Saturday, July 13, 2013

Tribune Officielle !

Tomorrow is Bastille Day (Le 14 juillet), the day we celebrate the French Revolution (which took place in 1789). There are several events on that day, but the most symbolic one is probably the huge military parade that passes down the Champs-Elysées from l’Arc de Triomphe to Place de la Concorde where the President of the French Republic and his government (and a few selected guests!) stand - and where they can enjoy this view (without the rain this year!) . I passed by the Pace de la Concorde today and took this photo ; needless to say that the whole area is heavily monitored by the police and that I was afraid they would stop me for taking a photo, then I saw tourists doing it...


  1. I guess the really important people get to sit in the blue chairs—though I'd be happy to snag one of the cheap seats!

    1. Hummm... Intersting. I did not think of that, but you must be right. And me too, I'd be happy to sit in one of those once in my life LOL!

  2. So tourists do come in handy sometimes. :-)
