This is probably not the most beautiful photo I've ever posted here, but what it shows is interesting. In the background, there is a large painted wall on which you can see the remains of two typical old French ads: one for the soap Cadum and the other one for Dubonnet, a wine based aperitif. Both of these brands are very well known in France even though they are extremely old (Cadum was first launched in 1907 and Dubonnet in 1846). On top of that, both products still exist and are currently sold even though their advertising campaign is somewhat different nowadays ;). BTW I found this wall in the 13th arrondissement in rue de Tolbiac (close to number 126, obviously!)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Some brands never die...
This is probably not the most beautiful photo I've ever posted here, but what it shows is interesting. In the background, there is a large painted wall on which you can see the remains of two typical old French ads: one for the soap Cadum and the other one for Dubonnet, a wine based aperitif. Both of these brands are very well known in France even though they are extremely old (Cadum was first launched in 1907 and Dubonnet in 1846). On top of that, both products still exist and are currently sold even though their advertising campaign is somewhat different nowadays ;). BTW I found this wall in the 13th arrondissement in rue de Tolbiac (close to number 126, obviously!)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Paul Newman's death
The death of a good man "La mort d'un type bien". That is how Le Journal du Dimanche - the only Sunday paper in France - reported the news today. He was such a famous actor that the news must have been everywhere in the world . I did not know he had this sauce business which profits go to charities. Pretty cool I must say. Last night they replaced two of the usual Sunday night movies by The Color of Money and the Sting.I could not see any of them as I'm still working on my site!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
L'incroyable Restaurant
It's been a while since I've posted a food photo ;) This one is fresh from last night (Saturday), I took it at L'Incroyable (the Unbelievable), a restaurant located 26 rue de Richelieu in the 1st arrondissement where I was invited to a birthday dinner. What is hard to believe in this restaurant is the kind of mixture they dare doing: coca cola vinaigrette, foie gras bonbons (candies), fish and Chorizo... Portions are a little small for my taste, but the menu is reasonably priced and the flavors are truly unbelievable!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
American Chamber in Paris

I happened to go to the Paris American Chamber of cCommerce today to attend a little graduation party organized by ETS, a company that specializes in evaluation tests for languages (mostly English). At the end of the ceremony, I noticed this wall on which the photo of several of the Chamber Board of Directors was hanging. I thought it would make a cool photo despite the reflexion of the light on the frames. Have a great great weekend everyone, mine will be as quiet as possible! On Monday, I'll provide you with the web address of the site that has kept me so busy these past months...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Les Deux Magots meeting
When I heard Katie (from San Francisco), Lynn (from Phoenix) and Michael (from Miami & Paris!) were to meet at Les Deux Magots (one of the most famous cafés in Paris, located in the Saint Germain area) tonight, I was not sure I could join because of my work. I finally managed to get there at 8:30 to find out that Thibault, Guille and Heather, a newbe also from San Francisco were also there. We all ended up having dinner in the area and spent a super evening. I don't know who started this PDP thing, but it was a pretty good idea ;)!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A cute little car
I'm not a big car person but when I saw this little Autobianchi (an Italian make) in the rue de Buci (6ème arrondissement), I could not help taking a photo of it. It was so cute that a lot of passers by did the same or at least stopped to have a glance at it. This model - called La Bianchina - was built between 1957 and 1969 and it is so small - 10 x 3.3 feet - that it really looks like a toy even though it's got everything of a real car ;)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The details are in the devil!
I'm late posting tonight... It's 1:20 am, I'm back from the office (!) because of a project I'm still working on, so I won't have time to write a detailed caption... Allow me to post something simple like this smiling devil graffiti on a parking(!) meter 2 days ago. I thought it was cool (and yes, this green thing IS a parking(!) meter!). That's all. I'm off to bed now!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Madonna's concert tickets for sale!
I would think that in the age of the Internet, people who bought tickets to a concert they finally cannot attend would sell them on ebay or post a note in a music forum...I was wrong! The old techniques are still around, like sticking a little paper ad on trees in busy streets saying "I have two tickets to the Madonna concert to sell" with a telephone number. I don't know if they managed to sell their tickets, but I thought it would make a funny photo ;) BTW, the tree is a platane (plane tree) like many of the trees you find in the streets of Paris.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Safe way to the Safes...
Every year since 1984, on the 3rd weekend of September the Journées du Patrimoine (heritage days) take place. During 2 days, a lot of buildings that are usually closed to the public open their doors to the average citizen. About 15,000 architectural masterpieces (public and private) can then be visited throughout France. Needless to say that some (like L'Elysée, the home of the President of the Republic) are more visited than others... I had the opportunity to visit the headquarters of one of the largest French bank: La Société Générale (yes, the one where famous trader Jérôme Kerviel used to work!), located on Boulevard Haussmann. What you see here is the entrance to the safes. The door that protects them can be seen on the making of together with other details. PS: since 1991 other countries in Europe take part in the Heritage days; more info here.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Techno Parade

I don't always get the things that people I share society with go for. Hence, Techno Music! But precisely, when I don't understand something, I try my best to get to know it better, to make sure I don't miss something ;) That is precisely the reason why I went to the "Techno Parade" today (Saturday). The Techno Parade is a big march in the streets of Paris where thousands of young people - and sometimes less young - gather and dance to the beat! It was fun to watch, but I'm not sure I'll stay tuned to Radio FG (the "official" Techno music station!) all day long! More photos here in a little Animoto video.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Madame Tomate!

