We all know what's going on in Myanmar and, even though I know a photo on PDP won't help, I thought I could use this one to contribute to the current buzz about this country. Frankly I don't know where these monks are from, but I found it "funny" to come across them near La Bastille. I would also like to take advantage of this post to report this blog - it's not Myanmar Daily Photo, but I wish it were...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
A small tribute to Myanmar
We all know what's going on in Myanmar and, even though I know a photo on PDP won't help, I thought I could use this one to contribute to the current buzz about this country. Frankly I don't know where these monks are from, but I found it "funny" to come across them near La Bastille. I would also like to take advantage of this post to report this blog - it's not Myanmar Daily Photo, but I wish it were...
Saturday, September 29, 2007
The right number
I could have shown you the beautiful house that stands at this number, but on a second thought, I found that this was more beautiful and intriguing. It actually looks like this photo was taken in Provence, in the South of France whereas I took it in the 11th arrondissement, boulevard Richard Lenoir. Apparently it shelters the office of and architect and an interior designer; lucky them. Have a nice weekend everyone, and don't forget, on October 1st a new theme day is coming up!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Velib to go international

After all, it does not matter that much anymore if taxis go on strike in Paris now that we have the Velib! Velib is still a huge success - a little too much, as sometimes it's hard to finD one. Not only did the the company that makes them (JC Decaux) win a prize recently for the design of the bikes, but they're also selling them like hot cakes all over the world! I hear that Chicago might soon fall for them too. What is it with the French and their transportation systems (bullet train, Metro, Velib...)!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Taxi Strike
No way you could find a taxi in Paris around noon today, they were all at the Invalides (you can see the dome in the background), demonstrating for their rights! There is a limited number of taxis in Paris and the Government wants to free up the market and remove this limit. This would result in more competition, therefore less revenues... I'd be interested in knowing if there are taxi limitations also where you live. PS: those who think that a Taxi strike can only happen in France are wrong! I just saw a news story regarding a strike in Toronto today. There was also one in NYC at the end of August!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Adams Family

Did you know the Adams family was buried in Paris?! Just kidding, of course, but I couldn't help smiling when I came across this grave in the Montparnasse cemetery this morning. What was I doing there? I just happened to drive by it on my way to work and thought it could be a nice place to take a photo. The Montparnasse cemetery is not as famous as Le Père Lachaise but it's a great place to visit if you want to see the grave of famous people, and not just the Adams Family!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Statue of Liberty
I already mentioned it several times here - and you may know it anyway - but the statue of Liberty that you can see in New York has been given to the Americans by the French as a gift. Several mock ups and replicas have been made prior and after, like this one I recently found in the Musée des Arts et Métiers, a fantastic museum near Place de la Republique where you can also see the first - French - planes, the first - French - bicycles, the first - French -television set (1931!) and several displays about buildings and constructions. That is where I photographed this mock up.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Breizh Parade
If you have visited France already, you may have heard of a region called La Bretagne, located in the west of the country (where the Mont Saint-Michel is). Despite its rain rate (!), it's a beautiful region which keeps a pretty strong identity (some people there still speak the local language). To promote their region, they just organized in Paris an event called the Breizh Touch (Breizh means Bretagne) which was highlighted by a sort of "Breizh Pride" that took place Sunday at noon on the Champs Elysées. Of course, I was there... It was really great. More photos here.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Strange animal

Don't we have weird creatures in Paris? I photographed it on the Quai des Bernardins, in the 5th arrondissement where it was performing together with its "master" as you can see in this photo. It was really amazing to see it acting like a real animal, even trying to steal food from people in the audience.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
We won!
Phew! We made it... Well, when I say "we", I mean the French rugby team - won over Ireland 25 to 3. Right after the match I went down the street to feel the atmosphere, like during the soccer world cup (remember?) and started shooting. I came across this guy who was really happy - and really drunk too (but that is not the reason why he is blurry though!) Next step, Sept 30 against Georgia, but I won't bore you with Rugby too much, don't worry!
Friday, September 21, 2007
On the way out...
"Sortie" (Way out). "Poussez" (Push)... are two words you'll see on most French doors in public places. This door actually belongs to Saint Severin Church where I already took this picture. I kinda liked it, so here it is. Today is Friday and tonight France is playing another world cup rugby match (against Ireland). Please cross your fingers!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Somewhere over the hedge
The air is more chilly but the weather is still nice as you can see on this photo that I took by Saint Germain
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Last lunch outside?
It's getting colder and colder in Paris and the leaves are turning yellow... Feels like Fall is on its way. Fortunately there was enough sun today for me to have lunch outside at Tsé, a cool Chinese restaurant on rue d'Auteuil. It's located in a former train station belonging to a line that that used to run around Paris and that I photographed a long long time ago.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Le corbeau et le renard
The Crow and The Fox is one of the many fables by the famous man depicted in this statue, 17th century writer, Jean de la Fontaine. Every French school child has grown up with his stories, usually with a moral, similar to Aesop or Phaedrus. This statue is located near La Muette - Auteuil, and is a fine tribute to this former member of the Académie Française.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Brocante at La Bourse
Every weekend in Paris you can attend a Brocante like this one that I photographed on Place de la Bourse, the old stock market building. A Brocante is a sort of market where you can buy "cheap" antiques - well, at least cheaper than in a regular antiques shop. Still you can find good pieces there, like this old phonograph that is probably pretty rare nowadays. Of course, not very handy to play MP3, but much better looking!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Lovers in Paris
It's been a while since I've shown you a lovers couple on PDP, so here is one. I found them at the "Technoparade", kind of like the Gay Pride except that it's not gay! Same principle, same music, same joy but not the same age range. In this Parade, anyone older than 18 looks misplaced. I was LOL!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Giant Rugby Players!
Odd isn't? How did they manage to stick these players on this building? Is that come kind of projection? Or a mock up, the size of a doll house? Nothing of the kind... In fact the whole scene , including the building behind the players, is fake! That is painted on a giant plastic canvas. They do that a lot in Paris when they need to redo a building and don't want the people to see the work. I love them.
Friday, September 14, 2007
How long to Picadilly?

