light.and thx eric took it to show us.
that lady-figure....looks like the real person. mmm...a very grace lady.So, if put in the room, what will the guests think about it?? :D
mm...if me, i will think, oo, why let her wear such a huge hat???
and i think that clerk did something very right!!
Oh my, another Susan. What shall we do? And we both thought of "A Christmas Story" when viewing this picture and both, unlike everyone else, use our real names instead of a clever one (I am not very creative I must admit).
ReplyDeleteI never heard of the shoe God you mentioned. But I am more into clothes than shoes. I only own about 20 pairs of shoes, paultry I suppose compared to most women. I love the picture though!
Man, oh man, that Damien really pissed me off! Just as ignorant as the French bashers I've encountered and yes, confronted. Sheer ignorance and fear!
Susan, the one from Atlanta
Okay....will this help differentiate us?
ReplyDeleteIf someone can tell me how to post a picture along with my name, that would help as well. I posted one on Flikr and inserted the url into the edit screen on blogger but it says it cannot retrieve it.
The URL I'm supposed to insert is just the http.....right? Am I doing something wrong?
I'll have that lamp at home anytime, thank you! (I'd have to change the whole colour scheme though because I've got nothing red)
ReplyDeleteDid you notice Louboutin's website gives the choice of French or English as you enter but only the English website is operational? the French version says "coming soon" - Louboutin sure knows where his market is but shame on him for disregarding his own language!
I'm amazed that you were allowed to take this picture. The salesman was obviously very inexperienced or he would have politely quicked you out.
When I took my photo of The Australian Women's Weekly today at a street Newsagent stand, I also asked politely if I could take a picture. The lady waved a sharp NO to me while giving me a very nasty look. I walked away, furious, then turned back and took my picture anyway. After all I was standing on the pavement and it was only a magazine, for God's sake ! She was a sad case of a sour witch.
Susan in Atlanta (SIA) and Susan, I too thought of A Christmas Story right away! A "major award..." LOL.
ReplyDeleteSIA, try downloading Picasa from Google - a free photo editor - and resize and blog directly from Picasa. It makes blogging so easy.
I read this about the designer on Wikipedia: "Neiman Marcus began to sell Louboutin's designs. Louboutin shoes also have a trademark red leather sole, making them instantly recognizable."
ReplyDeleteAre they the only ones with red soles? If so, I have tried on his shoes, probably at Neiman Marcus. But I don't recognise the name.
Nathalie, I'm not sure if you know this but Wikipedia is written by you and me (which makes me uncomfortable with the veracity of it to be honest). Apparently, it is also "policed" by you and me and you can click on one of the links to dispute something and someone (who knows who) checks it and if needed, corrects it. It seems to be working alright but there are always chances that wrong information will be there. It always requests citations which is good for accuracy. So, that means that the first people to be interested enough to write about were probably English speakers. You can go in and translate it into French if you like.
I noticed there are THREE Susan's posting today! You don't see that problem with other names. I suppose it is because Susan was a very popular name for about 15 years (a long time ago). I am at the tail end of that (so the youngest of most Susan's ;)!!! LOL). Most 'Susan's are between the ages of late 30's to early 50's. My brother, who is 6 years older, named me after a girl he had a crush on when he was in the first grade. Thanks Max. Thanks for a common name.
Great photo of that woman in red. I guess she'd be great, drunk at cocktail parties.
ReplyDeleteThere was something about the impossible height of Christian Louboutin's "Sirene" shoes that brought to mind the red shoes of Susanna Hesselberg (archive, third line, far right).
Blonde, I will try that! Thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteNathalie: Have you ever wished you could recall a message? I just tried Louboutin's website and REALIZED that you were talking about his website not being available in French and NOT the encyclopedia. My mistake! It is strange indeed. So, all that stuff about Wikipedia? Nevermind.
ReplyDeleteI like the Black crepe satin, black chiffon pair. It doesn't show a lot of pairs on the site so I don't see any boots that I particularly love. I just bought some chocolate brown suede boots with a very cool large buckle at the ankle (on a matching suede wraparound piece) with a 85mm spike heel....I love them! And the brand? Who knows.
It's a cool lamp!
ReplyDeleteIt looks so real and sexy! It would definitely look great in my living room...
Eric, I love the lamp. But your title even more: "Hey big boy, got a light?!"
ReplyDeleteEric - what a great find. So glad you asked the guy to let you shoot this one. I hope you gave him the PDP address too!
ReplyDeleteNow, not sure how "international" this one is, but does anybody remember You Light Up My Life?
WARNING: Barf bag should be very close by!
Superbe et surprenant.
ReplyDeleteJe crois que les lampadaires les plus surprenant, c'etait à NYC au Whashington square ou il y avait une exposition de lampadaire dans les arbres.