Regular visitors to Paris Daily Photo surely know who I believe to be my oldest fan: Tomate Farcie (stuffed tomato)! I could not help but thinking of her when I came across this restaurant on Boulevard Sebastopol. I did not try it, I just found out on the web that they mostly serve dishes from Provence (a French Southern region). Have a good weekend everyone.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Party at the convent!

I know it does not really look like I took this photo in a convent and though I did... Well, in a former convent, called "Le couvent des Récollets" (Recollects in English) located close to Gare de l'est, in the 10th arrondissement. Built
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Garden at the opera!
It's a very unexpected scene that I came across a few days ago, as I was passing by the Paris Opera (well the one we call Le Palais Garnier) ; a real "forest" growing on the front steps! I searched the web to find out more and I discovered that this was a street marketing operation to promote a new perfume for men by Guerlain (have a look at their web site, you have to be patient but it's quite impressive). I'm talking quite impressive!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
La - new - Coupole
I'm just back from a mythical place in Paris: La Coupole. Located at Boulevard du Montparnasse, this brasserie was created in 1927 and remained one of the hottest places to be seen at until the 60's. People like Josephine Baker, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre and a large number of other artists and celebrities of the time used to go there for a drink and a good dance in the basement dance hall. I went there for the inauguration of the brand new Coupole (dome) that 4 artists just decorated.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
"Vide Grenier"

We call "Vide Grenier" (attic clearing) what Anglo-Saxons generally call "Garage sales". There are many of them in France (check this web site if you want to see where they take place) and a few in Paris. FYI, the largest and most famous one takes place every year in Lille (in the north of France) the first weekend of September. I came across one last Sunday at the Place Saint Sulpice, where I took this photo. In France, Vide Greniers are highly controlled and sellers can be taxed if they sell stuff that they made, such as paintings, jewelry, etc.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Les Halles

This scene may look like a painting, but it's a sculpture made by Raymond Mason, a sculptor of British origins who settled down in Paris in 1946. It's called "Le départ des fruits et légumes du cœur de Paris, le 28 février 1969" (the leaving of fruit and vegetables from the heart of Paris on February 28,1969). This "heart" he is refering to, is Les Halles, the central market of Paris that was installed in the center of Paris in... 1135! When it became too small, in the early 70's they transfered it to Rungis, in the suburbs of Paris. But the name Les Halles, still remains. BTW, you'll never believe it, but I did not find this sculpture in a museum, but in the Saint Eustache church nearby!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Many hope to see the Pope
You may have heard of it, the pope is currently in Paris. This morning (that is Saturday morning) he celebrated mass on the Invalides Esplanade. I went there hoping to take a photo for PDP - if not of him, at least of the whole set - but the police would not let me in... Too many people. So I took this one from the next bridge I could access to.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Théâtre Athénée Louis Jouvet

I'm just back from a dinner at Les Paparazzi, a very nice Italian restaurant located near the opera, in a little passage sheltered from the noise of the street (which is unexpected in this area). Next to this restaurant I found this superb - and very famous - theater called L'Athénée-Louis Jouvet (Louis Jouvet was a beloved actor during the first half of the 20th century). It was built before 1900 but it was renewed and 1996 and is now part of the French Historical Monuments which means it cannot be destroyed nor altered.
Friday, September 12, 2008
A cool château!

On the eastern side of Paris there is a massive fortress with an impressive donjon called Le Château de Vincennes. It may not be as big and prestigious as the one of Versailles, but it's definitely worth a visit (it's easy to get there by metro). At the origin - in 1150! - it was just a simple hunting lodge (built for Louis the VIIth) and then it was turned into a castle over the centuries - including a large moat in which several people (such as spy Mata Hari, Duke of Enghien and Nazi hostages) were executed. The photo I took last night shows the main entrance door (you can have a global look of the Château lay out on the official site).
Thursday, September 11, 2008
No age limit to pay attention to your looks!

