Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Smile, you're on camera

I know what you're going to say: "this photo really sucks compared to the one of yesterday..." True, it's less "sooo Paris", but I found the little camera graffiti - just above the typical Paris street sign! - pretty cool. And pretty timely too... As the new plan to introduce large scale video surveillance in Paris has just been released a few days ago. About 1200 cameras are going to be installed throughout the city this year (about 20 to 90 per arrondissement depending on their size - see the map here). As always, this project is highly controversial; some people argue that it is a breach in their privacy.


  1. I agree, Eric, graffiti is often very cool. I should only wish that the artists were all of the quality of Banksy, who I admire most.

  2. All eyes will be watching. Nice find Eric, though I'm not particularly fond of the use of this particular technology in our future. But it is what it is. The world's certainly developing a LARGE CASINO mentality.

  3. I'm ready for MY closeup, Mr. Tenin!
    They have been filming me, I mean everyone in LHR, for years now.

  4. Put up pictures yesterday on my Facebook page of people taking my picture, posting them on billboards,etc. Number of street cameras growing rapidly here.

  5. it is definitely a breach in privacy. we have them all over Long Island too.
    It is my hope the govt. keeps them out of our homes.
    I like this photo Eric.
    : )

  6. Well the graffiti seems to be better than the real thing!

  7. BTW, where are the "Elisabeth's" when you need them? I mean this could have been a dedication to them, no? ;-)

  8. It's a very cool photo, Eric! I'm always smiling when I'm in Paris, so they can snap me whenever. To be honest, I have a much bigger problem with the X-ray camera at airport security. Just who exactly is looking at that image of me?

  9. Whose camera? Yours, Eric? Then, I can :) and :) and :) and :) and :) and :)
    Which is not so often nowadays.

  10. In some neighborhoods, the camera won't last 5 minutes.

    I like the shot. This is what Paris really looks like, if you get off the beaten path, graffiti and all.

  11. Eric,

    Yesterday's picture doesn't show the Île Saint-Louis but the Île de la Cité, and nobody noticed it !!!!

    The little red/white building at the left is one of the two at the entrance of the Place Dauphine, facing the statue of Henri IV.

    Ouuuuuuuuuh la honte !!! ;o)

    Frankly, Eric, you shouldn't let trainees take care of pdp !!!

  12. OMG, Nasty GG, tu a raison! Well, it's beautiful even so,and Place Dauphine compares with l'Ille Saint Louis for charm, n'est-ce pas?
    (This Google Map is great!)

    By the way, I am planning to visit, either in late May or June. I will be searching flights this week. I will combine with a visit to Istanbul. I don't yet know which will be first...

  13. Is there such a problem in Paris that they need these cameras? Or is it to people are not tempted to start?

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