Thursday, March 20, 2008

It's raining again...

The nice weather could not last forever... The forecasts are absolutely dreadful! Cold and rainy. Or rather, what we call "Les giboulées de mars", that is a mix of rain and sun within the same day. After all it's not that bad, at least for me. My scooter is still down so I take the Metro and the rain allows to take cool photos, like this one! FYI, if you're interested in the Paris weather, let me recommend this website or this one.


  1. Eiffel tower!
    Eiffel tower!
    Hehe I know some girls who will be crazy at this sight...
    I take the line 6 everyday and when we cross the Seine I can't resist and look at "her". Those past days, "she" had feet in the water...

  2. Very beautiful - slightly depressing as I'll be arriving Friday morning and the weekend looks rainy and cool. But, there's so much to do in Paris that a little rain won't matter. David

  3. i love the perspective of this. is it coming out of the metro station, up stairs?

  4. This is such a beautiful picture

  5. Go ahead Suzy, you know you want to! ;)

    By the way, Eric, this is an INCREDIBLE SHOT!!! You should put it on your ZAZZle stuff! Well done, really!

  6. Eric...
    You are definitely posting too early these days? Why is that? Old age and need to go to bed early? Maybe is something else!

    You need to read the chapter on the rules of GF. I m afraid you missed out today and according to the constitution Guille is officially the GF


    Oh my. I think I need a cigarette.

  8. Rose, I known that I could count on you. Gf!!!!
    Btw you're not very nice with Eric: "old age"...oh oh!

    eric, how did you take this picture? A knee in the water? No, it's not that...face downward??

  9. Rose: It was by chance, not design, that I happened to lodge the first comment on today's post, so I am more than happy to acknowledge Guille as the "official GF".

    If I had been trying to win, I would have mentioned the "doggy loos" at the base of the tower, where our canine pals can pee and poo to their bowels' content, thanks to a cordoned off patch of sand and a small pole. (Do they still exist, Eric?)

    And, um, long live Empress Guille!

  10. Eric, yes put this picture in some of your Zazzle products.

    Beautiful how the clouds are reflected on the floor. A unique shot of a unique place, even though it has been photographed a billion times before. You always seem to capture a different angle for us.

    Guille, congrats on GF. Again. And again. (sorry Lucio)

  11. Just one more thing, when we enlarge the picture it REALLY feels like we're there, passing by like the others.
    New desktop for me.

  12. As your Empress I make you, Lucio Crispino, Count of PDP. All the others subjects of PDP realm will be jalous but I don't care.
    They are hungry? Give them brioche! (tks Marie Antoinette).

    (kidding, kidding! Time to go to bed I think!)

  13. What a fantastic photo!


    I thought of you very first thing.

    Then I thought of you, Eric, lying face down on the cement to take the picture. Or maybe you have a tiny tripod like mine. I don't care how you took it, I'm just glad you did.

  14. I love the way you took this one too. We've had thunderstorms, but it's been warm, with alot of tornadoes. It was another thunderstormy type day here in Georgia again, but it's good for our drought!

  15. Guille, the fact that you get to look at "her" as you cross the Siene on the 6 every day makes me want to cry in a fit of jealousy! Embrace it, my friend.

    lucio crispino you gave my mind a funny image of dogs lifting their legs up to the Eiffel Tower for a quick pee!

  16. Yes, Monica, new desktop for me, too.

    My memory is fuzzy of buildings. What the one on the left. Are you across the Seine at the Trocadero?

    Monica's right on another point: Eric, you always manage to make the tourist spots look brand new.

  17. Everyone must click on Suzy's blog today. Must, must, must!

  18. Yay Guille GF!

    Eric i could not believe my eyes when this loaded as it is almost EXACTLY like a painting i did in watercolour many years ago. The original i could have sold quite quickly, a few were interested but i gave it away in the end to someone i knew. i have a few photos of it SOMEwhere! I've been keeping my eyes open for that photo but can't find it yet. When i do i will post it (too many house moves, it is lost). Oh this is a real memory for me, thank you. The painting went to an elderly lady who lived in Surrey, UK; French she was, she had spent her early life in France but had moved to England and spent most of her life there. She would speak French with me when i visited which was great. I called her simply 'Madame'. When i gave her the painting she cried (but she was happy don't worry!). She said she could feel Paris again. Sorry for going on, but your photo provoked my response! Beautiful, Eric. Thanks x

  19. Nice photo. I love reflections and ALSO, like everyone else I love her too, Eiffel Tower has really something Magnetic I promissed to myself I'd jut take one photo for basic registry before going... and then, looking at her... how could I resist it? I took dozens, as you must guess :) but here she looks cool in the rain

  20. Mmm, I think Count Crispino has a certain ring to it. (By the way, I'll have a slice of that brioche - if there's any left - as I haven't breakfast yet and am about to head off to a lecture.)