The weather continues to be nice so I went back for a walk to the Luxembourg gardens. I took this photo thinking that even if these two women have a "slight" difference of age, both of them paid attention to what clothes they would wear today! In French we say "Clothes don't make the monk" - l'habit ne fait pas le moine - but I don't really agree... You can deduct a lot of things by the way people dress, at least in France. In England people are judged by the way they speak, in France they are by the way they dress!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Paris Libraries
There are 58 public libraries in Paris where any Parisian can borrow books, CD Roms, magazines (3,5 million publications in total!) ... for free (you can even check availabilities on line) . But on top of these "everyday" libraries there are also specialized ones (historical, tourism, arts...) and the ones that belong to the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, where everything what France produced since the beginning of printing (and even before actually!) is kept. This one, called "La bibliothèque de l'Arsenal" is one of them; it shelters a large part of French literature. Of course, now that we entered the digital ages, you can also find and download thousands of French books on line...
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Last sun bath before winter?
OK, maybe the summer is not totally gone yet... At lunch time a lot of people go to the closest garden, take a chair and sit in the sun as long as they can. Talking about chairs, I remember when I was a little boy, you had to pay for these chairs. There was a sort of "Chair Police" - namely a garden keeper - who would come and go all day long and ask for money (it was probably very affordable) to the people already seated. I kept asking my mother: "How do they know who just sat and who already paid?!" I don't remember what her answer was...
Monday, September 08, 2008
Swinging in Paris!
I was walking around the Saint Germain area today when I came across a fantastic band who was playing in the street. I couldn't help but stop to listen to them for quite a while (and contribute to their "paycheck" for the day...). I also found it interesting to capture an ad for a Bach concert in the background... They have a funny name - The Buddy DiCollette Band - and they can be hired for any type of event. I would really recommend them. I know most of you are far from here, so why not pay a little visit to their Myspace page?
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Really Just Married!
Between June and September you find a lot of newly weds in the streets of Paris. They are generally followed by a photographer trying to catch their best profile ;) These two were no exception - and I was not the "official" photographer (as a matter of fact I often receive emails from people who plan to get married in Paris and want to be photographed!). FYI, there were 266,500 marriages in 2007, a pretty stable rate within the last 10 years (with the exception of 2000 of course...)
Saturday, September 06, 2008
What really unites Europe!
Do you want to know when Europeans feel the most united? When they hear the European anthem? When they pay with a Euro bill? When they hear that the European parliament passed a new law?! All wrong! It's when they play the Euromillion, a European lottery with much higher stakes than local ones! Tonight, each of the inhabitants of 9 European countries can take part in it (well the ones who bought a ticket!) expecting to win no less than... 114 million Euros. And, yes, since you're asking, I'm one of them. I'm not too confident though... there is only 1 chance in 76 million!! If I do win, I promise to keep doing Paris Daily Photo...just from a nicer computer...
Friday, September 05, 2008
Hi there!

I love this photo, not only because it shows this giant head by sculptor Louis Derbré (it is called Le Prophète and was made after an Egyptian statue) but because of the little lady at its base. I took this photo in the Luxembourg gardens, just like the one of yesterday. You may wonder what a giant sculpture is doing in these gardens?! Well it's part of the Artsena exhibit, a yearly art exhibition organized by the Senate (which is also located in the Luxembourg gardens).
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Close encounter of a weird type!
Did I happen to witness an astronauts convention by coincidence? Did France suffer a Nuclear accident that only I was aware of?! All wrong, these weird little white men are simply harvesting honey from the Luxembourg gardens beehives... For yes, as some of you already know, we still have beehives in the middle of Paris (there and in the Georges Brassens park) that are used by the members of a society that was founded in 1856. By the way, if you're around the area on September 20 and 21, you'll have the opportunity of buying this honey ;)
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Save the Brits!
Even if it's improving, the French are generally not very good at foreign languages and at English in particular. That is why some companies that specialize in language training take advantage of this situation to sell their courses. One of them - Telelangue - is currently running this pretty funny ad campaign at the moment on Paris buses. It shows a "typical Englishman" (well, according to his tartan, this one is probably more Scottish than English...) with the following caption: "Stop massacring the Englishman" which, in French, also means "Stop massacring the English language". Funny.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Who said only dogs drop things on the ground in Paris, humans do too LOL! I hope this ice cream did not belong to a child whose mother said "It serves you right, I told you to pay attention. No, I'm not going to buy you a new one!" That's all for today. Not a very typical Paris photo - except for the pavement of course, which is part of the jardins du Palais Royal! - but a one that seems to say: "It's the end of the summer!".
Monday, September 01, 2008
Theme Day : sister city

Our theme day for the 1st of September isSister City(ies) and I must say that I had no idea who Paris was the sister of until now. Wikipedia helped me discover that Paris has one and only sister: Rome, in Italy. The family ties must not be very strong though as I'm sure nobody knows that here and we do not hear much about exchanges or cross activities with Rome in the local news... One thing I discovered though: Parisians can visit city owned museums for free in Rome, providing they show their ID. Isn't that cool? Anyway, like always, pay a visit to all "sister city daily photo blogs", 148 are taking part in the game this month!
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
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