Monday, April 13, 2009

Ziko or Sicko?!

Don't ask me what Ziko stands for, I have no idea. I searched the web and found many Zikos, one of them being a New Zealand band, but I doubt they "advertise" on the walls of Paris! Anyway Ziko must have something to do with music as in slang the word "Zic" refers to music. I just liked the aesthetics of the grafitti even though it's not very elaborate. I think it all comes from the black wall and the black fence, which is extremely rare - most fences they install when they have work in progress in the streets of Paris are green.. PS: thank you for your nice Easter wishes yesterday. I did not eat that much chocolate after all!


  1. Is the theme of this week "the guessing game"? Hmmm ... I have no idea what "Ziko!" means either ... I'll try googling it.

  2. Can it be a graffiti artist's tag?

  3. Wow - a word a day. I didn't know zic for music, memory of a goldfish, or poulet for police until this week. What next?!

    How kind of them to put up a black fence to give you a nice element offsetting the white paint on the black wall!

  4. Thanks for educating us with zic! I like the appearance too, with the blobs from the aerosol at each end of the line.

    It stands for Zany Independent Kodak Operators. DPers in other words. LOL !!!

    I've no idea......... could be the band, some cheap advertising for them perhaps.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It's obvious Eric. It's the entrance to the Paris Mental Ward. Zu know, where all zee zikos and zee zany people zar kept...

  7. Talking about Sicko, did anyone see Michael Moore's documentary? Sicko?

    When he shows how the french health care system works, doesn't it makes you feel like moving to France pronto?!!

    I know it's off topic but I was really impressed when I saw this documentary and the word Sicko obviously reminded me of it.

  8. Well, Monica, if you go, I’ll go.

    About Ziko. It is often seen as a name. There are a number of Zikos on Facebook; a New York DJ Ziko; family photos of the Ziko clan; a soccer (football) player noted in Japan; and the like. But for Eiffel Tower Suzy I would choose this guy at MySpace.

  9. Just to side track a bit: has anyone managed to find a name for the mystery church from yesterday's post?

    I seem to be having a flashback...vaguely recalling I was in that church last Christmas eve. I think it's near the famous Christmas market at St. Germain des Pres.

  10. Photolicious, Tall Gary identified it yesterday as Eglise St Gervais St Protais.

  11. Re: moving to France- I looked into it last month and was told, by an American working there, that my chance of getting hired was nil. :-( If one does not already have the working papers one will not get working papers. I have two degrees and lots of experience but no job in Paris.

    On this topic, zic for music makes total sense! and Zico, hey, why not?

    Happy late Easter everyone.

  12. Tall Gary, I confirm what your research has told you.

    Zico was one of the best brazilian football (soccer) players. He is very loved here, an idol really. Now he's a great coach. I'm not sure if he's still coaching in Japan or somewhere in the middle east, but wherever he is, he is certainly doing a great job.

  13. Monica, I keep meaning to rent "Sicko." When I lived in France, it seemed that French citizens at least did not have to worry about how the bills would get paid during illness.

  14. LOL, Eric -- great photo. And Ziko? "Whatever!" (though I definitely like the NZ band). And don't feel bad -- I ate precisely NO chocolates.
    Monica and TG -- if you're going, I'm going (if not for the health care, then for your company)!

  15. Ziko is hip and cool and all, but I think a nice white Eiffel Tower silhouette would have been quite smashing on this background. And thoughtfully drawn in washable chalk, of course.

    {I ate Alexa's chocolates.}

  16. Parisian Heart take the opportunity to rent it, it is very good and impressive.

    So Alexa, it's decided: we're all going!


  17. Visually stark and interesting.

    Though you find interesting grafitti, I still think of the gang grafitti so often seen here, which lacks even the slightest visual interest. Gang grafitti is like a dog marking it's territory with urine, which pretty much describes the gang members.

  18. >Parisian heart > Well, thanks for the link. Who knows it may be the right guy.

    >phx-cdg > "Can it be a graffiti artist's tag?" Wow, you're an expert, aren't you?!

    >Micheal > "It's obvious Eric. It's the entrance to the Paris Mental Ward. Zu know, where all zee zikos and zee zany people zar kept..." LOL. I love your French accent!

    >Monica [About Sicko] "When he shows how the french health care system works, doesn't it makes you feel like moving to France pronto?!!" Well, yes, but don't get fooled. The system is broke, We don't know how long it's going to last.

    >Tall Gary. Yeah it could be this one. He's 19. I can picture him posting graffitis on the walls of Paris!

    >Wren. "Re: moving to France- I looked into it last month and was told, by an American working there, that my chance of getting hired was nil." Well, it's never nil, but let's say the job market does not really wait for you! But, as my English teacher would always say: "Where the is a will, there is a way..."

    >Jeff "Though you find interesting grafitti, I still think of the gang grafitti so often seen here, which lacks even the slightest visual interest" Yes, I agree, but I changed my mind a little bit. Some grafittis (I never know if it's 2 Ts or 2 Fs!) are a real piece of art, and sometimes the simplest ones can be visualy attractive. It still remains a theft of the public domain though...

  19. Well, we all know I have to agree with Tall Gary on this one. :D

    I like these guessing games!

  20. Off Ziko (and probably closer to sicko)
    I saw it. I loved it. Yeah, subtile and strong. I thought of you.

  21. Whatever it means, the artist is quite emphatic about it.

    (I did indulge in chocolate, on Easter, and again today--is there ever a bad time for a chocolate caramel?)

  22. Ziko here in the states is a new energy drink in a black can with white lettering. Just saw it today in the grocery store and thought of this post.

  23. I Am Joe Ziko! GO!
