I love these two heads! I took this photo at the begining of rue des Archives (4th arrondissement) near the "Bazar de l'hôtel de ville" in the windowshop of an optician. I think it's a neat way of presenting glasses.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Did you really think you were going to escape a photo of the Eiffel Tower?! This one includes the river Seine and it was taken from the Concorde bridge last week-end when, as you can see, the weather was not particularly sunny...
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Sneak into a real Parisian apartment! Here is a photo of a bathroom from an apartment located in the 9th arrondissement... All black an white (the floor is made of roof tiles), a mix of modern and old stuff (the sinks are shaped after models from the 30's) and just a central cabinet. There is also a corner shower but it cannot be seen on this photo.
Monday, March 28, 2005
One of the four "Bas reliefs" (sculptures) of the "Arch of Triumph", a monument ordered by Napoleon the 1st in 1806 to celebrate his victories. It is 50 meter high and 45 meter wide, located on the top of a small hill called "la place de l'Etoile" and surrounded by 12 avenues, including the famous "Champs Elysées". The sculpture you can see here is called "the Marseillaise" named after the French National Anthem.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Typical Paris scene! A "garçon de café" is waiting tables on a terrasse at the corner of rue Vieille du Temple and rue du Trésor (4th arrondissement). He obviously saw me taking the picture.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Where Diana will always be remembered... This "monument", originally called "The Flame of Liberty" is located on a large roundabout named "Alma Marceau", close to the river Seine. Since Diana's car accident in the tunnel underneath, this flame has become a sort of sanctuary for her admirers.
Friday, March 25, 2005
That is also Paris! This photo was taken last week-end by a Friend of mine (Stéphane Sassi) who returned to Paris after a nice sunny week-end at the country.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
There are about 100 Catholic churches in Paris and some of them are masterpieces. This one, called "l'Eglise de la Trinité" is really beautiful - especially at night. It is located 66 rue Saint Lazarre (9th arrondissement) and I pass by it every evening when I come back home from work. Yesterday evening I could not resist showing it to you...
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Paris has applied to host the Olympics in 2012 and a lot of companies wish to show their support to the citizens. I took this photo yesterday evening on the Champs Elysées (a very famous avenue in Paris) on a building owned by the largest advertising companies of France - and 2nd worldwide (Publicis). We have to wait until June to find out whether Paris will be the one or not...
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Paris, from a helicopter?! No, it's a mock up of Paris in the middle ages than you will see if you go to the Carnavalet Museum, in the center of Paris (3rd arrondissement). This museum tells the story of Paris from its creation to today. I don't know why, it's not a very well known place whereas it's surely worth the visit.
Monday, March 21, 2005
Homeless person sitting on the door of famous couturier Lanvin's shop before it opens. I took this photo round 9 o'clock in the rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré (8th arrondissement) just before going to an appointment nearby.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Ok, ok, it's not really Paris! But I took this photo in Trouville-sur-mer which is only 200 kilometers away from Paris on the Normandie cost. Many Parisians go there for the week-end to break from the big city! Up to a point that some people call it the 21st arrondissement. (Paris has 20 arrondissements or districts if you prefer).
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Cash register in a clothing store "the Loft" at the bottom of rue de Rennes (6th arrondissement)
Friday, March 18, 2005
Sculpture in the "Jardin du Luxembourg" (6th arrondissement)
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Corner of rue St Merri and Rue St Martin in the 4th arrondissement. Very close to Beaubourg Center and just above famous Café Beaubourg.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Don't look for this metro station on the map, it's a fake! I made this on a cool German site where you can personalize various signs including Paris Metro stations. In reality, there is no such station as "Bonnes résolutions" (good resolutions) in Paris, but there is a "Bonne nouvelle" (good news) one, which you can see on this site.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Rost chicken from the rue Mouffetard market (5th arrondissement).
Monday, March 14, 2005
Outside Mailbox on a building (5th arrondissement)