Until WWII, the 11th arrondissement used to be a very industrious arrondissement. Several buildings of that time still remain in the neighbourhood exactly as they were built. It's the case of this charming new gothic style house, built in 1891 by architect Péchard. Located cité de la Roquette (off la rue de la Roquette) it used to be the home and the workshop of a cabinet maker called Dugast as the original sign shows it.
If you want to know more about the Festival, I wrote a little note on the "making of". It's been a tough week end; all I want now is... Go to bed!
What a beautiful building. I love the architectural style and the sky behind it (reflecting in the upper right window) is lovely as well. I'll have to look into this "new gothic" style more, as I really enjoy architecture.
ReplyDeleteI love the vertical angle of this shot, pointing upwards like a church spire.
ReplyDeleteWell done for your second place at Romans. I saw your interview on Fdm's blog. I'll be kind, I won't give the link here ;-)
ReplyDeleteThank you bv!!
ReplyDelete11th arrondissement is fast becoming "the" place to live in Paris - at least with the hip crowd ;-)
ReplyDeleteEric - congratulations on your 2nd prize at Romans! However, I don't find it very fair - the 1st place winner (who indeed sounds very young) hardly qualifies in the serious photo category! It's like comparing apples and oranges...
Like they say in the USA: you wuz robbed! Still, to us you'll always be #1.
Congrats on your win, Eric.
ReplyDeleteYour note about the festival is very good to understand this event a little better and it's understood why you were nervous, it's seems to be a very exciting thing to be a part of. Congratulations again! I'm sure there's many years of success to come for this new event and for your blog as well!
ReplyDeleteI like the composition of this photo!
ReplyDeleteNice photo...I liked the church like top of the building and also the plate hanging in front.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your second prize, Eric! looked at the other site but couldnt understand much as i dont speak French.
tu devais te les geler pour etre tous engourdis dans ton fauteil, enfin bravo pour ta deuxiéme place...
ReplyDeleteBravo pour cette deuxième place Eric !!! Nous sommes très fiers de toi ! And knowing you've ended up second makes me curious to discover the 1rst ! It must a incredibly interesting one !
ReplyDeleteWhy, what was wrong with the interview? Can't let go without asking; i'm a journalist what do you expect! Link please?
ReplyDeleteThe young lady who won was talented but i can't see how she beat you Eric.
Spelling error; price should be prize. Just thought i'd say. It was late and you were tired.. lol.
This is a superb angle for this building shot and what a clear, mackerel sky reflected in the window too. Marvellous. First prize worthy for me!
Well done on your second place
ReplyDeleteI would have responded much earlier but blogger prevented me. Not being there, all I can say is that you thoroughly deserved le grand prix and we will back you all the way next time.
Cité de la Roquette is so narrow, this was obviously a hard shot to capture. The pointed and round headed arches are charming and delicate. I hope this lovely old building can be kept in good condition. The sunshine casting shadows on the mouldings adds the fourth dimension to a building and it is great that you shot it when you did.
This building shows much wear and much charm. I can't tell exactly what the sign shape represents. Haxo, please tell me if you can. You know I rely on you for information. Only ten more days until we leave Lexington for Paris. Can't wait!
ReplyDeleteI love this shot, and the angle! Eric, do you have any idea how hard it's going to be for me to go through all your past photos and pick one to put in my PDP wallpapers folder? I wonder if I have enough space on my hard drive...
ReplyDeleteOuais… ben finalement je ne suis pas bouleversé par le blog de la winneuse. Ni les photos ni les commentaires ne me font franchement halluciner.
ReplyDeleteAlors oublions !
En revanche, apprécions que PDP soit second (et non deuxième vu qu'il n'y a pas de troisième !!!) malgré le fait que tu as privilégié la langue de l'"Estranger" contre la belle langue de Molière, pour de méprisables raisons commerciales (euh, c'est de l'humour là !!!). Bravo mon Cher !
PS : Eric, I wanted to leave this comment on the "making of" but I just discovered that GG, or even Nasty GG was considered "anonymous"… Aaaaargh, ça fait trop mal !
Eric! I spent, like, minutes making something for you! It's at my blog.
ReplyDeleteExcellent photo Eric...and the winner at FDR..Hmmmmm?? Interesting, but it looks like "marie claire" or something like that. She might have won for "bells and whistles" as they say...but PDP won for "CHARM" and bien sur..nostalgie!! Much more important! ;-)
ReplyDeleteWonderful to see a new DP blog coming from Zurich, where i spent a lot of time, so this will bring lots of memories to me. Yay. Again it occurs to me that this idea of yours (DP) was such a superb one Eric, thanks!
ReplyDeleteLove the angle of this photo. And I really like how the sky is reflected in the window pane on the left, but not on the right.
ReplyDeleteJohnny P: I am so jealous that you are going to Paris in just 10 days - have a marvelous time!!! Good luck with parler'ing Francais!
I keep checking today's comments for Michael's input and one of Haxo's gems. I am very disappointed but I'll drop by again in four hours.
ReplyDeleteWe dwelled on qui,que, dont, and ou today in class. After much study and much stress, I still can only guess at what to use when I write. When I speak.....forget it....oh, woe is me. Sometimes I wonder if one should really start learning a language at 70 years of age.
You're all very sweet to congratulate me.
ReplyDeleteYour daily compliments are really my best reward (and I mean it). That is really what keeps me continuing.
No Lynn, I know bv, he won't disclose the interview link!! Thanks for the spelling mistake BTW. (and yes Zurich just joined us as 4 more cities within the past 2 days!)
Johnny are you packed already?!
Can we have a pic of you and Johnny enjoying a cafe then Eric?
ReplyDeleteI have a list of what to take but the stuff isn't in the case yet. The forcast says it will rain alot in Paris for "our weekend" but I don't mind the rain only the cold. I am so excited about the trip I hardly sleep. What is nice is that we know alot about the Marais because we stayed there before.. We'll be off to the Monoprix, for sure.
I like the architecture and the light here