    Have a great day/evening, everyone!

  21. Anne, her Christian name i just remembered. I shall ask my parents her surname, just to complete the memory.

  22. C'est beau, très beau !! And yes, we live a typical weather for the month of March! BTW, tomorrow is already the beginning of the spring season! So happy spring to all of you.

  23. Guille, Suzy is right, the real reason why we're jealous is because of the fact that you can take a look at the beautiful tower everyday... sighhh

    BTW Guille, when I read Marie Antoinette's biography it said there that she never said those words about the brioches, that this is a legend. Actually, the author explained that this phrase has been attributed to many other queens before her, even a queen from England. It's like a way the people find to provoke their monarchs.

  24. I love this photo the way the Eiffel tower is reflected in the water.Also the sky looks like it is the floor...I wouldnt mind walking in the sky.........................

  25. Beautiful photo! Coming here each day makes me more and more excited about my trip to Paris at the beginning of May.
    Guille, I am envious of you getting to take line 6 everyday, I did everyday the last time I was in Paris and the sight of the Tower is just so beautiful...

  26. Brilliantly breathtaking! Bravo, Eric! Please, please put on Zazzle!

    Lynn, when you find yours, put it up on your Zazzle, too!

    LOL, Suzy!

  27. lol i just might, Pont Girl, but i'm not sure it compares to Eric's photo.

  28. Ah, Palais de Chaillot. I passed this place daily when I lived in Paris (on Avenue d'Eylau).

  29. "S'ils n'ont pas de pain,qu'ils mangent de la brioche!" (if they have no bread, let them eat cake)

    I know Monica! I find this story funny, it was attributed to the Queen something about 50 years after her death. A legend that French people like, I think.

    Suzy, dear Suzy, to tell you the truth, when I see "her" every morning, I have to smile. I have no other choice than smiling. It is early, around 7.50 am, the sun is rising above the Seine, reflecting and shining in the quiet water. It's just amazing. This moment lasts maybe 20 seconds, but it's seconds of pure happiness. Really.
    I don't know if this feeling will disappear one day. Maybe, maybe not.
    Far from me the idea to make you jealous. :) I'll try to take a picture of it. Or maybe we could send our favorite photographer to take it...

    Lucio, "conte di Crispino", is this name okay for you ? It rocks.

    Lynn, I'm sure it compares! Don't be modest! ;)

  30. I think this photo exactly captures an instant in time. It is truly capturing a moment and not just a record. I like the way it feels like its in motion even though it is fixed.

    Well done.

    And isn't "older" sometimes a deliciously sexy quality in a man? I am not sure rose was being too mean, she just has the sense to post at reasonable hours in local time.

    And has a blog that will drive me to fiscal ruin. Mercifully she has not put shoe stores in Cantebury on CDP.

  31. Eric -

    Bravo for becoming a Blog of Note, as you should be! I used to live in Paris, and this beautiful photo makes me miss the City of Light even more than usual. Now, thanks to you, I can visit daily -- MERCI!

  32. beautiful. the same curiosity as many of your visitors here - how did you take the pic? hope you have recovered from the pollen attack.

  33. Sorry about the bad weather. Great photo.

  34. Such a gorgeous picture!! I just love the Eiffel Tower and can't wait to see it in person and take my very own picture of it!!


  35. Those clouds are luminous! So is the picture itself!

  36. My dearest Eric,

    Wait till you experience the rain in Singapore! We're located near the equator so it doesn't 'rain', it storms! Not a mixture of rain or sun but thunderstorms for the entire day. The record here was 7 straight days of heavy rain and thunderstorm: non-stop!

    I experienced the rain in Europe before and it was lovely! The raindrops gently falling down from the sky and kissing the There's no need for umbrellas.

    In Singapore, the rain hurts-literally. They come spearing down and pierce your skin like knives. Even with an umbrella you'll get thouroughly wet because whenever it rains, it's like the whole sky just opened up its reservoir door.

  37. What a wonderful photo!! Bravo, Eric!! I have traversed this spot in many different conditions[weather and otherwise]and I will take it any way I can get it..LOL!!

    It is a beautiful portal to the left bank and what lies beyond. The rain in Paris is fine with me...oh, sigh..!!!

  38. Just found your blog a week ago and I'm working my way through your archives. I have to set a limit as to how many months I will do a night as I have a tendency to be a little OCD. Have been to Paris twice and want to return for a month or two (as soon as the farm sells). I'm making notes on the great places you suggest and I referenced your blog in mine. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

  39. Eric, is one of the most beautiful photographs, if not the most beautiful, appeared on PDP! :)

  40. i can't believe you got huge comment every post

    *nice picture

  41. A lovely photo during weird weather days. For me (and Suzy I'm sure), the Eiffel Tower never looks bad, no matter the weather!

