If you're a true francophile you've probably heard of Audrey Tautou, the French actress who was in Amélie. Well, as of yesterday she's in a brand new movie, called Coco before Chanel, so basically a story about her life before she became the famous designer we all know about. I've only seen the trailer so far, but I'm really tempted to see the movie. Besides, Audrey Tautou is, in my opinion, the perfect cast. I'll tell you more when I see it. That's all, I just wanted to keep you informed of what's on at the moment in Paris! BTW, I took this photo opposite to the Senate.
It's funny because I was just thinking about Coco avant Chanel and wondering when it would be shown here in the US.
ReplyDeleteWhere I live, foreign and indie films are often played at the local art theatre.
Ahhhh great indeed!!
ReplyDeleteI'm really tempted too and I want to see it, next week. I love the context in which you shoted this photo, Eric !!!!
I'm wondering what gave Coco the opportunity to become a great designer one day ;)
I..., well, ... I am going to bed, now with Coco in mind :)
You make me feel gooood! Mwah! (bisous)
I love Audrey Tauto.
ReplyDeleteI recommend:
Venus Beaute Institut (with Nathalie Baye),
L'Auberge Espagnole,
Dirty Pretty Things, and.. of course,
Amelie ou Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amelie Poulain.
I didn't like Da Vinci Code much but it has nothing to do with Audrey Tauto.
I'd be willing to bet $ that Coco avant Chanel will come to the US, because Chanel is well known here, too, and people would go.
Nice!! I have a huge girl crush on Audrey Tautou. She's just - wow. I'll definately be seeing this movie.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for this movie to come to the US. I would love to see it.
ReplyDeleteAudrey Tautou, I loved her in that movie. Hello Eric, I just realised I haven't been reading your blog for a while.
ReplyDeleteOH WOW! Coco Chanel is something of a heroine of mine. I have read about her, I adore Chanel and wear Coco perfume in her honour. I HAVE to see this film! Love the actress too. Suzy, TOTALLY see what you're saying (blush...) Oh Oh I can't wait for this film. What am I to do...? I can feel a very classy tantrum coming on.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Anonyme who apparently has never heard of GF, won GF and has no idea that a special crown, encrusted in diamonds and studded with pearls in a quilted 18 carat gold backround, especially commissioned for PDP by Karl Lagerfeld ,was waiting to be picked up at Chanel on rue Cambon for her-him. Too late now.
ReplyDeleteEric wouldn't know this, but there has been lots of articles in the French women's magazines about this film. I certainly hope it makes it here as I would need the English subtitles.
I heard there was a great deal of controversy over this poster for the film as she is holding a lit cigarette. I'm not huge into movies, but Coco Chanel as a brand is amazing. Not my style, but she did have such an effect on fashion for women.
ReplyDeleteOh Phx! Can I have the crown instead? It would seem to have Lynn written all over it...
ReplyDeleteOh but Christie at the beginning of that clip it's distinctly P & P!
Ok I've seen the clip 4 times now. She is perfect for it. The French language is just delicious - of course the language of love and no wonder. Each word is formed by the mouth like a kiss. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteYou beg so very well, UKLynn, it's yours... but you have to pick it up the day of the picnic, May13th, giggle.
ReplyDeleteI think I am going to wear something Chanel-like for the picnic,in honor of today's photo!!! Costume jewelry pearls (VERY cHANEL), here I come!
Ooh, I have to see the clip. I am a fan, too, and I can just picture her in it. I wonder if its just limited to the before years - I seem to remember reading that her early life was quite interesting.
ReplyDeleteLovely composition. Thanks for the trailer, Eric. I'll look forward to seeing it when it gets to the U.S.
ReplyDeleteTomate: I saw all the movies you mentioned. Did you see Priceless and the one where she played a stalker? That was her dark side.
Even before I knew what the poster was for I liked this shot. Such a pretty building, such great placement. I love Paris.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand all the French in the trailer (why do people talk so fast when I don't understand them?) but I get why she's smoking in this film. It's more than just because Coco smoked in real life, I think. Though it's true no longer, smoking was a symbol of independence for a woman at one time. It was a real statement, especially for a well-bred girl.
Looks like a good movie.
She is amazingly beautiful and I'm sure she plays Ms. Chanel perfectly.
ReplyDeleteWanna see it!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI saw the trailer yesterday and read an article at Le Monde which said Tautou is perfect in this role.
I admire Chanel too, I loved the runway show Lagerfel put on reproducing the façade of Maison Chanel at rue Cambon.
Hopefully this movie will still be playing there in June.
