Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Big head!

I don't know if you remember this post, but if you do, you may recognize this head! It belongs to a monument to the glory of Pierre Waldeck Rousseau, a French Politician who was appointed Président du Conseil (the equivalent of a Prime Minister) of France in 1899 and introduced the right of association, giving way to trade unions. Talking about unions, there is massive train strike today in France, but I don't think it will last very long... 


  1. Big strike in Sweden as well. Public transport employees are very unhappy. He has a nice view here I guess Pierre.

  2. En me plaçant derrière Monsieur Waldeck, mes bras l'entourant et ma tête sur son épaule, je vois beaucoup mieux son point de vue ! Belle vue reposante, zen. Sinon côté syndicats, je plains les gens qui vont essayer d'aller travailler par les transports en commun, et seront fatigués plus vite de leur semaine. Mais les libertés collectives comme celle de s'associer et de manifester sont importantes dans les démocraties, alors je ne vous en veux pas, Monsieur... J'espère que vous passerez une belle journée au jardin moins pluvieuse que les jours précédents...

  3. Bad timing on their part... we've got a guest coming the weekend and the strikes look to continue into next week. Ahh, Paris.

  4. I was going to say something about his nice view too. :~} And I hope the transit workers here don't get any ideas from their counterparts across the pond.
    (Time to disallow Anonymous comments again, Eric?)
