I found this in the 2nd arrondissement in the window of Ikks, a sportswear shop that I had never heard of before. It's located on rue d'Argout, not far from La Place de la Victoire, an area famous for hosting the most fashionable international brands.
How in keeping. We celebrated St. Patrick's Day with the family. We had the traditional corned beef and cabbage (with potatoes and carrots)dinner. We all wore kelly green and little shamrock badges. Dessert was little cakes decorated with shamrocks, pots of gold, etc. Guess what! We have absolutely no Irish blood...mostly French and German mixed with a dash of Welsh and a spot of Jewish. It is a fun holiday and we love the traditional dinner. The Green, green is so apropriate for this day.
ReplyDeleteAh, good one, and perfect for St. Patty!
ReplyDeleteLooks like a fooof of foam! Was reading about a famous Spanish "deconstructionist" chef in Barcelona who makes foams out of all sorts of food - reminds me of this.
ReplyDeleteYum Yum looks like cotton candy.
ReplyDeleteCotton candy is what I immediately thought of as well, pastorrick!
ReplyDeleteGood photo, Eric!
Pat's Photos and
Guelph Daily Photo
I actually thought it was cottom candy when I first looked at it. Not until I read the text did I realise what it really was. And then again I had to take a second look to be certain!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the 3 glasses of wine I had over an amusing dinner tonight have something to do with it.
May the road rise up to meet you.
ReplyDeleteMay the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Yes, cotton candy or a snow-cone! Hope you're feeling better, Eric.
ReplyDeleteOff topic, but I just got home from a performance by Angela Gheorghiu - soprano extraordinnaire! C'etait magnifique!! The first 3 songs she sang were in French, and it made me long for beautiful Paris! I strongly recommend going to see her when she comes to your towns! Happy Dimanche - Off to bed pour moi.
LOL Johnny about the corned beef and cabbage!
ReplyDeleteThe other night I was watching the Food Channel and a program called "Good Eats" - topic of which was corned beef and cabbage. There was also a food anthropologist on, and according to her corned beef and cabbage is not a traditional Irish dish. First off, beef and salt were far too expensive for the average person to use a lot of it. It is more an Irish-American dish. When the Irish came to the States, they looked for an inexpensive food to replace the bacon joint they were used to using at home. And picked up corned beef from their Jewish neighbors.
So the next time you are enjoying corned beef and cabbage, don't thank Paddy O'Reilly. Thank the Goldfarbs next door!
Hi Kate - lovely words from a beautiful poem which I love (and can't remember the name of) but what you have written is incomplete. It was last seen spoken in the movie "Four Weddings and a Funeral" at the funeral - by the fellow whose gay partner had just died - in beautiful scottish accent. Can't remember the name of the author though. Can you help out?
ReplyDeleteWhy do you put this poem in here? Are you sad? Have you lost someone recently? Is it connected in some way to St Patrick's Day? When WAS St Pat's Day - did I miss it? In Australia in some pubs, they put food colouring in the beer and everyone drinks green beer (if they drink beer that is, which I do not).
How uncanny is this? Last night i dreamt of someone with green hair! Exactly the same shade but it was long and straw-like. It was my job to groom it and make it neater than it was. Dreams are weird. Prophetic too!
ReplyDeleteThis is a fun photo which catches your eye as soon as it loads! Hope you are feeling better dear Eric? Hope you have someone there to bring you good things to eat and drink. At least you could spend the day in bed surfing your 'family's' blogs!
Speaking of "most fashionable brands" Eric, I happened to catch a Mariah Carey with Snoop Dogg video on tv this morning called Say Something. It was all filmed in Paris and is no doubt a paid advertising by Louis Vitton! I used to like Mariah, but she has really become a bit of a slut I think.
ReplyDeleteThe video may have been out a while, but it's the first time I saw it. When you click on the link, you'll have to wait until another bit of advertising flies by to see Mariah strutting her (big) stuff in the streets of Paris.