SEXY! Excsept for her head.
ReplyDeleteMany years ago, a friend of mind had a toilet above which hung a kitschy painting of Christ, one hand raised in blessing and the other pointing to his plastic heart - that was not only in relief, but which also glowed and played a tune (sorry, can't remember) when the loo was flushed. Not very PC (Pro-Christian), but nevertheless a good example of how a little surrealism (like this lamp) can light up an otherwise dull space (which I'm sure Louboutin's shop is not).
ReplyDeleteActually, I do remember - it was the theme from "Rocky".
ReplyDeleteit'll be hard to fit into that outfit, but ITS HOT! Love it!
ReplyDeleteIt's a fantastic photographic and suggests Paris as much as any cityscape with distant views of the Eiffel Tower. Apart from that, it is an extremely sexy lamp. What I would love to know is,
ReplyDelete"What turns her on"?
I think she's kinky and only lights up when you turn her off.
ReplyDeleteExcellent, glad he let you take the shot!
ReplyDeleteDermo said, "I wonder what turns her on?"
ReplyDeleteI'll give you a hint: it's a push-button lamp!
Is it me, or does the lady have disproportionately (read:freakishly) long legs?
ReplyDeleteOh, so I'm jealous...I could never wear red leather with such confidence!
I know it is a push-button lamp, but women like this well .................. if you press the wrong button, you are going to blow a fuse!
ReplyDeleteBTW, if you want to see Christian Louboutin's shoes or are looking for similar models I just found this great search engine. Amazing.
ReplyDeleteDo you think he actually patented the concept of red sole shoes? Otherwise his shoes would be quite easy to imitate (save for the quality, which would be easy to see)
ReplyDeleteAnyone else think Nathalie must have been the model for this?
ReplyDeleteNo matter how successful the house, any designer would be pleased to have his name discussed for a whole day and Christian Louboutin is on all of our lips, so i don't think the assistant will be shot at dawn for allowing Eric a photograph.
ReplyDeleteIf I was shopping there however, which would be a feat in itself and i'm laughing myself off my chair at the mere thought, i would rather purchase the fab-looking brown boots on the top shelf. Oh and the lovely frames on the wall, and the brown bag to match, oh they may as well throw in the lamp too then. Ok.
No, Isabella you're not alone. Those ARE freakishly long legs and thin too! Goodness i'd be lucky to fit my finger into one of those boots. Sigh. Dark cloud over our heads. In fact, Isabella, I'm sure you're with me, they're even TOO thin are they not? Stick-like, unshapely... immature, without definition, in fact plain ugly, REALLY, don't you think? Yes, absolutely... miaow...! Better now? Me too.
ReplyDeleteDigressing slightly, well shamefully quite a lot really, it's the first anniversary of London Daily Photo today! Sorry i don't know how to do links, but you can find it on Eric's list.
ReplyDeleteIt is a fun photo and a terrific lamp that belongs in several of the coffee shops (not Starbucks) and restaurants in our area. I can help being reminded of the style shows I see on TV5 called "'D". The models are anorexic and walk like their feet don't know where to go. I think it is supposed to be sexy along with the blank waxen stare. Then comes the men in outfits that border on "drag". They have an imitation butch look and the same mindless unanimated stare. I need not worry, I could never afford to buy any of their outfits anyway. LOL
ReplyDeleteMeow! LOL Am I weird? I think she looks great...except, um...that she has no head. But, who needs a head really?
ReplyDeleteI keep remembering (which says a lot, or maybe doesn't since I couldn't remember Richard's name when Eric mentioned him) that I had a pair of shoes with a red sole. I looked in my closet and none there. But I swear I had them...oh! I just remembered, Yes! I did buy some....red ones too! For my friends wedding (my dress was red...she wanted me to wear it) and I returned them because they were too hard to walk in! I always wear high heels but these were stillettos and i would be in them for at least 9 or 10 hours. Well, what do ya know. And I got them at Neiman-Marcus. They weren't too terribly expensive if I remember correctly.
Red shoes in a wedding Susan (ATL)? Must have been one big bash! Please tell me the bride wasn't wearing red too!
ReplyDeleteYes...red! LOL. That's what the bride wanted me to wear. I was her "best woman" (forget that "maid" of honor crap...Maid! I'm no one's maid thank you)! And I did correct the priest during rehersal...in a joking way of course....full of smiles...but I did mean it kind of. Maid....hmmmph.
ReplyDeleteI already had a gorgeous BCBG full length red dress (with a litte train too) that I had worn once. My friend loved it and wanted me to wear it in her wedding. The shoes I had worn the last time were more for winter so I needed new ones.
So that's the story.