I did not know they had a bus service from La Madeleine (in Paris) to Picadilly Circus (in London)?! I'm kidding, they don't! In fact several companies (like this one)rent out all sorts of weird vehicles - yes, for us French this is a "weird vehicle"! - on special occasions: weddings, promotional tours, etc. This makes me think that I haven't been to London in years, maybe they don't have these buses there anymore! Have a good weekend everyone.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Hockey on the sidewalk
Yesterday evening, I went to a business party on the Porte Maillot, in the Nort/west part of Paris and when I walked out the building I came across a bunch of hockey players. This was quite unexpected and everybody was looking at them. I did too and could not help taking pictures - dozens of pictures! I ended up picking this one for today because of the "vibrating effect".
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
A must see gallery in Paris
Yesterday evening I attended a big opening in Galeriew, a gallery that I really love and where I already took a photo last year. It's not only very well located (near Les Abesses, not far from Montmartre) but it's also a great place to see. And, last, but not least, this gallery features real good artists. If you happen to be in the neighborhood do pay it a visit, it's located on 44 rue Lepic in the 18th arrondissement.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A view from the Ferris wheel
I wanted to keep it for a while but I could not resist posting it today. So, here is the photo I managed to take from the Ferris Wheel despite my vertigo and the lack of light! Needless to say that it's a pretty unusual point of view. On the left you can see the Obelisque of Louxor (that was given to France by Egyptian vice king Mehemet Ali in 1826 - some sources say 1830) , in the background the Arc de Triomphe and the long avenue in between is... Les Champs Elysées. Click on the image if you want to enlarge it.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Ferris Wheel
Last night, on my way home after I had dinner on the left bank, I passed by the Place de la Concorde and I saw the Ferris wheel near the Jardin des Tuileries. The weather was nice, it was still early and I decided to stop and take a ride for the 1st time in my life! I did not really enjoy it to be honest (I suffer from vertigo) but I did manage to take a good photo, that I'll show you later this week... this one is taken from the ground.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
After Velib, Pielib
You all remember Velib right? This new bike rental system that allows Parisians - and tourists - to pick up a bike from any of numerous stations spread out through the city. Well, yesterday, to make fun of all this and to get attention, someone (Sébastien Brochot) inaugurated the first Pielib station. Pielib is a play on word with Pied (foot in French) as Velib is also a play on word with Velo (bike in French). As you can see on the making of Pielib offers a "rental shoes service" and strangely use the exact same stations as Velib, LOL!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
A little music for the weekend?
In Paris there are classical and choir music concerts almost every night. These concerts are often given by good amateur - or semi professional - musicians who like to perform in front of an audience and cannot afford to rent big concert halls nor to advertise. That is why most of these concerts take place in churches and are simply promoted with bright posters like on this photo. It's a simple shot but I like the colors and the dirty old wall!
Friday, September 07, 2007
Paris hosts the Rugby World Cup
As you may know, this year France (OK, and Scotland too!) is hosting the 2007 Rugby World Cup. And today (Friday) is the big day: not only will the opening take place, but also the first match; France is to
Thursday, September 06, 2007
I am not a religious person but I love the feeling of peace that you experience when you enter a religious place. That's exactly what I felt a couple of days ago when I walked in the Saint Severin church and took this photo. They made this special room on the side of the church for the people to pray in peace. It works and... it makes a nice set for a photo too ;) I wish you a peaceful day.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Have you seen Kitty?
Well, if you have, you should report it to the Shakespeare and Company bookshop, a fantastic place that I have been willing to mention on PDP for a long time. It is located in the Latin Quarter (rue de
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Lunch outside
Monday, September 03, 2007
A fun way to move around Paris
If you're looking for an unusual way to visit Paris, how about this "Urban Car", a sort of taxi with no engine but a pedaling driver instead? This will not look too unfamiliar to some of my Asian visitors as you can easily find this kind of vehicles in countries like Thailand or Vietnam, but in Paris they are new. The main purpose is to limit the gas emission. It's affordable: 1€50 per person + 1€50 per kilometer (up to 2 passengers) - add one extra euro on Sundays. - and fun. More, here.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Graffiti Montmartre
Whether or not this graffiti artist is mocking "the art establishment" or not I do not know, but I do know that I really liked this when I came upon it. Taken in Montmartre - you can tell by the street sloping! - no space is safe from personal expression. You can also notice a poster for Gospel Dream. If you come to Paris and have time, you can see this and other gospel groups singing in some of Paris' famous churches.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Theme day : street light or sign
I returned just on time to take a photo for this month's theme day (a street light a sign). Since I already posted a traffic light recently, I chose a sign for today. And I didn't choose just any sign but the one on place Molière (you can see his statue in the background) in the 1st arrondissement. On the blue sign it says "no two wheel vehicle parking on the sidewalk". Yeah, right... You should see the number of scooters and motorbikes parked there, LOL?!
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