Friday, October 25, 2013

The classy carpenter

Those of you who've been following this blog for a long time know that I live in one of the covered passages of Paris (sort of shopping malls that were made during the 19th century to allow the chic Parisiennes to go shopping without fearing the rain!). Today, I came across a carpenter who was apparently fixing some wood  stuff above a book store and well, I really liked his looks. I did not have my "real" camera with me so I used my phone, which explains the terrible quality, but I still like the scene!


  1. Me too! He's dapper from the hat on his head to the shoes on his feet.

  2. Lol 'wood stuff'... that's funny... but the photo is great nevertheless. I would love to see them though on your Instagram as well; which would suit your phone camera as well. I am thinking of getting the Nokia 1020... looks great for 'mobile-phoneography'! @jayashkal on Instagram

    1. I don't know too much about mobile phone cameras to be honest, but Nokia has a good reputation.

  3. he is definitely a "classy" young man and you have captured an everyday moment in time that is very special.

  4. I assume it's not easy to get a place in one of the passages. Am I right about that? It seems so unique.

    1. Well, it's not THAT unique, but I've been lucky. I found this place by coincidence - it was very old though and needed a lot of work!

  5. NOW I know where YOU live; aren't you just the luckiest man .....?! I LOVE this passage and I quite adore your quick take.... Aaaah, envy is such a bad thing, so OK, I don't envy you for living in this unique and fabulous place.... or just a teeny bit?! :)
    Thanks for giving us these daily joys, cher Eric
    Bonne fin de la semaine, K

  6. That's a message for the viewers who read the story of the paris shopping mall. This is a knowledgeable post of you.......

    lainaa ilman vakuuksia

  7. I love this photo, it has a very old school/classic look to it :) Have a great Friday!

  8. I like how they're keeping the Passages refreshed. I'm not a big fan of the Passage des Panoramas in the 2e, but the Jouffroy and Verdeau are still classique!

  9. It's a good image... it does have a timeless kind of quality to it.

    1. Merci William. In fact I did regret not to have my real camera. It would have been much better. I went back today, he was still working there but I did not take a better shot.

  10. I worked in the Passage Choiseul and have a fondness for the passages of Paris in general (yours is especially nice, I think!). Your carpenter looks quite at home up there on that ladder, doesn't he?
