Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas... you all! Thank you for your kindness, your nice comments, your puns, your cheerfulness, your compliments... Let me me send you a big kiss from Paris!


  1. What a wonderful posting!
    That is fantastic and by far the best picture of you I have ever seen!
    Merry Christmas to you too...

  2. Merry Christmas to you, Eric. This is a great photo. I am smiling back at you!!!

  3. Hey - Rose, GF!!!!

    I also like this photo!

  4. Eric, this is perfect. Love it -- and the same to you: many bisous for noel!

  5. I can't believe I am GF on Christmas Day!!!! That is the best present ever!

  6. Wow! Now THAT's what I call a Christmas post! How fantastic to see you smiling out at me...oh sorry I mean us...;) LOL. You look very handsome and very happy Eric. This is a really great photo - and well deserved I feel; we don't see you often enough! xxx Merry Christmas to you too xxx

  7. Well deserved, Rose. Merry Christmas.

  8. Wow -- lots of flying fingers the past couple of minutes! Congrats, Rose -- well done!

  9. Hey everyone, Eric kissed ME in Paris!

    Oh, and you, too. HAHAHA!

    Merry Christmas to you, Eric! I raise my glass to you and the entire PDP family. You all hold a very special place in my heart.

  10. Lynn...
    He is smiling at me because if you remember I saw him first!
    I am GF! I am GF...Yay!!!
    Merry Christmas everyone!

  11. Rose, you deserve to be GF on Christmas Day! YAY!

  12. Oh Eric what a fabulous photo! I can feel the warmth of your smile and Christmas wishes all the way from Paris! Merry Christmas to you and PDPers worldwide!

    Woohooo Rose you got the Christmas GF!

  13. Merry Christmas, love the pictures on your blog :). Regards from Marcel (Woerden blog)

  14. Oh Eric! You charmer you! A Very Merry Christmas to you too.

  15. I m so excited... you have no idea. My son and husband are laughing at me because I am jumping up and down with my arms in the air, dancing in the room.... celebrating!
    Now I better go and find a picture to put on my own blog!
    Ho ho ho...

  16. Thank you and a very big Merry Christmas to you too! I've been enjoying your site for the past two years and you inspired me to start my own. I thank you for that because it's been great fun!

  17. LOL Rose!! It's lovely to see you so excited like this. OK, you're right, Eric saw you first, or you saw him or whatever. YOU are GF! Enjoy it! er.... p.s. coucou Eric. LOL!

  18. Psst! Girls! Have we also got a peek into Eric's apartment? Wow. A scoop!

  19. Merry Christmas back!!

    Thank you for your wonderful blog!!!

    Blowing kisses back from Los Angeles where my family and I are wishing we were in Paris!!!

    Joyeux Noel!!!

  20. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family from me and Patty.

  21. I LOOOVE it!! Eric, that's really cute! I just hope the girls are not disappointed since they were waiting for a sort of chandelier, or something... :p

    I escaped to the family, but they're calling me for the dessert now (French tradition of loooooong meals).

    Merry Xmas to you all!!

    Man, I really love this picture. It makes me smile!

  22. Rose, GF!! For the best day of the year...waw.

  23. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Nice!!!
    Right back at ya! ;)

    Best wishes to you and your loved ones for the holidays and the new year. Same wishes to your readers, to all the regulars, and all the others, those who come on a regular basis but are too shy to post anything.

    Happy holidays to all! :)

  24. OK, but only on the cheek.

    You know the two words that I think of when I see this gracious holiday greeting?

    Celebratory celebrity.

    P.S. Thanks a lot Tomate.

  25. Oh yes, Guille thanks for reminding us. Eric? Do you have a chandalier photo for us too?....;)

    Guille I left a message on your mobile!

  26. Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noel! To Eric and all the PDP-ers.

    With very best regards and wishes from Scooter in NH

  27. Merry Christmas to you also, Eric. Thanks for all the wonderful posts.

  28. Wow!!! Wonderful photo Eric!it made me smile & I have enjoyed coming here everyday.seeing another wondeful shot of Paris<333
    Eveyone on here has been so nice. I wish you all the very merry Christmas!!! And new year. For you Eric--
    Joyeux Noel!

