Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Préfecture de Police de Paris

The prefecture is a large building located on the Île de la Cité (opposite to Notre Dame). It is the head quarters of the Paris (and surroundings) police which  manages emergency services, administrative duties (ID cards, driver licenses and "permis de séjour" for foreigners!). Their building (old 19th century barracks) is absolutely beautiful, especially at night. 


  1. Very beautiful in this photo! Much less so when you are trying to procure a permis de sejour (trust me on this -- I've had some personal experience with it). :-)

    1. or to have a new driving license issued after a loss, or actually if you need anything at all, you will be treated like dirt as soon as you enter this building...

  2. It looks quite grand, like a concert hall. Far more appealing than our central headquarters, which looks like a bunker.

  3. Wow! This angle is so surprising that I had to look up this location on a map to make sure I really understood what I was seeing! You've made me think about this building in a wonderful new way!

  4. C'est quoi les fils qui montent à la verticale de chaque côté de la rue ?... Jamais fait attention. Et sinon, oui la Préfecture, je connais...
