Friday, April 11, 2014

How French are you?

It's Friday, let's have fun! I came across this little "How French Are You?" quiz on a website and it really made me smile. And since a few days earlier I took this photo on the Champs Elysées (it belongs to the window of the French car manufacturer Renault) and I thought this was the perfect match. 


  1. Great find ! I've just had a look at the hundred of questions and ... how to say ... how French I am then............? LOL.
    Actually, I am first a friendly Parisian (yes, it does exist ;-) ! Doesn't it remember you anything ? .... anything :-)) ..)
    And you how French are you? ! ...

  2. The quiz was great and right on the mark!

  3. 29 out of 90 questions. Apparently I'm as French as Sex and the City's last episode. I'll have to take the quiz' word for that, because watching Sex and the City would make having my eyes scoured by acid seem far more appealing.

  4. Alas, I'm not French enough. I have vowed to stop doing those quizz thingys, but the questions made me MDR!

  5. Interesting and quite funny but isn't it a bit too simplistic ? Yes, you would agree, I guess.
    I would like to read this quiz for American people or German, or Chinese etc?
    This implies people to accept to be able to laugh at themselves... ! Not the easiest thing sometimes ....!

  6. 49. I'm as French as Jean Dejardin. Now if I could just speak fluent French.

  7. Replies
    1. Believe it or not, ......I am French, speak French and live in France and my score is 27 out of 90. You won't believe I did it freely ! Though I did !

  8. "Paris Daily Photo" has been included in Friday's Sites To See for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  9. Hysterical. I wonder what the national average would be.

  10. I would have liked to have added a few of my own questions......
    I scored 29 like William but unlike William I do like sex in the city, or anywhere else for that matter.
    Who wants to be French anyway?

  11. Ha ha! I scored 50—as French as Jean Dujardin eating camembert on the Canal St. Martin.
    I like your photo too, Eric, but wonder why the "So French" sign is in English. :~}

    1. Is it a quiz made by non French in order to laugh at the French ? Or is it a quiz made by the French who are fed up with the French-most-obvious-inconvénients and want them to be shared by the non French to make them realize their obvious problems !? lol
      Quite well done...:-)

  12. I had a look at the quiz, but gave up after a few seconds, how French is that?

    1. Funny and witty comment ! <3
      The French don't give up so easily but they dislike to loose ! Which is not the same? Or is it ?

  13. I got a 60 although I lied about speaking French. I'm pretty sure that it means that you're fluent not just know a few phrases and how the count. So maybe it's only a 59. I do think I scored so high because I'm actually from NYC and I think we share the same attitude towards life and food!

  14. I got 38 out of 100. It's ok, I like Sex and the City's last episode!! Fun quiz, thanks!!

    ET Suzy xx

  15. Very entertaining! [I got 52 and only WISH I was on the Canal St Martin eating camembert!!]

  16. You all crack me up! I knew you'd love this quiz!
