OK, so you wanted more about the French elections... Here you go. Let me introduce you to the other major candidate: Ségolène Royal (Royal is her last name, it has nothing to do with her being royalist!). She's the "official" candidate of the socialist party and she is also the first woman to run for presidency (well, technically it's not true, there has been women running for presidency in the past, but she's the first one to have good chances). Today (Sunday) she will announce her program, which she's been accused of lacking; a very important day for her.
Whilst not stating my politics (i'm not that reckless on here!) i wish her well among the others. However, my disappointment rather took over as i read that she is an admirer of Blair. Groan. I'd have thought she'd have done better to keep quiet about that, what with his current popularity stats.
ReplyDeleteSo Eric, since you were there what did you think of her programme?
ReplyDeletePersonally I would rather her over Sarkozy and Le Pen. Tha is how I'll vote at the consulate.
Can the French accept a female President of the Republic?
ReplyDeletePerhaps that is one feather in Sarkozy's hat.
And what are the opinion polls telling the nation. As foreigners we don't hear that information.
Is it likely that Chirac may enter the fray at the 11th hour?. Michael suggested he may not.
Another commentator suggested that Chirac could be pursued by the legal system when he leaves office.
And where is le Pen's support coming from. He's a wild card and got past that first round.
From the outside, it looks like a two-horse race at the moment.
I am with Michael about Chirac not running for another term. I do think, at least hope, that France is ready for President who would oppose neo-liberal economic tendencies, rather than a Sarkozy who seems to embrace them as though they are the end all to France's economic problems. Reagan got us in the mess of neo-liberalism in the eighties and we have not managed to get out of them so far.
ReplyDeleteI like Sarkozy.....economic reforms WILL help France and all her people.
ReplyDeleteI feel the perfect balance is conservatism in economic policy while maintaining a more liberal social policy (taking care of all elderly, mentally ill, healthcare for all, etc.). I know that France uses a different word for our word "liberal" but I do not know what it is. In other words, "liberal" means something completely different in the way I am using it.
Hi Eric I'm back...kind of! this is HKDP visiting DP blogs from Shanghai! finally I have got the time and internet connection to visit...your theme day photo is exceptional and very brave of you, how close did you get to the subject :-)?
ReplyDeleteThe reforms you talk about are reforms that tend to shrink a middle. Reforms where the cuts that Reagan and Bush gave mattered more to 1% of the U.S. population, who if making about a million saved about $47,000.00 or more,while the $300 or $1000 return did not get saved by the middle class, a class that has grown to be more indebted thanks to neo-liberal policies.
ReplyDeleteI simply cannot understand how anyone would use the word 'liberal' in the same sentence with Reagan. The guy was a fascist, gimme a break, and raped the federal treasury for his friends, who made billions off of the public coffers. Including the Bush boys. Can you say "S & L scandal"? Clearly, the word liberal means somethng else in France. Oh, sorry, did I get upset? Another first for me.
ReplyDeleteHey Eric, did you see your photo on the site Mon Puteaux? Not bad!
ReplyDeleteI guess that Chirac will announce today
ReplyDeletesometime that he will not run for President.
And for those who can't decide between Ségolène and Sarkozy, here's an alternative...Sarkolène!
I am really curious of the result:)
ReplyDeletenice shoot ...
ReplyDeletenous devions etre tres proche...
my picture
Don't ask, Lisi; too close.
ReplyDeleteMichael thanks for the link. Cuts quite a dapper figure doesn't he. Lookin good.
That close, Lisi, that close...
ReplyDeleteLooks like it could get very interesting in the coming months.
ReplyDeleteI think Segolene is terrific. Too bad I can't vote for her. Meanwhile, here in the States, Hillary is my choice. I wish Barbara Streisand would be her vice president. What a combination that would make to put U.S. back on track.
ReplyDeleteMichael, I looked but I can't find Eric in the link. I know, he is probably right in front of me. I've begun packing for the big trip.
Second look...However could I have missed him? I was looking for a suit and tie. Eric is full of surprises. Looks great, doesn't he?
ReplyDeleteI failed to check PDP hier but thought it 'd be interesting to translate SCS (Bem Hajam)'s comment/poem:
ReplyDelete"And here you are once again, bringing a subtle smile to the corner of my mouth with another one of your moments in the streets of Paris. I enjoy your liaison with the city of lights, or what it won't fail to show"
Michael, I didn't know you speak portuguese (or at least people here seem to think so?!) Nice!
And Lynn, are you feeling any better from the cold today? I guess yesterday those Sex and the city episodes were getting to your head!
Hi Monica, thanks for asking; very kind. No. lol ! I'm feeling hideous in fact, but hey there are many worse things than this.
ReplyDeleteSex and the City DID help. I tuned the DVD to French so it was keeping my language up too. In fact i'm going to upgrade my bed, which i am SO BORED WITH NOW (silent scream) to the sofa downstairs to continue with Series 3! What would we girlies do without SATC? lol.