  42. Oh yeah, I just realised that "Lucio" is "Voltaire's Monkey". It sounds funny to write it that way, but sure he understands! So, when/why move to Paris??

  43. Beautiful photo! Thanks for being an inspiration.

  44. OK, just browsed quickly through your comments and... Well, all I needed to cheer me up this morning. Thank you.

    Which brings me to Rose's remark... The reason why I posted early is that I had to wake up early this morning! ;)

  45. I want to go to paris. they just did an article about it on this blog too!

  46. Beautiful photo Eric. It really captures the day.

  47. True Art Is best Found In Nature!

  48. Eric, Wow....this photo is amazing! I too needed a cheer this morning and thanks to you and this beautiful photo I will have a marvelous day. Squeals of Delight. I can almost imagine I am there, in the photo. Thank YOU!

  49. What I love is that reflection in the water on the sidewalk. Any old sunny day, it just wouldn't be there. I think your photo is FAR better than simply being a tourist on the street, because frankly, I'm not getting down on my belly for that view. Thanks for taking care of that for me!

  50. Michael: Regarding "Voltaire's Monkey", I seem to have caused quite a bit of confusion earlier this year by suddenly switching from a pseudonym - "Louis London" - to my real name. The reason I made the switch was because I aim to start publishing soon (some of my older pieces are now beginning to appear, in dribs and drabs, on my blog), and I don't want there to be any confusion in my future reader's minds about either my identity or my moniker.

    As for when and why...Ideally, I would like to be there for all of either 2009 or 2010. This would enable me to experience each of the seasons in Paris while improving both my French and my knowledge of France's history and culture. I would also, of course, continue my study-related writing and research, which could only benefit from my being in Europe. Aside from that, there is the sheer adventure of it all - as well as the possibility that I might be able to cultivate a network of personal and professional contacts which might one day enable me to move there permanently.

    In short, I'd like to be there as soon as I CAN be, if only because I beleive it's where I SHOULD be.

  51. wow! I Love Paris! I Love the Photo! I love your Blogspot! Thank you so much for doing this! Much Love from the Philippines!

    P.S. Can I link your page to my own blogger? Merci Vocu! I hope it's right! You know what it means anyway^^

  52. I love this photo. Hopefully, one day I'll be able to see it in person.

  53. Guille it would be great if you could take a picture and show us these 20 seconds of pure magic! Please do it.

    As it being a feeling that might disappear one day, I really don't think so. I know it's a bit different but for my experience here in Rio, we never stop sighing when we see our beautiful landmarks. I've lived here all my life and I still sigh when I wake up and see through the window the statue of Christ Redeemer, when I take a walk by the beach or when I'm coming back home at night and I see the Sugar Loaf with its night lights on.
    Beauty is something we never get tired of.

  54. I am a new visitor to your blog and loved this photo. I was in Paris over a year ago, and hope to return one day soon. Meanwhile, I am enjoying your wonderful photos. Thanks!

  55. Yes, Guille, take that photo, please. I know what Monica means.

    As silly as it sounds, I still get excited when I see the Hollywood sign. It may not be beautiful, but it's a landmark known the world over, and I get to see it every day.

  56. I just wanted to say what a wonderful picture. I'm glad I found your site.

  57. I doubt you remember my last comment, as I'm a fairly new visitor, but I said that I don't tend to do effusive praise often.

    And then you post this, hot on the heels of the other post (the Tit For Tat one), in the same week - keep this up, and you're gonna destroy my "no gushing at every photo someone posts"-ness!

    I love the reflection in the water on the floor, and there's a kind of Vettriano-esqueness to it. Beautiful photo again, Eric!

  58. Dogeared
    I m afraid I have bad news for you because Eric's photos go from Good to Perfect.
    It is almost like he competes with himself to ensure that each day he gives us a better picture than the one from yesterday.
    Welcome to PDP :)

  59. You see the Hollywood sign every day Petrea? wow let us know when it's on your blog. I want to see!

  60. Stunning shot, Eric! Also, just had to say that I found Guille's reference to la tour Eiffel in the feminine "her" to be cool and interesting. I've never thought of "her" in that way. I guess that's why I keep coming back to this great blog. There's always something to get one thinking. Merci Guille.

  61. Coltrane_lives, there is an explanation about the use of "her": in French it's LA Tour Eiffel, it's a feminine article, that's why to me the tower is a girl. To every French people I guess. And use the English "it" doesn't fancy me. She's more than a thing! ;)

    Girls, I tried in the morning to take the picture of your dreams but I had only my cellphone so it was awful, the result deserved to be deleted, it was an insult to her.
    I tell you: send Eric!

