Thursday, December 13, 2007

Stickers sculpture

Weird isn't? And do you know what it is? Simply the numerous stickers that visitors stick to this street lamp on the way out from the Rodin Museum, LOL. I like it and I think it's cool that they don't remove them.


  1. I think it's even "cooler" that poeple can climb that high to add their sticker!

  2. So, is Le Penseur facing this lamp post and contemplating the 'street art'? With all the bronze, there's not much color in Rodin's works, which contrasts with this lamp post. This is a marvelous museum.

  3. Oh, one more thing. I just started budget work for a trip to Europe in 2008. Maybe Paris in the second week of May? To be continued...

  4. colorful and keeps the litter off the street too...BTW what is the significance of the number on each sticker?

  5. OK, next time I need a sticker I know where to get one ;)

  6. Oh my. My husband drives me crazy doing this same thing in our garage with the "visitor" stickers he gets from our child's elementary school every morning.

    I must go to Paris and clean this up!

  7. Well. Parisians seem obsessed by sticking things to public poles, walls and posts! What is it with you? lol. Very pretty nonetheless.

  8. Very interesting angle, Eric. Did you put the camera on the ground to take the photo?

    I also think it's interesting that they don't remove the stickers. . .kind of cool, really.

  9. I would like to see a picture of you taking this! Very nice.

  10. I like it too, and like the angle you chose.

    Glasgow Daily Photo

  11. Nooo I did not lay on the ground to take this photo - too old for that now!! Just used my arms...

    Actually Lynn, funny you mention our "sticking obsession", I just read in the paper today that they gave a fine to someone who sticked a couple of stickers on a road sign. I will investigate a bit more...

    Right now, I just want to go to bed for I have this huge cold that really knocks me out... I'm looking forward to the weekend, really!

  12. Ah, Eric, this is much prettier than our "gum wall" outside the Market Theater in Post Alley, where patrons stick their chewing gum on the brick wall while waiting in line for a performance. . . This is something I didn't notice outside the Rodin museum in 2004, so are the stickers something new the museum has adopted? Beautifully seen shot!

  13. Eric, I don't know why I like it so much but it's a great photo.

  14. At first glance it looked like a very colorful Xmas tree!

  15. That's funny, and another typical coincidence, that I had my version of this shot on my blog just the other day:

    Two completely different takes on the same subject - excellent!

  16. love the concept of the sticker pole and love you for taking this picture. ive never seen such a thing before.. a very unique example of public art: it constantly changes and it has no one artist...
    Mindless Mumbai

  17. we took a picture of the manhole cover outside the museum, which was also covered with those stickers. quite colorful and fun.