ReplyDeleteHow long does movies stay on screen in Paris?
I have no clue what they were saying but I have to see this movie!!!!!
ReplyDeletewoaa love this so much. great and nice!
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful setting for the poster, Eric ... the colours are classically elegant - I'm sure Coco Chanel would approve!
ReplyDeletePhx, I'm so happy you've bestowed the crown honorarily on UKLynn, albeit on a conditional basis ;). As soon as I read your description of it, I thought of her. {Can I have Audrey Tautou instead?}
I am definitely going to see this movie. I love Audrey Tautou and I think Coco Chanel is/was very fascinating.
ReplyDeleteIt's a great photo with the sign and the tree in front of the building.
My 13 year old daughter, Claire, went and saw it with her friend Julien (13) and they walked out of the theatre halfway through the film because they didn't like it. To me this means that it is probably an Academy Award winner since their taste in what a good movie is seems to go along the lines of "Les Visiteurs", "Taxi 2", and "Les Bronzés".
ReplyDeletelol Huey!
ReplyDeleteWow PHX it's weighing my head down right now, quite stunningly.
I'd love to pick it up at the picnic if there's any way I can, I shall. I too would wear Chanel and arrive in a cloud of Coco around me! Mmmmm.
A real tempting movie ; the trailer that Eric nicely linked to us is a good foretaste... Some scenes sound just great. I'm pretty sure that my eldest daughter would love to go and see this movie, specially with a friend of hers.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of that, I'm on my way to bring her back home as school is starting again after these two weeks of Easter holidays.
Nobody for a ticket at the Gulf stream theater with me ? Last weekend, I saw there 'OSS 117, Rio ne répond plus' and liked it a lot (décalé).
It also occurs to me - why isn't this marvellous actress on the WORLD stage, not just France's?
ReplyDeleteOhhh...my cup of tea! Can't wait to see it. I wonder how long before it is in the States?
ReplyDeletei saw this trailer, too! je ne peux pas attendre le regarder!
ReplyDeleteThanks for keeping us up to date, Eric! If this movie is based on Edmonde Charles-Roux's biography L'Irreguliere (The Nonconformist), then I'll see it for sure when it gets to NYC (I'll see it anyway). Love Audrey Tautou, but Chanel wasn't as conventionally pretty as she is. Still good casting.
ReplyDeleteLynn -- the Coco-style crown suits you!
Merci Alexa; mais oui...:) LOL! Chanel et moi? Comme ca.....
ReplyDeleteI wish I was in Paris! This is second best. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAudrey Tautou is a remarkable actress. She certainly proved that in La Môme.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that audrey tautou plays any rôle in la môme?The main actress in this movie is marion Cotillard, i think.
ReplyDeleteI'm just about to watch Amelie again! :D
ReplyDeleteYeah, that wasn't Audrey Tautou in La Mome.
ReplyDelete@Lynn: "t also occurs to me - why isn't this marvellous actress on the WORLD stage, not just France's?" She is. She's well known in the US, at least in California, even if people call her "Amelie" ;)
@rimabirdgirl: I didn't see Priceless but it's in my Netflix Queue already. I'll bump it up :)
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's just me then. I don't know her apart from in Amelie and, although I knew about the film for ages, it was only last year I first saw it.
ReplyDeleteI really liked Amelie and I hope I can watch the movie in Montreal. She's a fantastic actress.
ReplyDeleteI also like a couple of French movies such as Taxi.
I still haven't seen Amelie! I think I'll wait until this one comes out on DVD and then watch them both; back to back!
ReplyDeleteI just returned from a glorious week in Paris and I saw these posters everywhere I went. Then as we were walking down the R. des Saints Peres on the Left Bank towards the River (en route to do a boat tour off the Pont Neuf) I saw Karl Lagerfeld. He was right across the street and there was a tight group and they had lights on poles so I assume they were filming something but it was breaking up as we arrived. It was like Chanel was calling me...if only I could afford one of those amazing black quilted bags! I did get a photo of their boutique on R. Cambon.
ReplyDeleteThey banned the ads for this movie where she was holding a cigarette in the metro because I suppose they reckoned it would be a bit hypocritical to be broadcasting announcements telling people not to smoke where there was someone, albeit in a photo, doing just that.
ReplyDeleteMost French people seem quite happy just to go outside to smoke or onto the open 'air' terraces where they can pollute the atmosphere with impunity.
People on my Montmartre tour often want to see 'where Amélie worked' or 'where Amélie did her grocery shopping' and these poor places have now become almost tourist destinations in their own right.