Saturday, April 30, 2011

Le triomphe de la république

So she said "I do", he did too, and they even kissed in front of the crowd! Now enough British Royalty, let's celebrate the republic, and more particularly, the French one ;-) Here is a close up of a huge monument called "The triumph of the republic" located at Place de la Nation, in the 12th arrondissement, made by sculptor Aimé Jules Dalou, a true republic supporter that lived between 1838 and 1902. As you can see there no more sun in Paris at the moment ;-( Have a great week-end everyone!


  1. Superb rendering of France's vision by a republic champion...the lions being led by liberty. Lady republic has some nice biceps, too! :-) Nice weekend to you, Eric. Still enjoying the English tea?

  2. No more sun ... must be because I flew back to Sydney!!!

  3. I am afraid we may have stolen your sun - it is finally sunny here.
    Have a nice weekend Eric!
    : )

  4. And we're right back where we belong! Enjoy your weekend, Eric (while I bask in the same sun as Lily H)!

  5. Thank you for the beautiful photo, Bon Weekend!

  6. I haven't been by for awhile but here I am again. I see so many monuments around Paris and know so little of their history. Great to learn something about this one.


  7. Eric, she didn't say "I do"! She said "Yes I will"!!! (and so did he!)

  8. Si la République était sexy au XIXe, elle ne l'est plus autant aujourd'hui, et ne fait plus rêver comme le couple vu hier ;-)

  9. Oh, this is spectacular! Thank you for showing it.

  10. @ Thib : LOL and true! Eric expressed it, like in French, we do!
    Le triomphe de la république : that's a big thing that happened to us in France!
    Well, that prevents us nowadays from sharing a Big Royal wedding like the Brits did yesterday but ... that's life ;)!
    Enjoy your week end, which is still a bit sunny, in Paris, and at least not cold...!

  11. I certainly wouldn't want to mess with Madame La Republique, or her pet pussy cat for that matter.

    Re this Monarchy/Republic stuff, clicking on the link I noticed that this staunch republican M.Dalou was given refuge in England for 8 years while the French government wanted to jail him for life for his association with the Commune. How strange. :{

  12. The lack of sun in this gives the monument a wonderful definition.

  13. Good observation Drummond. Our acts are so strange sometimes against our most brilliant virtuosos. But the Jules Grévy declaration of amnesty made him come back to France. Where he was able to produce a number of masterpieces that definitely involved the French republique.

  14. According to wikipedia, the new Duchess is a descendant of Diane de Poitiers and Marie de Medici! It's a small world, non? ;-)

  15. figures! ;) I can predict heat waves in Paris, si si ! ;)

  16. Alors: here is Liberty all buffed up, looking like she could wrestle the lion. I just saw Donatello's bronze David today: David looks extremely feminine. He even has a gilded ribbon cascading down from his helmet. Go figure.


  17. Tres beautiful! I can't imagine having the talent to make a face with such expression and cothing with texture. There are truly gifted people in the world and I thank them for being willing to work hard and make such beautiful things!

  18. You must have brought the French sunshine to Sydney Julie because we're having the first dry weekend in living memory (well it seems so anyway) so I thank you.
    Great shot Eric and Lady Liberty certainly looks buffed :)

  19. Love this! Wonderful detail you showed us, great work of art. Handsome woman and cat!
    "I will", he said, she said.