  29. Oh Eric, I'd love a big kiss from all my Parisian friends. Smoochie smooch from Birmingham, Al. Can't you feel the love???? Joyeux Noël Eric!!!


  30. Merry Christmas and Joyeux Noel to you Eric and to all of your PDP and CDP fans. May 2009 be a happy and healthy year for all.

  31. Thank you for the great "Christmas card"!
    A very Merry Christmas and Joyeux Noel to you and your family!

  32. Eric, you're the best my man! Merry Christmas to you and merci for all your fantastic photography this past year. You and your camera rock baby! ;-)

  33. And also to you, Eric! A kiss on both cheeks.

  34. Ah Eric you look so happy, no doubt Santa has left you some great presents... Feliz Navidad from Smitha and I!!

  35. I love it! Merry Christmas to you too and thanks for so many really beautiful and interesting photos.

  36. I missed midnight by a long shot! But I didn't miss the sentiment. Merry Christmas to Eric, and to all of PDP. Eric, you make me smile every day. It's a pleasure to see your smile on Christmas!

    Wait 'til I tell John I got Eric for Christmas!

  37. What a wonderful Christmas posting. Love the photograph of you, Eric, and your kind words. Of course it is WE who thank YOU.

    Have a great Christmas!

  38. Merci, mon ami. You da man.

    I love this photo.

    After hosting a dinner for family, I confess I'm exhausted.

    A bientot.

  39. Thank you, Eric!! Marry Christmas to you!! Merry Christmas to everyone!! Thanks to you I have created my own blog and enjoy blogging enourmously!! Thank you!!!

  40. Happy, Happy Christmas Eric and everyone at PDP. You make me merry, merry.

  41. Merry Christmas Eric! I just love CDP as well as PDP. Keep it up!

  42. Merry Ho Ho Hos to you and yours - thanks for following my musings at Sydney Daily Photo

  43. Just a quick hello from Trouville where I am currently. Just hooked to the Internet from a Cafe (curiously my 95 year old aunt does not have DSL!!)

    I'll read your comments more in depth tonight, but from what I quick saw, it seems that you enjoyed this photo ;) (Sorry no chandelier ;)) And a big round of applause for GF Rose!

    A plus tard, more food is waiting for me!

  44. OH.... this is just the sweetest christmas greeting this year.
    Merry Christmas, and a big kiss, to you too Eric. And to everybody else as well....

  45. Joyeux Noël Eric
    Thanks for all the great photos.

  46. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones too, Eric from MB et moi.

  47. Well, look at you. I can just barely make out a six pack behind the card. What a thrill for a lady in her sixties!

    Merry Christmas!


    And thank you for all the Paris photos that you give to your readers to enjoy all year long.

    Now go get some clothes on before you catch a cold on Christmas day.

  48. Coucou Eric! How lovely that you are with your 95 year old Auntie today! Happy Christmas Auntie! xx

  49. Merry Christmas and thanks for the joy you bring into my life each morning,

  50. Merry Christmas and thanks for the joy you bring into my life each morning,

  51. Joyeux Noel, Eric -- I visited Paris for the first time this summer but no one gave me a kiss! Just discovered your blog and thanks so much for the wonderful pictures! by the way what is GF -- a newbie wants to know!

  52. Joyeux Noel! I alwyas enjoy reading your blog, and admiring your photos. I looke forward to many more in 2009!

  53. Merry Christmas, dear Eric! Thank you for being such an inspiration to us all (and to me personally too).

    Enjoy your Christmas and time with family. And the food too!

  54. Its early on a soft, silent, peaceful Christmas morning here in LA and, as a gentle rain falls outside, I'm so warm and toasty inside looking at your very happy smile, Eric, and reading everyone's beautiful yuletide comments.

    What a lovely, wonderful Christmas present. A warm and toasty Joyeux Noel to all my PDP friends, known and unknown! xxoo

  55. MERRY CHRISTMAS ERIC!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is the best gift we could get from PDP! You have such a beautiful and merry smile!!!!!!!!

    We are the ones to thank you for all your effort, you never let us down, not even for a day. And you gave us the opportunity to get to know such great people from all over the world.

    You are our Santa!!!!!!!

  56. Rose, congrats GF!!

    A Very Merry Christmas to you all my dear friends!!!!!!!!!!!