  62. Plus isn't Eiffeil Tower known as The Iron Lady? she's a girl alright.

    Eric, is this story about building a 'hat' on the top of Tour Eiffel true? Please say it isn't so...

  63. Oh I forgot this "Dame de Fer" appellation. How is it possible...
    Don't know about this 'hat'. Who told you that?

  64. Lynn: the Hollywood sign isn't exactly in Pasadena, but if I get a good shot I'll link to it for you. I was in Hollywood this morning and the sky is hazy, so today wasn't a good day for a photo...

  65. Guille, take a look at my blog or at to see the lady's new hat.

  66. Suzy's being modest. I said it yesterday and I'll say it again. EVERYONE must must must take a look at Suzy's blog today and I'm not kidding.

  67. Bang Bang Bang!

    It's just that it's about Her, La Tour in question, and I think everyone would find it tres interessant.

  68. OK, who asked what metro station this is? (can't find the comment anymore) I'm not 100% sure but I think Trocadero would get you nearby, or Alma Marceau and walk up. Either way, you have to walk.

    The closest to the Eiffel Tower, I'm pretty sure, is Bir-Hakeim (and you get an outdoor line, too, if memory serves).

  69. A hat on the Eiffel Tower? Pfff... what next, a raincoat?!!

    Snarky comments aside, the design for the "hat" is really pretty good, I think. I prefer the Eiffel Tower "au naturel" myself, of course, but it's reall not bad at all.

    (Suzy's blog

    has the "hat")

    (By the way, Suzy, was it good for you? ;)

  70. Yeah, this is a nice one. C'est parfait, mon ami.

    (46 days...who wants to picnic on the Seine?)

  71. "I was in Hollywood this morning..." says Petrea in an enviably casual way...sigh... yes please.

  72. Suzy, excellent site and perfect timing with the "iron lady" for she is, indeed, a lady. Merci all for the explanation!

  73. Suzy
    I never knew you had such a clever blog!

    Yeah Lynn, doesn't Petrea's "I was in Hollywood this morning" make you sick with jealousy?!

  74. Loved that picture on It's Raining Again.

  75. Rose and Lynn: you can't possibly be as jealous of me as I am of Guille, with her blissful look at "her" every morning. Hollywood may be famous, but fame isn't necessarily beautiful, if you know what I mean.

  76. Suzy, I had a quick look to your post about the "hat", I'll read it tomorrow, it's too late now (btw your blog is great). But honestly, I think it's not going to happen (I'm crossing my fingers!). I'll try to learn more about that.

    Petrea don't be. I would like to see the Hollywood sign everyday!

  77. Did you say "Picnic on the Seine" Jeff? I'm there.... who else?

    Petrea - were you there signing autographs? Can I have one?

  78. Eiffel tower!
    the photo...

    ooohhh lala!!!
    i wish i was one of those people
    walking on the wet ground and be part of eric's photo!!!!

    i soooo envy them!!!!!!!


    guille: [hope u read this]!!
    yeah.. i go "gaga" over the sight even though i haven't seen the actual Eiffel tower...
    just saw her on the net... photos..

    just looking at the photos makes me want to see her so badly!!!

    i hope the plan to goin to London will push through!!! and like stop by in France!!!

    i envy u people who have gone to France.!!

  79. Qwaudzkhi, you sound quite excited. If you come to Paris you should definitely look up Eric who will most likely show you around personally...

  80. I just got a note from a friend that she was traveling from Bordeaux and had a little time before her flight, so she stopped off in Paris and went up the Eiffel Tower at night.

    Oh, my heart! I feel terrible jealousy and I know it's a sin.

    Michael, I was only fighting traffic. You may certainly have my autograph. You can probably sell it on eBay for $1.50.

  81. Yes, but imagine what I could get for it on Facebook?!?!?!?!

  82. Michael, on facebook, you could earn 3,000,000$ with the Petrea's autograph.
    1,50$, Petrea (O,OOOO4 euros)?! I could kill for this autograph! ;)

    I read it! ;)
    If to look at the Eiffel Tower pictures make you so excited I think to see her for real will be the experience of your life!
    I hope you'll have the chance to "meet" her once in your life.

  83. Great to see a different perspective of something that's been photographed a million times. thanks

  84. This photo was taken at the Palais de Chaillot, n'est pas? At the pave "Droits de l'Homme" ?

    I haven't been to Paris in a decade, but I think that's it.

  85. Love your photos. I followed your blog for more than one year and you don't ever dissapoint. Great blog, and outstanding artist. You have an eye for the unexpected, see things from a different angle each time. Greetings! Claudia from FrenchCountry

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