Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Music station

Like I already said I'm not in Paris right now (I'm in Bangkok - there I said it!) so I've prepared a stock of Paris photos that I can publish daily from there. The problem is that it's not easy to stick to what's going on in Paris when you're miles away ;-) Like yesterday, when I saw on Facebook that the SNCF (the French railway company) had organized a symphonic concert in the Gare Saint Lazare one of the largest train stations in Paris. How frustrating to have missed that. So I emailed the SNCF who kindly sent me a choice of photos (I think it deserves a little "like" if you're on Facebook). FYI, the orchestra that plays is the OSR (the Orchestre symphonique du rail) in which a lot of (ex)employees of the SNCF play.


  1. Long time follower loving the Paris images but I'm sorry that we cannot see how your creative eye views Bangkok.

  2. Brilliant ! You have always succeeded in staying in touch with your city and that is what I call it "smart" !
    Feeling frustated in not hearing this classical concert in such a famous station, yes I can feel it!
    But you must not feel frustrated in missing "our big" president press conference (that your photo oddly makes me think of - funny ! Replace the musicians by the 600 journalists and the saint-Lazare station by the Elysée and you got the scene :) !)... Well instead of music, touring Bangkok is a much better idea;
    Still nice from the SNCF which may be very pleased to please you ! :-)

    1. Actually your analogy with the press conference of the President is not bad... Isn't he supposed to be like a conductor?!

  3. An amazing setting for a concert!

    Enjoy Bangkok!

  4. Formidable!

    Enjoy Bangkok. Try the high tea at the Erewan Tearoom.

  5. What a wonderful setting for a concert! And nice of them to send you a photo you could post.

  6. Although the time and musicians are different we can get a sense of the acoustics at Gare Saint Lazare here.

    It looks like the orchestra, too, liked the photo you chose. It is posted here at the very first link at the top, as “Concert Animation à la Gare Saint-Lazare - 13 Janvier 2014.”

    1. Hey Tall Gary! Long time no hear.

      Well it's actually THEIR photo that I used. Only I tweaked it a little bit!

  7. You are very good to get this image and story for us from so far away! And maybe one day I'll get to see some of your photos from Bangkok. :~}
    Great linkage from TG!

  8. I was thinking of Bali or Phuket :-)
    That's very nice of the SNCF for providing the pics as well as for their prompt PR "service"

  9. I hope the current demonstrations in Bangkok are not keeping you from seeing what you want to see and doing what you want to do. The newspapers make them seem widespread.

    1. Actually, so far I've had the time to go around. Only last night did I see the demonstrations. It's quite impressive but pretty peaceful. And there are no shortage yet!