Eric - do you think Lisi was referring to your enocunter with the pavement-perfume?
ReplyDeleteJohnny; Barbra Streisand yes yes.
ReplyDeleteTalking of language there's an amusing/controversial debate going on at Dive's blog, www.smallglassplanet.blogspot.com if anyone's interested in the demise of the English language.
ReplyDeleteI hear you Lynn! Well, make the best out of this cold, I'm sure the Sex and the city marathon will turn everything more colourful! (I have a confession to make: I have all the 6 boxes of it!)
ReplyDeleteMonica, from Rio said...Michael, I didn't know you speak portuguese (or at least people here seem to think so?!) Nice!
ReplyDeleteI don't speak Portugese, but tried to translate something SCS (Bem Hajam) said once via Google. Now I'm glad you are around to help out! Especially after seeing what SCS had to say...
Lynn, you had me worried about what was coming next when you said you were going to have to upgrade your bed! *blush*
ReplyDeletepsssst Monica, so do i! lol.
ReplyDeleteMi...chael... you always see the best in me don't you... lol. No such luck. The closest thing i'm getting to excitement today is a really satisfying sneeze.
Michael did you have any luck translating that other comment through google?
ReplyDeleteUau!!! would you really go through all this trouble to translate something? I like that! seems you're the kinda guy who não espera que façam por você!!!
Well Monica...Google tells me you said, "it does not wait that they make for you" which I'm sure isn't exactly what you said...
ReplyDeleteyeah Michael!!! you broke the code! lol
ReplyDeletethat's kinda what I said, meaning u are not the kind of person who waits for somebody to make things for you, you roll up your sleeves and try to make it yourself. I am right?!
What is this magical translating program at google??? I'm sure it's a stupid question, but how do you do it? I don't think 'my google' does that...
Sometimes Monica, you have to do for yourself or nobody else will do it for you I guess! ;-)
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to the Google translator tool: http://www.google.com/language_tools
my jaw is dropping wide open right now. this google tool is great!! I feel silly cause I didn't know it!I'm crazy about languages so u can image my joy!
ReplyDeletethanks for the tip Michael!
Haxo, merci beaucoups pour votre aide avec le mot "liberal". Maintenant, je peux dormir. (!!)
ReplyDeleteHey, the second prize photo on stage is great. Thanks for the link, Michael.
Johnny, have a good trip. When are you flying? I recall you're going this month. I'll be there in April.
Lynn: sex is always a good prescription, whether in the city, in the country, in a box, wearing sox...However, echinacia, vitamin C and zinc may be more in order.
Jeff, you crack me up! I bet you played doctor when you were a kid too! LOL
ReplyDeleteWhat am I saying? I'm sure you didn't stop when you were no longer a kid!
Do you like Segolene Royal, or are you a Sarkozy admirer ? I would clearly tend for the second by the tone of your blog. Am I correct ?
ReplyDeleteI personnaly can not believe you attended the meeting to take the photo, I know you are ready to do a lot of things for this blog, but you would not go as far as attending a left wing political meeting...
Well, I have to stay out of French politics and trust that the French will know what is best for France...Huh??? God knows we have enuff problems in the USA with our own election next year, and each candidate will spend over $150,000,000.00...is that sick and twisted or Whut??
ReplyDeleteBut....a French friend sent me this...and I think I may be leaning towards Sarkolène...LOL!! Seems like a safe bet!
Nous avons besoin de votre énergie et de la force collective des militants pour parvenir à la victoire en 2007!!!
C'est pourquoi nous vous invitons à rejoindre l'équipe de la campagne numérique.
En quelques clics inscrivez-vous dans les différents groupes d'e-militants selon votre temps disponible, vos intérêts ou vos compétences.
Michael: Pardonez moi! I certainly hope I do not have to stop just because I'm no longer a kid! Hmm... Do you think that's the explanation? I was hoping it's only because I haven't met a pretty lady lately. Clearly,I need more research on this issue. Do you know any Parisian social scientists interested in such a study? Maybe this can be a new socialiste initiative....
ReplyDeletelol thank you Dr. Jeff and Dr. Michael for your kind attention. Your remedies will be duly noted. lol. The first one is out of the question Jeff. Je suis sans petit ami ce soir. Zinc is interesting i don't have any though ;( Frankly i'll try anything right now. Hmm maybe that was a bit rash with you two Dr.s around...
ReplyDeleteI C, the conversation slightly diverted from pilitics! It's just as well!
ReplyDeletethanks Haxo - agin - for enlighting my visitors with the French subtilties!
And Lionelo... he he. You're confused now, aren't you?!
Beware of web translations....they really screw up the languages. i.e. a bedspring becomes the season, etc.
ReplyDeleteJust heard a report about her on the news this morning! How fun to see your picture and get your commentery! :)
ReplyDeleteJe pense que les politiciens, de la droite et de la gauche, devraient lire ce livre:
In January 2006, I announced on my France blog that "you heard it here first -- Ségolène Royal will be the next French President!"
ReplyDeleteI think I was wrong.