Eeuuuwww yes Michael, tasteless i'm afraid. Slutty yes. Only good thing was seeing Pareeeee!
ReplyDeleteMoney can't buy breeding......sigh........
They could actually be quite yummy, these candy floss heads couldn't they? Barbe a papa vert - miam.
ReplyDeleteBenaut, I should have added the title; it's "An Irish Blessing" in keeping with the St.Patrick's Day theme!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kate! Perhaps I saw it elsewhere in the movie. It is a beautiful blessing anyway and thank you so much to Haxo for finding me the WH Auden poem so that I can memorise the words. I remember being struck dumb when I saw it read aloud. So, powerful. And Haxo, I did realise that the last sentence was yours!
ReplyDeleteHappy St. Pats Day anyway - obviously I have no Irish blood but I think M.B has a little in there somewhere. He has the wonderful touch of the 'Blarney Stone'.
Eric - this is a wonderful take on a very Green Day.
Mme B. xx
In UK it's also Mother's Day!
ReplyDeletePat...loved photos of the green carnations...beautiful....great blogsite...thanks.
ReplyDeleteKate....that poem is one of my favorites...thanks.
MetaMama...neat bit of info..thanks, Mrs. Goldfarb for yesterday's meal.
Haxo..copied the poem for posterity..you are a marvel, as always...thanks.
Michael...Mariah is sexy..slutty follows but she's got "it" and she flaunts "it" just like Clara Bow.
Don't you all love PdP? I do.
Yes, Johnny, indeed we do!
ReplyDeleteEric, having only recently discovered Paris Daily Photo, may I thank you? I LOVE the photos and captions and your lovely online community.
ReplyDeleteWe celebrated St. Patrick's Day here with Corned Beef and Cabbage, Soda Bread, Irish Coffee, and lots of Irish jokes and laughs. (I'm 1/4 Irish). Do you know that in Chicago, where I lived for eleven years, they dye the Chicago River green?
I hope you are feeling better. Do you have Airborne in Europe? It was invented by a Teacher tired of catching colds.
Check it out on greenchicagoriver.com!
ReplyDeleteReally cool Janice. I'm green with envy! Now the real question that I didn't see answered on the link you left: "what do they use to dye the river green?"
ReplyDeleteI always say on St Patty's day.."Thank G*D I'm not Irish..I look terrible in Green"!!! I used to work with a guy that dyed his hair green every St Patrick's Day...San Francisco...Go figure!!!!
ReplyDeleteMichael...You kill me...LOL!! "A bit of a slut I think..." Well, at least she can sing, which is more than I can say for some of those other "sluts" out there with their mugs all over the place!! I admit..I still "LUVS" my Mariah!! LOL!!! Thanks for the Video!!! Was that a Louis Vuitton bikini she was wearing??? Oh la la !!! Mariah is a true New York girl made good, and many people made a fortune off of her. She is one of the very few female vocalists recording that can skip octaves when singing. Two others were Ella FitzGerald and Aretha Frankilin.
Eric...Hope you're feeling better!! I'm surprised Lynn didn't jump on the Eurostar and rush you a Tisane from merry olde England!!! LOL!!! Bon dimanche!!!
Kpgallant: Oh my goodness why didn't i think of that? You know, i would? But it's Mother's Day here in the UK and i've got to be here to give my son (15) - lucky for him he's the only one of my three here right now - lots of kisses and cuddles. He tells me he's fine about it and JUST GO MUM , GET OFF, STOP KISSING ME, I'M 15 FOR GODS SAKE - but i reckon he's just being kind in favour of Eric. No, i'd better stay. Son? Want another cuddle for Mother's Day? oh he's gone again, urgent room tidying or something he said. He's such a treasure that boy....
ReplyDeleteYou can see how enthused he is by all the attention today, incidentally, at my Things UK blog (he's the one with glasses). He just loves it, i'm sure. It's there in his face, don't you think?
ReplyDeleteSalut Eric - I just discovered you after hearing about the citydailyphoto site on France Inter. What a great blog you have here. I am agree with the emission.