She's half Spanish if that explains anything (hot blooded?)...and other half is Yankee (northeast U.S.) so the "southern" thing wasn't such a big deal for her. But she is VERY conservative believe it or not (even though the red dress).
ReplyDeleteWas I clear? Bride=white, me=red at her request.
ReplyDeleteWho in the '80's sang "Put on your red shoes and dance" ?
ReplyDeleteBowie of course! Yay for Bowie.
ReplyDeleteSo, no-one else think she was modelled on Nathalie? look at her pic above. Spitting image, i say.
ReplyDeleteMichael: I believe that singer was David Bowie..LOL!
ReplyDeleteThat photo is a scream...reminds me of some of the people I deal with on a daily basis, except I don't think they have a bulb in the lamp!!
Louboutin is the "ultimate status shoe" for women in the "know"....but how do they walk in them??? It's true that women in Paris are much better dressed than in the US...Oh no...I take that back, I don't want to start another "International" Situation...LOL.
Any fashionista would know who Louboutin is. Love the lamp but the shade needs a little sparkling for the holidaze.
ReplyDeleteyes how DO they walk in them? Sometimes i wear heels and would love to wear them every day but life is one big rush and rush, in heels, one cannot darling! As Kirsty McColl sang: "In THESE shoes?" Ah she is sadly missed. :( Anyone who doesn't know that song, should download it from somewhere (sorry i still don't know how to link, help someone pls?) but it's hilarious and a great song. Trainers with jeans and flip-flops in every colour for the summer have spoiled us for comfort have they not?
ReplyDeletePerhaps Michael you can help with a link for that song? It's just so APT for this post!
ReplyDeleteok i've found the lyrics, but don't know how you can listen to it. It has a Salsa, latin rhythm, i just love it but it's very suited to Eric's post today.
ReplyDeleteIn These Shoes by Kirsty McColl
I once met a man with a sense of adventure
He was dressed to thrill wherever he went
He said "Let's make love on a mountain top
Under the stars on a big hard rock"
I said "In these shoes?
I don't think so"
I said "Honey, let's do it here."So I'm sitting at a bar in Guadalajara
In walks a guy with a faraway look in his eyes
He said "I've got as powerful horse outside
Climb on the back, I'll take you for a ride
I know a little place, we can get there for the break of day."
I said "In these shoes?
No way, Jose"
I said "Honey, let's stay right here."
No le gusta caminar. No puede montar a caballo
(She doesn't like to walk, she can't ride a horse)
Como se puede bailar? Es un escandolo
(But the way she dances, it's a scandal)
Then I met an Englishman
"Oh" he said
"Won't you walk up and down my spine,
It makes me feel strangely alive."
I said "In these shoes?
I doubt you'd survive."
I said "Honey, let's do it.
Let's stay right here."
No le gusta caminar. No puede montar a caballo
(She doesn't like to walk, she can't ride a horse)
Como se puede bailar? Es un escandolo
(But the way she dances, it's a scandal)
I was thinking...the chair in the left of the photo is interesting as well, hmmm...wonder if there is a pic of that?
ReplyDeletelol are you suggesting Eric would have accidentally pressed the shutter twice, whilst having been told it must be only ONE photo? Heaven forbid... lol
ReplyDeleteOh the memories these comments are bringing up. I love A Christmas Story. I also love the commercial that's currently running for a cell phone company modeled aft Xmas Story!
ReplyDeleteAnd Bowie! *sigh* God I love Bowie.
Anyway, gotta run. Hope everyone's doing well!
Eric, I know you like really good photography - please check out this blog great digital photos - she's a young woman with great talent and your friends might also like to take a peek.
ReplyDeleteBecause of this picture, I noticed a red gown in a shop window and stopped to photograph it :)
Gee, thanks for the free lesson in aesthetics, Dr. A. What would we do without your scholarly guidance - or your subtle as a sledgehammer bear-baiting?
ReplyDeleteActually, I've visited the blog you mention before; and, yes, her photos are very attractive, but I believe your "between-the-lines" point is that we are all imbeciles for appreciating any of Eric's photographs (or, indeed, the effort he puts into contextualising them for his readers). I also think you are missing the whole point of PDP and blogs like it. They are not galleries of fine art images or attempts to showcase the technical virtuosity of their creators, although there is no reason why they can't be either, or even both. What's more, it seems to me that you (being bored, or feeling ignored) merely selected a photo blog at random in order to stir up another hornet's nest of controversy. If you had taken a little more time and care in your malevolent scheming, you would have drawn attention to New York or Venice Daily Photo. Sloppy planning Dr. A.
