Sunday, February 16, 2014

Who painted that?

More and more graffiti artists don't paint directly on the walls, they first draw or paint on paper and glue it to the walls of Paris. Nothing gets damaged, they have plenty of time to finish their work and their piece of art is not lost when it's covered by another one, or cleaned par the Paris anti graffiti "police"! I know nothing about this artist, but I wish I did, for I really love this image. Have a great Sunday everyone, even if the weather goes crazy in some parts of the world!


  1. Very cool! The artist might be a woman. It would be interesting to find more about her/him.

  2. This is Fred le chevalier !

  3. This is quite an interesting work, very expressive face. There is so much to see in this face - I find it very fascinating.

  4. Are you familiar with the work of Parisienne graffiti artist who goes by the initials "JR"? He currently has a photography installation at New York City Ballet's Koch Theater in Lincoln Center (NYC). Saw it last weekend and it was fabulous. Apparently some time ago he switched from graffiti to photography. Very talented fellow. I will send the link along for those who want to view it


  6. Merci Verena. I should have known I came across pieces of his art several times in Paris.

  7. I saw some of Fred le Chevalier's work when I was there last. Very impressive (and nice to know who the artist is)!

  8. Intriguing piece. And fun to be introduced to a new artist.
