Wednesday, February 01, 2006

How to tow away a garbage truck in Paris?

I had no idea how big trucks/Lorries were towed away when they break down. Now I know... They (well, the driver...) call(s) this company and ask(s) for the "big one" which is no less than a huge American tractor (real name: Kenworth W900 - I bet La camioneuse knows everything about it ;)). Very unusual shot in Paris that I took on the way to work Monday morning. Do pay a visit to the towing company they have amazing photo galleries.


  1. Great Paris blog. I like how you shoot your city. Not the usual stuff you see in travel books about Paris.
    You can feel there is a soul in this blog. Nice work. Keep blogging from Paris.
    I will link you to my site in the near future.

  2. Now the only question is, what do they do when the "big one" breaks down? ;)

  3. Wow! Straight from a Hollywood movie. How do they get round corners?

  4. Wahou !! C'est comme si je voyais un truc Renault dépanner un Kenworth à Montréal...c'est super rigolo comme photo :-).

    En plus de ca, ils défilent le 14 juillet :-)...trop fort.

  5. Euh...j'ai ecrit truc, je voulais ecrire truck :-(. Desolée :-D.

  6. skaribou, je te remercie de corriger car, en effet, il me semble utile de préciser -en bon franchouillard chauvin- que Renault ne fait pas des "trucs", mais de belles voitures et même d'exxxxxxxcellents camions !!

  7. Leave it to Paris...very organized, even in their towing situations.
    Great shot, Eric.

  8. I think it's funny that a truck can be so unique! This seems so normal to me. However, is the truck red, white and blue or bleu, blanc et rouge?

  9. Speaking of red, white & blue Eric, Patti has an article on her blog called "Bush, State of the Union, tongue thrusts". Hope you don't mind me putting a plug in here for her blog, but it's quite funny.

  10. How does a big truck like that gets around the little streets of Paris, I wonder?!! A small SUV couldn't go through many of these streets!

    By the way, I hope they remember to empty the garbage out of the truck before they take it out of service for repairs ...

  11. always nice to see an amerian truck in france.
    when I see this trucks in reality I have the feeling not to watch an american movie but to be there inside the movie.

  12. That's a big truck for some pretty crowded streets.

  13. Woohoo that's a big truck! And to see two trucks that big...hehe quite fascinating!

  14. That's a real BIG lorry, REAL BIGGG!! Must made powerful sound round I guess! Hurahhhh!!!xD

  15. Hi you all! I am glad that our truck have such a big success! It is true that it is kind of our mascot here. When I tell the people that I work at Depann2000, they always say "yeah, the towing compagny with this huge american truck, I know!". Usually it goes on the highways around Paris when there are big crashs. Check out our photo gallery, we put there some pictures of the biggest accidents. Don't worry, it is never bloody! Sorry it is in french, but I am working on the new site, hopefully english/french and more beautiful!

  16. That is so cool Cedric! Great to see you're watching Eric's blog too!

  17. Wooow!

    Je pense que je déménage à Paris pour en conduire 1! Mon camion est justement un Kenworth!


  18. Funny thing is, I am from America, and that tow truck is relatively the same size if not a bit smaller than most trucks i see on the expressway. My car, I have a small car, got towed the other day, and that was the size of the tow truck. We are not very efficient here, its sad. Id love to live in Europe after college though. I am working at it.
