Saturday, May 05, 2012

Not that bad weather after all!

OK, maybe I exaggerated a bit when I said the weather is awful yesterday. I was just assuming from the weather forecast sites that it would be. And it is not! I took this photo right by the Pont Saint Michel (the one that precisely starts at the Place Saint Michel), a bridge that was first built in 1378 then reconstructed several times since then (the latest "version" was built in 1857). Sorry not much else to add, I'm sick as hell and all I can think of now is... going to bed (I should never leave Paris LOL!).


  1. Beautiful and peaceful scene, Eric. That sky is gorgeous.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  2. I think this is one of my favorite photographs, Eric. Just lovely.

    I hope you feel better and can enjoy Paris in the Springtime very soon!
    (Must have been all that junkfood you ate during the debate! LOL)

  3. Oh wow that is Beautiful. Wow.

  4. Such a beautiful photo!

    Sorry to learn that you're sick; take good care and get well soon!

  5. I really love this image. It looks so peaceful. I'm sorry your sick and I wish you a speedy recovery. I love going on vacations but always end up sick when I get home!

  6. This couldn't be more beautiful. I'm glad you're back. Feel better soon.

  7. I hope rest and home will have you feeling better soon. This photo is just stunning. The detail visible in the low light is amazing! It makes me ache to be there...

  8. Je suis desolee tu es malade. Traveling can do that, especially the airplanes. It happens to me often.

    This is a great photo. I saved it. I am 'Paris sick'. (A play on homesick.)

  9. A beautiful picture! I always love to wander the streets at that time of the day when the sun goes down.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  10. Beautiful photo! I love Paris and I'm so happy to have discovered your blog...I will read every post every day...I promise!

  11. Beautiful pic very traquil.

    Hope you are feeeing better soon xxx

  12. If you stare at your picture, you will feel better. A classic!

  13. Great depth in composition yet again. Hope you're well enough to vote. Flying to Paris today!

  14. "Paris sick." Jeff, I think you've coined a new phrase. It's exactly what I feel when I look at Eric's pictures, and I've been feeling it for almost six years now!

  15. Ou, peut-etre, "Paris malade"? Or even mush the two languages into "Paris malady" in order to rhyme.

  16. Feel better soon Eric, hope the elections go well!

  17. Im visiting your page after a break of 2 years.. This photo reminds me why I love your blog.. and why Paris is my favorite city.. :-)

  18. @Marylène "Turista ou too much tea ????"

    Too much sun, too much food and... far too much olive tree pollen that I'm apparently (that's a discovery) allergic too. I'm much better now actually, nothing like the clean air of Paris!!

    @Jeff. "Paris sick" I like that. I'll keep it!

  19. This photo is exquisite - the lights - the texture of the Seine. Magnifique!
    I hope your sickness is gone quickly.

  20. Allergies OMG. I think the pollen has gotten to my brain.

  21. It's a little comforting to read that I'm not the only one feeling 'Paris sick'.
    My family calls it 'Paris obsessed' or (Désolé pour ma langue) 'Paris Horny'.
    I'm lucky to live in The Netherlands, so Paris is 'only' a six houre drive for me.

  22. I think you deserve a medal for taking a photo "above and beyond the call of duty"

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Denise from Bolton

  23. Do you realize how lucky you are?!
    What a wonderful photo. What a beautiful evening!
