Monday, March 09, 2009

Rollerskating in the rain

Living in the north of France, I'm used to thinking, "If I were in the South, it would be warmer, or there would be less rain" - like in this photo that I took on the new Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir. What I'm experiencing is the exact opposite where I am at the moment (on the south Island of New Zealand); the more South I go, the colder and rainier it gets. Of course, it's the beginning of Fall here, so it's not that bad, and the scenery is breathtaking, so...


  1. This picture has an interesting sense of motion to it. The subject seems still, even though we know he's the one moving and it seems like everything else is in motion instead...

  2. Hi Eric! I did not think you would give us some informations about your trip inside your captions as I guessed all of them were written by advance!! So it is always good to hear from you, almost 'in live'!! I am sure you are spending wonderful vacations with lots of breathtaking sights and discoveries!! When I think you stand on the last piece of earth before miles and miles of Ocean Pacifique (on the east side). WOW!
    Enjoy your day ... while I am going to sleep to get ready for another week at work. pfff :)

  3. It's good to know that if the rain got too much for the skater her could take shelter in the center of the bridge. Looks like a fun bridge.

    All this talk about the weather being sunnier either north or south with less rain depending on which hemisphere one is in has my own hemispheres of gray matter going overtime with solar contemplating on the brain.

  4. Eric, this photo reminds me of the first time I "heard" the rollerbladers of Paris coming down Blvd. St. Germain. What an awesome sight and sound! Perhaps sometime in the future, you might consider a photo of this weekly event.

    Are you going to visit Perth?

  5. Eric, I had thought the same as Flore, that you pre-posted everything. How nice that you're with us almost "live."

    Harriet, Eric has posted a fantastic shot of this event but for the life of me I have no idea how to search for it. Someone will surely link to it for you here.

  6. Harriet, you can either go to 20 MARS 2006 or click on the blue here

  7. Cool photo, Eric! Makes me want to get into my Rollerblades and get out there! So did you post everything ahead? I think maybe yes. (When I went to Italy, I posted ahead and still said what I was doing every day—and it all turned out to be true.) Either way, I hope you are having le voyage of a lifetime!

    Congrats, GF Justine

  8. Fun times ahead! Keep on rollin' over the ba dump da dump da dump da dump of the passerelle. Say wasn't that the inspiration to "Jive Talkin"? Any Bee Gees aficiandos out there who could elaborate? LOL Nice to see Paris starting to green up too.

  9. New Zealand is so different from Paris, isn't it? Hope you are enjoying your vacation :)

    Just out of curiosity, why is this photo labelled 12th arrondissement?

  10. I read about this bridge and the renaissance of the Bercy and Austerlitz river areas--in "Metropolis" magazine.

    Hey, Coltrane, I had a marvelous Saturdy night. Went to see Kenny Werner, the great pianist. Brought me to outer space and back several times all night. Absolutely beautiful.

    Then, during the late night jam session, members of the Lincoln Center Orchestra, who were playing in town, showed up for the jam. Including their leader: Wynton Marsalis. They played for over an hour. I saw Kenny Werner and then Wynton for $15. Got home at 3:30, forgetting about Daylight Savings Time. Sunday was a short day!

  11. Do the rollerbladers of Paris still go out every week? When I move, I'm thinking that might be a good way to meet people and see interesting parts of the city.

  12. Takes me back to my pair of white ankle boot roller skates. I loved those roller skates. Trying to balance on roller blades instead ... not so much love. {Coltrane, in my case, it would be dump-dump-dump-OUCH.}

    TG ~ As long as you don't get any daylight saving going on in there, you'll be fine.

  13. That's a great shot Eric and a good way of keeping the child anonymous. Latest legislation in the UK means we photographers are restricted more than ever, but I'll fill you in when you're home. Interesting. Annoying.

    So you're on South Island! Have you met anyone who knew my grandmother yet? ;)

  14. We have those stupid laws here in Australia too. You aren't allowed to take any photographs inside schools, at carnivals (sports or swimming) or on the beach. I can get away with it at the moment because I'm a young female, I took some photos of friends playing netball a few months ago and no-one tackled me!

  15. The blur near the feet sets the picture well.

  16. When I look at this picture, I am reminded of the time when ONLY Americans dressed like this.

    Hooray for Simone de Beauvoir! There is an nice graffiti of her by Miss Tic stencilled approptiately, on the bookstore side door next to Les Deux Magot.(She was given permission to do it).

  17. Miss Tic's Simone de Beauvoir on the side door of the bookstore next to Les Deux Magots can be seen here.

  18. Lovely photo with action in it.
    I really like this bridge, even though it's new and modern, it still has something to it and it's kind of "sculpture like", AND it's named after my favourite author and philosopher ;-)

    It's good to hear that you're enjoying your vacation, Eric, even if it's raining down there.

    That's how I feel about being in Paris; rather in Paris in rain than not at all ;-)

  19. Well...I don't think I would ever "rollerblade" on the Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir, walking would be just fine. I wouldn't be bothered with the rain though...Paris in any weather situation is a pleasant experience; although I do remember a Hailstorm once on Le Vert-Galant on April 10, 2003 that was pretty scary!! I had never seen the sky over Paris become so dark, so quickly!

  20. I guess in places where it rains frequently, you just get used to going about your daily life whether it is raining or not. (We have the same thing, except with snow.) I'm glad this person is not letting the rain slow them down!

  21. I just remembered that, due to the daylight savings time change, I have to wait until 4pm to see the photo du jour....pfffft!

    3pm was much better.