    I could never thank you enough for all your TLC.

    Wish everyone a fantastic holiday season!!!!!!

  57. Eric say hi to your auntie and enjoy your special meal!

  58. Merry Christmas from California. Thank you for all the wonderful moments of pleasure received from your photos. Happy New Year!

  59. Merry Xmas too! Cheers! I have been a follower since discovering your site for a visit to Paris last August for me and mty wife. Really enjoy the pictures, used as many a desktop background!

  60. Thank you so much,Eric, & right back at ya! (Sorry about the lipstick! :-) ) Wishing you and all the PDPers much joy and happiness today and in the year to come. Merci my friend!
    Seattle Daily Photo
    (Checking in from the San Francisco Bay Area.)

  61. I've reminded Eric of the promised chandelier photo on more than one occasion! Now I give up, he's obviously chickened out.....sniff........!!!! Happy Christmas Evening everybody!!

  62. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones Eric.
    Lovely photo !

  63. Dear Eric Happy holidays!
    I wish you lots of happiness and great moments in the new year!

  64. Many, many blessings at this holiday season, Eric.


  65. Best Christmas wishes to you Eric! Hope you're enjoying the holiday.

  66. hehehehe...wishing you all the love, happiness, success and peace, Eric!!:)
    Merry Christmas!!:)

  67. I don't have the time today to read all my friends comments to you so I hope I don't repeat what has already been said.
    This was the BEST! I love how joyful you look. It is about time you posted a picture JUST of yourself.

    This was one nice surprise!!!!!!

  68. Eric
    I have got a question for you:
    Who took that photo?

  69. Just saw Rose is GF! LOL, ROSE!!!I know how you felt! I have had a yelp or two of my own when I was first, and how those nerves kick in when you type, hoping you really will be first. I will give a nice yelp for you,too.WHOOOOOO hewwwwwwwwwwwww!

  70. Happy Christmas from Capitola-by-the-Sea (north of Carmel, south of San Francisco on the Monterey Bay).
    Looking forward to sharing a meal in the future.
    Many Blessings for Christmas and these twelve Holy Nights,

  71. Merry Christmas to you! and have a wonderful New Year!

  72. A big kiss from Paris to Brazil.
    Je viens souvent à ton Blog, silencieuse.
    Je suis brésilienne,j'écris un petit peu en Français mais l'Anglais, je sais lire un peu, mais pas écrire.
    J'aime ton blog parce que j'apprends sur Paris et j'essaie de lire en Anglais.
    A kiss for you.

  73. Joyeux Noel to you Eric and all of the PDPerssssssss!!!! What a joy to click onto each day...Merci!!

  74. Merry Christmas, Eric! Wishing you a wonderful, happy and healthy 2009.
    From Nikki in Vancouver
    LOVE PDP!!!

  75. Happy Holidays to one and all from Mama, Duncan, Lamont, Leland, Kailey, and Lynette, from Portland, Oregon, USA.

    Thank you so much for City Daily Photo!

  76. Merry Christmas!! Joyeux Noel!

    and Merci Beaucoup, Eric!! We appreciate all that you do for us.

    PS. Wonderful picture!

  77. Such joy. What a tribute to you and this community.

    Rose: a timer!

  78. > Rose "Eric, I have got a question for you: Who took that photo?"

    Eh eh, investigating, as always eh?! Well, sorry to disappoint you, but the person who took this photo is... me, myself and I! If you look carefully, in my right hand you'll see a little black box. It's a remote control that allows me to trigger my camera. It's the first time I used it!

  79. Merry Christmas, Eric. Thank you for sharing Paris with us. Wishing you all the best.


  80. Blessed Eric, thank you for the gift you give us every day!

  81. As a former visitor to Paris let me just say I LOVE your blog - it reminds me of all the reasons I hope someday to go back to live, at least for a time! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful photos that remind me of all the many wonderful and poingnant parts of Paris! Best wishes and Joyeux Noel!!!
    -Elizabeth Nelson
    Mankato, Minnesota USA

  82. Merry Christmas to you, Eric! And a big Christmas smooch from the USA!

  83. MERRY CHRISTMAS ERIC! I've really enjoyed reading your blog this year, and I look forward to reading many more!