Anyway, who appointed you as the Commissioner of Appreciation, and why should any of us give a toss about what you think we should and shouldn't like, how we should or shouldn't respond, or what we should or shouldn't say, either here or anywhere else? By the way, back-peddling on what you have said, and the way you have said it, will seem disingenuous. Denying you have said anything offensive, or laced your offence with false philanthropy, will be to take us for fools. To retaliate with righteous indignation, of course, would be in keeping with your previous tactics.
Louis, you actually went to his site? Maybe it is the romantic in you that you trusted him. I think he is Damien (funny name choice because Damien is the name of the "devil's" spawn remember?). There was no way I was going to click on his link.......
ReplyDeleteI clicked on Dr. A's link! I know, I know, but I'm home alone and bored, so I thought it'd be a kick. I was kinda excited to see the fireworks for Guy Fawkes night a few pics down. I can't believe I totally forgot to celebrate this year (very very very very distantly related to him, and not even by blood. But still, it's a connection!) So thanks, Dr. A!
ReplyDeleteso did i! Sadly there was just a lot of blurb for today so i'll pop back another time. Further down yes i briefly saw the fireworks (i'm shocked Soosha and just a little impressed that you are related to such a criminal!) and also a lovely blacky sort of beach scene. Oh i know it's not a good description but well you had to be there. They were good shots, perhaps not excellent but good. Thanks Dr A. I covered Guy Fawkes night for the paper but there was quite a lot of trouble there, youngsters throwing fireworks into the crowd, riot police,that sort of thing, normal Sat night.. Shame. Do those guys fly to the UK, do you know, with their (ironing) services?
ReplyDeleteSince you're showing off i'll join in. I'm related to Eric Clapton! Well not really, actually not by blood, by marriage and quite a long distance away in fact. Still it's something. Sister-in-law's dad's cousin i think. Does that count? Anyone else into the fray? lol! How pathetic are we Soosh? Well, you started it!
ReplyDelete....or was it my brother-in-law's mother's half-brother...yes that was it!....
ReplyDeleteThis lamp is abosulutely fabulous. Push button, indeed. I wannit I wannit I wannit. "Can't have it."
ReplyDeleteJesus christ Louis - what did I say wrong ? I wasn't being malevolent or trying to teach any sort of lesson all I was doing was asking people to have a look at what I think are really good photos - with no "between-the-lines" point. I mentioned Eric's friends because it saved me posting the same comment on your own blogs. No reflection on PDP or any other blog - she has just started her blog and I thought some of you might appreciate having a look. I'm not asking you to compare her pics to anybody else's. Not trying to infer anything either. Not trying to start an argument and not asking you to commit to anything - sorry if I gave that impression.
ReplyDeleteDenying you have said anything offensive, or laced your offence with false philanthropy, will be to take us for fools. To retaliate with righteous indignation, of course, would be in keeping with your previous tactics.
Christ you criticised me for being blunt and now you criticise me for being pleasant - just can't win with some people!!! And nobody's forcing you to look at her blog - you're old enough to make up your own mind.
Nor was the photo blog selected at random - if you had bothered to look at my blog you would have seen why I asked you to have a look at her photos. If you are interested, find out for yourself - I am not going to offer an explanation.
ReplyDeleteWhy should I have drawn attention to New York or Venice Daily Photo? You've lost me there I'm afraid.
ReplyDeleteCan't you forget the one incident in the past? Folks, Dr. A happens to have an excellent blogspace. He is very knowledgeable and intelligent. If you give him a chance you might enjoy his "stuff". I bet Eric will agree with me. The cyber world knows of my loyalty to ParisDailyPhoto. Johnny
ReplyDeletelynn, if I had been born to my mom and dad then I would be pretty closely decended from Guy Fawkes. As it is, I'm adopted into my mom's side of the famil, I only share blood with my dad. Long story, so don't ask unless you have 30 hours to sit around and listen. Anyway, my mom's mother is a Fawkes, and she is a direct decendant of Guy's brother...I think. I don't have the family tree in front of me so I'm not 100% sure on that. I supopse when I go to my dad's tomorrow I'll have to check out the family sword and see what it says.
ReplyDeleteThanks Johnny.
ReplyDeletewow Soosha i'm very impressed - again! How interesting for your family to have such a lineage. Do you all wear t shirts in NOV. saying "I'm a Fawkes, don't you know?" No? Maybe you should! he he ... Thirty hours? Hmm, lucky if i get 30 secs to place a comment here and there. Must rush....!
ReplyDeleteAnother shop I must visit when I come to Paris in February! Not that I can afford anything in there...
ReplyDeleteYes Johnny, I know for sure! And I do appreciate your loyalty!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't read anything into what Dr. A. was trying to say. I think it's just another mix up of words.
ReplyDeleteReally great post, Thank you for sharing This knowledge.Excellently written article, if only all bloggers offered the same level of content as you, the internet would be a much better place. Please keep it up!