ReplyDeleteLynn...Since you like Orwell so much, check out this article in the SF Chronicle today. Good photos!
Kpgallant oh that was so interesting! Islay here i come (i have a friend by that name incidentally). Reading all through that just makes me want to pick up 1984 all over again! I often wish i'd never read it so i'd have the pleasure of first read! Thanks for that. Another great Eric.
ReplyDeleteThank you Haxo Station for putting here this touching poem. I heard it for the first time watching the movie Four weddings and a funeral and I never forgot WH Auden words since then. I think it´s a powerful poem with strong and very meaningful words. I love when he says "He was my North, my South, my East and West,
ReplyDeleteMy working week and my Sunday rest"
That´s what´s so great about PDP, at one same day we can talk about cottom candy, St.Patricks day, poems, Mariah Carey videos...! Johnny´s right, we all love PDP!
Eric, are you feeling any better?
ReplyDeleteI share the same worry as Lynn (like Clo. well said it yesterday, we´re partners in crime so we have a mission in commom you know!), hope you have someone there to bring you things to eat and drink while resting. It´s so good to have someone to take care of us when we´re feeling like this.
Thanks for your comment Monica.
ReplyDeleteMichael, the river has been dyed with vegetable dye since 1966; that and a little leprechaun magic!
ReplyDeleteJohnny - speaking of movies - you've obviously missed out on this one!
ReplyDeleteThe Boy With Green Hair
Better yet! You can watch the entire movie here!
ReplyDeleteTHE MOVIE: The Boy With Green Hair
ok Michael i've spilled the beans as requested... lol
ReplyDeleteHe looks like an Oompa-Loompa.
ReplyDeleteJust saw the other video... Mariah Carey a bit slutty?
ReplyDeleteTell you what Michael I wouldn't mind shooting a video like this is Paris and being surrounded by LV goods! Anything done in the boulevards of Paris sounds nice to me.
So Mariah in this video is, as we say here "é para quem pode e não para quem quer"! Sorry, really don't know how to translate this one.
Michael,me lad, I saw the movie when it first came out in the late forties. Dean Stockwell, Guy's brother, is two years younger than I. He was such a cute little kid. Who would know after "Quantum Leap"? They were both excellent actors. One of my favorite weird movies called "Blue Velvet" starred him and Ingrid Bergman's daughter, Isabella Rosselini. The movie is a little risque and dark at the same time.
ReplyDeleteHi everyone,
ReplyDeleteYes I'm feeling much better thanks after I spent another day sleeping!
I'll have a longer look at your comments tomorrow, I just posted my today's photo and it's time for me to... go back to bed!
ah... Blue Velvet... (sigh) :-D
ReplyDeleteThis wig is VERY MUCH like the one I wore this past Halloween (I was a slutty Oompa Loompa.) I wish I could post a photo here!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHey Buzzgirl, you're not kidding! This photo of you looks strikingly similar to Eric's post!
ReplyDeleteSo do we Buzz girl - we want to see!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Michael! I think.
ReplyDeleteMichael, where do you get all your links? I liked the song for the Mariah video, kinda old school, nice sound. Too bad they didn't focus more on the Paris sights instead of M's big stuff (that line cracked me up), you like them petite, huh?
ReplyDeleteActually Cali, it was a polite way of saying she's gained a lot of weight and still trys to fit into those skimpy outfits! The links are easy to find if you know what you're looking for. For instance, I remembered Buzzgirl's photo once she mentioned it.
ReplyDeleteCali...heard of "google"?
ReplyDeleteMichael, perhaps she can't afford new clothes so she has to put 10lbs into a 5lb. sack. LOL
ReplyDeleteOf course I've heard of google, I meant it more in jest!
ReplyDeleteAh! I thought you were really in "awe"! As if it were magic....
ReplyDeleteIt is "magic" that he provides the links and saves me the time to go searching for them and greatly appreciated.