The 13th arrondissement used to be, at the beginning of the century, the place where a lot of French companies (Panhard, Say, Thomson...) had their factories. Quite logically that was also the place where a lot of workers "chose" to live (one did not commute at that time!) - in small modest houses. In the 60's and the 70's the factories left for the suburbs (or the other side of the world!) and the little houses were soon replaced by tall buildings in which one could fit more people. Here is a typical example.
Yo !!! Great picture, my dear Eric... And you'll have to sweep those spams... 5 at a time, you must be in the Google top ten ???
ReplyDelete> Isido. Yeah, this really is driving me crazy! And to my knowledge there are no antispam tools for blogger.
ReplyDeleteje trouve ton blog excellent.
Bonne continuation.
There is something that makes this building look like a honeycomb. I guess that the metaphor of workers as busy bees still works!
ReplyDelete> Merci Melie!
ReplyDelete> Elisabeth. What a poet you are... ANd to answer your question on your blog, this year I only took a couple of days off to go to Mont Saint Michel and to Normandie. I have a trip to the US planned for October too (California). It's work, but a little vacation too!
>Eric : California, working ? You're joking, no ? Or you're talking about working on your tan ?
ReplyDeleteIsido - I have often been told, by east coast friends who had relocated (usually, rather briefly) to California, that the seemingly relaxed ways of Californians only barely mask the most extreme cases of American workoholism and on-the-job stress. Don't let those nice tans, surfboards and bathing suits fool you!
ReplyDeleteHmm. How much does an apartment in a place like that go for?
ReplyDeleteam going to nyc on 15-26 october. we might bump into each other at jfk, if you have a connection there...
ReplyDeletepicture couldnt illustrate more the cage-a-lapins concept...
>Elisabeth : I also eard (euh, good word ?) that about workholism and so on... And that way of life is not one I like. I don't care about what I look and what people are thinking of me. In fact, that's because Eric has always a beautiful tan, even in winter. Such a beautiful guy... :-)))
ReplyDelete> Charlus, BTW : I know the guy living in that building, third row from the left, 4th floor. And you're right, he has long ears...
ReplyDeleteJe vais habiter avec une famille au 13e en automne pour mes études à l'étranger et je voudrais savoir où se trouve ce bâtiment au 13e...je suis curieux de savoir quel type d'hebergement je vais avoir pendant mon séjour à Paris...
ReplyDeleteMerci, j'aime bien ton blog. Continuez!
> Matteo. LOL. Et bien , c'est avenue d'Italie, pas très loin de la Place...
ReplyDeleteah, dommage...je serais plus près de la Seine...rue du dessous-des-berges, en fait...
ReplyDeleteMais, maintenant en réfléchissant, peut-etre c'est mieux...ces "boites" dans le photo ne semblent pas comme un très acceuillant endroit à habiter...
Les architectes des années 70 ne savait pas beaucoup sur l'esthetique, je crois, lol...