Monday, October 29, 2007

I love you, Ich liebe dich, Volim te, Te quiero...

You want to know how to say "I love you" in Urdu, Arabic or Vietnamese? Well, simple, you just need to go to Le jardin des Abesses where you will see the "Mur des Je t'aime", where "I love you" is written in more than 300 languages and dialects. This wall, made of 511 blue tiles, is actually a work of art created by Frédéric Baron and Claire Kito. Frédéric collected the I love yous between 1992 and 1998 and Claire is a Calligraphy expert. Very cool idea. Check this site if you want to know more (in French only) and this Quicktime video if you want to see the whole wall.


  1. Found the Japanese rather quickly over near the bottom left corner. What can those two people be waiting for? Someone with which to play a quick game of table football or ping pong? Or someone to speak the words they long to hear?

  2. Волим Париз!!!

    Хвала ти Ериче!


    Paris je t'aime!
    Merci Eric!

  3. I wonder if I would find the Jamaican version of "I love you" on that wall written in our local dialect Patois?

    Well here it is:
    "Mi check fi you still" ;-)

  4. Is Place des Abesses near Montmartre? I haven't considered visiting Montmartre yet because in the end Versailles won my vote! If I do go to Monmartre, I'd like to see that metro station with the very beautiful scriptwork.

    The Strange Republic

  5. Great shot and great concept, and I might add... quite romantic! ;)

  6. This is the kind of things people loooove in Paris because it is so romannnnntttiiiiic:)

  7. Lovely wall, what a great idea. Are you in a romantic mood, Eric? Want to share?

  8. an other spot I will have to check out next time I visit Paris, it's nice

  9. Ah, Abesses, with the original art nouveau Metro entry and pleasant little garden, and the odd wood church across the street. This wall is a nice accessory.

  10. I am encouraged that there are still people that would feel compelled to create a monument dedicated to LOVE! Another reason why Paris is not only the City of Lights, but the City of Love, as well. With my own rich heritage of German, Spanish, English and Welsh, I grew up hearing 'I Love You' in various languages. Thanks for this reminder, Eric, and a LOVEly way to begin the week. Bon debut de semaine a tous!
    xxx ooo xxx ooo xxx

  11. I couldn´t see the video but I hope the wall has "Eu Te Amo" written on it!

  12. I'm sure it's there, Monica, but rest assured, Nós te amo.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. What a great place...Merci Eric!! t'aime Paris aussi!

    It makes me think of all the great songs we could listen to What the World Needs now is Love and the song we all must know...and hum every once in a while..I Love Paris...and why?? "because my Love is near..." Oh la la la!!!

  15. How do they keep it free from grafitti? Parisians are more respectfully than Angelenos, bien sur.

    Tonton, I vote for "All you need is love" (je suis trop computer impaired to make a link :( )

  16. Jeff, that is the loveliest thing I've heard lately!
    Thanks, love you all too!

  17. Huummm I'm not sure the Jamaican version is up there ;) But I like "Mi check fi you still" !!

    Yes Place des Abesses is VERY near Montmartre an it's worth the visit (OK, Versailles too ;))

    Loraine: "With my own rich heritage of German, Spanish, English and Welsh, I grew up hearing 'I Love You'" isn't that nice?!

    Hey Monica, how have you been?! I'm 100% sure it's also written in Portuguese.

    Thanks Tonton I love Dione and Ella. Thank you really.

    Well Pont Girl, there are a few graffitis, but they all deal with "I love you".

    Well Monica, Jeff will always be Jeff!

  18. Awww, un mur qui nous laisse sous le charme.
