Tonight (Monday) at 6 pm France is going to play a very important soccer/football game against Nigeria. If we fail, we'll be out of the competition. I'm not a big football fan, I already said it, but I like it when France wins! Not too mention that winning at football is also a very good mood enhancer! I photographed this young lady during a previous game, cute, isn't it?
Monday, June 30, 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
It looks like rain...
After I photographed the Eiffel Tower two days ago, I went down the Trocadero stairs, turned my camera the other way around and... took this shot! As you can see, the weather is not very picnic friendly at the moment in Paris and though I'l going to have another barbecue at friend's today (it's definitely the season!). FYI, this is Le Trocadero - or rather the Trocadero gardens that were made by Jean-Charles Alphand for the "Art and Technology in Modern Life International Exhibition" that took place in Paris between May 25 May and November 25 1937.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Still there!
I had dinner at Café Kléber near the Trocadero with a group of student from Miami University and on the way out, I could not help but taking a walk on the esplanade. Of course, I took a photo ;-)
Eiffel Tower
Photographed at
Esplanade du Trocadéro, 75116 Paris, France
Friday, June 27, 2014
Painted ad
I love it that in Paris, in some places, you can still see old painted ads like this one for "Bouillon Kub", a dehydrated broth formed into a small cube (hence the name Kub!). I took this photo in the 11th arrondissement, but you find these ads everywhere (I already showed you one, once).
Photographed at
Rue de Charonne, Paris, France
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Watching the game...
There was an important football/soccer game yesterday evening (France against Ecuador) and about 2/3 of the French population must have been watching it! Since the weather is really nice at the moment a lot of restaurants and cafés have installed big screens and chairs on their terrace, like in this photo that I took on the Grands Boulevards around 10:30 PM. I love the old guy on the right, taking advantage of the screen while leaning on a garbage can! Only football can bring so many people that much together.
Photographed at
Grands Boulevards, 75009 Paris, France
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Demonstrations season
I had a lunch in the 15th arrondissement yesterday and on my way I passed by Les Invalides and saw lot of smoke. I first thought of a giant BBQ(!), but in fact it was a demonstration. France is going through a tough economical phase at the moment and people are afraid to lose their benefits so they try to draw the government's attention! It's complicated... If you want to understand better, have a look at this excellent article (in English).
Photographed at
Invalides, 75007 Paris, France
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Swimming pool time!
There are no less than... 38 public swimming pools in Paris, of which 4 open air ones where you can swim and get a tan for only 3 € a day (even for less if you buy 10 tickets at once!). Of course, if you go during weekends they are pretty packed, but during the week (except Wednesdays when kids don't go to school) it's OK. You can also go to private swimming pools, if you can afford them, like this one, the piscine Molitor, I already told you about about a month ago. BTW, last month I had the great honor of being interviewed by Ibarionex Perello, for a famous photo podcast called The Candid Frame, if you want to know more about the "PDP story", well listen to it ;-)
Photographed at
Avenue de la Porte Molitor, Paris, France
Monday, June 23, 2014
Paris upon Canal Saint Martin!
I really wish you were in Paris at the moment (well, maybe you are!) for it's one of the best moments to be here. The weather is fantastic, like I said yesterday daylight lasts until almost 11 pm and everybody is out picnicking, BBQing, celebrating (the soccer/football games)... I took this photo last evening on the Canal Saint Martin around which there were a zillion people having a good time. A nice break from the usual Parisian attitude these days!
Photographed at
Quai de Jemmapes, 75010 Paris, France
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Good night Paris
Last evening was the longest day of the year (I took this photo around 10:30 pm!) and it was also a beautiful day (the sun shone all day and the temperature was ideal!). I went to Les Buttes Chaumont to see what the sunset was like and I did not regret it. I know this photo almost looks unreal (even from another galaxy!) and though I promise, I did take it last night in Paris. Today should also be a nice day and I'll be attending a barbecue with a few friends.
Photographed at
Buttes Chaumont, 75019 Paris, France
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Kissing by Saint-Etienne du Mont
I took advantage of my being at the Pantheon, to visit teh Saint Etienne du Mont church, a church that is located right behind Le Pantheon and that I had never visited before. On the way out, there was this couple kissing like crazy and I thought it would make a great photo if I was quick enough. I did not grab the exact moment that I wanted to grab, but it's not that bad ;-) Have a love-ly Saturday everyone.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Watching the sun go down on the Seine...
Photographed at
Pont des Arts, 75006 Paris, France
Thursday, June 19, 2014
The largest renovation work in Europe!
This is Le Panthéon, a building I showed you many times, only usually without this "little white hat" nor the black and white frieze composed of faces (don't forget that a pantheon is a building where famous people are buried). The thing is... that it needs to be totally renovated and it will take no less than... 10 years and cost about 100 million euros! Right now they're working on the upper section which should be finished by 2015. And if you still want to visit the inside, no problem, it's still open! Have a look at the "trailer", if you're interested.
Photographed at
Panthéon, Place du Panthéon, 75005 Paris, France
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Soccer mania
In case you don't know (that is if you live in the States or in the Far East!) the soccer world cup has started a few days ago in Brazil, which means half of the world is revolving around a little round ball. France is a big soccer nation, so you can imagine what importance it has in our daily life at the moment; there is not a single TV program, a single magazine, a single website that does not deal with soccer! But it's probably advertising that makes the most extensive use of this cup! Hence these little Smart cars all dressed up for the occasion, that promote betting on sports. I found them on the Grands Boulevards and thought they were pretty cute.
Photographed at
Boulevard Poissonnière, Paris, France
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Monday, June 16, 2014
Strategic forest!
I passed by the Hotel de Ville (Paris town hall) yesterday and saw that they had planted a huge forest in front of it. I thought it was meant to promote the "greeness" of Paris or raise awareness on the need for more trees and less concrete in Paris, but no... It's to help Parisians remember the role played by the forest during WWI! Far fetched?! Totally, but still nice to see, especially since this square is generally used for much less greeny business than this!
Photographed at
Hôtel de Ville, Place de l'Hôtel de ville, 75004 Paris, France
Sunday, June 15, 2014
No Darth Vader!
Very near the Invalides church, I came across the statue of Hubert Lyautey, a famous "Marshal of France" who played a large role when France was a colonial power (he played a large role in the invasion of Madagascar, he managed Morocco from 1912 to 1925, etc. - read more here, if you're interested!).
Photographed at
Place Denys Cochin, 75007 Paris, France
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Super heros!
Look what I found at the Eiffel Tower! From what I understood theses guys are rugby players and they won the Brennus Shield, a trophy awarded to the winners of the French rugby union domestic league. So I take it they were so proud of it they had to celebrate and show off in front of ET! I had a good laugh anyway. Have a great Saturday everyone, I'll be making a little Animoto with my white dinner party photos.
Eiffel Tower,
Photographed at
Esplanade du Trocadéro, 75116 Paris, France
Friday, June 13, 2014
White dinner party 2014
This was probably my last Paris dîner en blanc (white dinner party) and it was a really good one! The weather was fantastic, the scenery was too (the pont Alexandre III) and the atmosphere extremely festive. I've taken a ton of photos, but I'm too tired to publish them tonight. I'll do that tomorrow... In the meantime, enjoy this one...
White dinner
Photographed at
Pont Alexandre III, Paris, France
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Sweet melody...
I had dinner at Maison Blanche last evening, a delightful restaurant on top of the Théâtre des Champs Elysée where you can enjoy one of the most breathtaking views of Paris (yes I'm lucky!). On top of the delicious food and stunning view, there was also a small trio playing music for the audience. A magical moment... I ended up talking to them and it turns out they are really nice. Let me introduce you to Jacques Bonvallet (violin), Eric Lancelot (bass)
Cécile De Hann (cello).
Photographed at
15 Avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris, France
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Big head!
Photographed at
Jardin des Tuileries, 113 Rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Stormy weather over Paris
France suffered terrible storms last night (with hail the size of a golf balls in the North!) and Paris was no exception, as you can see here. I did not take this photo, but a friend of mine who happens to have an apartment in front of Le Sacré Coeur (occasionally for rent BTW!) did. In fact it's not really a photo, but an image taken from a little film he made. Impressive, isn't it?
Night Shot
Photographed at
Rue Charles Nodier, 75018 Paris, France
Monday, June 09, 2014
Zen day...
Today is Le lundi de Pentecôte, a Christian feast commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles - among others. And for the 4th time within the last 40 days, French people will enjoy an extra holiday (in May, France is pratically closed!). I took this photo near the Polish church in the 1st arrondissement and I love the way this guy is enjoying a little rest in the sun... Perfect for a quiet day like today.
Photographed at
263 Bis Rue Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris, France
Sunday, June 08, 2014
Back to Paris
So many things have happened in Paris, while I was away, including the visit of the Queen of England (after the commemoration of D-Day in Normandy) - see stunning photos here, that I have to go back! I was in Malta, a small island in the South of Sicily and I had a wonderful time - I'll be back for sure. You know how I like to show something typical Parisian like the Eiffel Tower, after I've been away for a while. So here it is, with two lovers being photographed in front of it!
Eiffel Tower
Photographed at
Esplanade du Trocadéro, 75116 Paris, France
Saturday, June 07, 2014
Friday, June 06, 2014
D-Day remembrance
Exactly 70 years ago many soldiers from all over the free world took part in D-Day, aka the Normandy landing which aim was to free the French - and all occupied countries - from nazi Germany. It was also the largest seaborne invasion in history. All this week there has been several events to commemorate this historical day, but tomorrow is, of course, the highlight of the week. I anticipated it, so I took a photo of the unknown soldier before my departure. They already had flowers around the tomb that they normally don't have outside commemoration periods.
Photographed at
Place Charles de Gaulle, Paris, France
Thursday, June 05, 2014
Chinese weddings
I'm always impressed when I see these group weddings that take place (well they don't actually take place in Paris, but their photo shoot does) in Paris. Are there wedding tours in China? What do the newly weds tell their family when they return home? Anyway it allowed me to take a funny photo, so I'll quit wondering!
Photographed at
Place de la Concorde, 75008 Paris, France
Wednesday, June 04, 2014
Cleaning the Gare Saint Lazare's clocks!
You may remember this piece of art by Arman called "L'heure de tous" that has been in front of the Gare Saint Lazare since 1985. I already photographed it in 2008, but at that time I had to make a close up for it was really dirty and full of pigeon droppings! Recently it was totally cleaned and it's really much nicer.
Urban art
Photographed at
Saint-Lazare, 75008 Paris, France
Tuesday, June 03, 2014
Monday, June 02, 2014
Art Nouveau Paris metro entrance
Must see,
Typical Paris
Photographed at
Porte Dauphine, 75116 Paris, France
Sunday, June 01, 2014
Yeah! It's a theme day today and the theme is... Zest! In French, we use the word zest, but mainly to designate the skin of a lemon: "un zest de citron". Apparently in English it means many things including: energy, exhilaration, vitality, enthusiasm... so I thought a photo of these very energetic street dancers would be perfectly suitable for today's theme. Huge success on the Champs Elysées yesterday, as you can see! As for me, I'm off to an island somewhere in the Mediterranean sea... Check what zest means for other CDP bloggers throughout the world.
Champs Elysées,
Theme day
Photographed at
Champs-Élysées, Paris, France
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