Friday, October 17, 2008

Naughty Paris!

Who said only men are interested in sex? Had you been yesterday evening at the Naughty Paris guidebook launch party you would have been convinced of the contrary... The party took place at Yoba's, a chic shop dedicated to women's pleasure and the queen of the evening was Heather Stimmler-Hall (it's her in the photo!), the author of the book. To quench the guests' thirst, among the erected objects that could be found in the place, there were also a few bottles of Champagne... Funny: tomorrow I'm off to another female gathering: the Women's forum. Should I bring Heather's book with me ;)


  1. Oh wow! I've been following that blog for quite a while. Great to hear the book is ready!

  2. The photo in the book with the woman in the white coat walking toward the ET on the Champ de Mars is TO DIE FOR! I might have to engage in some copyright infringement. Shhhh.

  3. I don't know if you should bring the book, but maybe some "party favors" from Yoba's would be appreciated. ;-)

    What other objects were erected . . . besides the Champagne?

  4. OMG Eric...I just realized what I was looking at here!

    Where is everyone? Did Jeff's suggestive commentary knock you all out?

  5. Interesting decorations on the window sill!! I have a couple of Eiffel Towers on mine ;)

  6. hmmm.This sure does make for an interesting top and or discussion.Although It leaves me a little intrigue.I like to know more.
    When I think "naughty paris''I think of back when they burlesque was happining.

    {well it's not letting me login under my LJ name :(

  7. Is Eiffel Tower a euphemism, Tomate?

    Okay, I have to know: what brands of Champagne were on hand?

    (FYI: Violet is my favorite color!)

  8. I guess the equivalent here is "Good Vibrations", a co-op that caters to women as well as men, but mostly women. They're also online at if anyone is interested.

  9. All joking aside, I like the design of the book. Very tastefully done.

  10. FROM CALI: Euphemism? No, not at all! :0)

    I collect Eiffel Towers and I have a couple on display on the window sill.

  11. Jazz clubs notwithstanding, Paris is on the "upswing" and I'm not one to complain. Eros (and Eric) are indeed afloat. Beautiful man!

  12. I agree too Cali,
    the design of the book is nice,but elegant too.
    I like the lamp in the background.

    {btw this is Golightly_1983 blogger is not letting me login in my LJ name,so i've had to resort to

  13. For a second I thought the lamp was embellished with condoms.

    By the way:
    I think we all know what my GF crown looks like today > > >

  14. I'm just going to set back and enjoy every one elses comments today!!

  15. Good heavens! I had to tear my eyes away to check on Eric's face, to make sure I'd got the right blog!

    Wellllll, this is my kind of party! he he. What a giggle. I love the varied array of colours in the ...erm...'window decorations' in particular. Very pretty. The design seems to be more straightforward too, than the somewhat more ... complicated designs of some others - one well known 'window decoration' simply has too many whizz-bangs on it. Simple is best. Especially in those fun colours. Wow you do get out and about, Eric. Er.. is THIS why you couldn't make the Thib, Guille and Katie get-together the other night? Hmmm. Well, I suppose who could blame you? :)

  16. By the way, Guille, you will love what I got up to today... :)

  17. At the moment the customer reviews for the book, all seven of them, are all five-star over at Amazon.

    Hmm. You know, it takes at least two to get truly naughty. Let's see, there's one here, and, and...

  18. What's that red thing beyond the lady's right shoulder? Looks like a string of beads. Should I reveal that I don't know what it is? Should I know? Oh...if I were a Parisienne I would know, wouldn't I?

  19. Well Eric,
    I don't know quite what to say except what did you say the address is????? I am no longer a bit worried about getting thrown off CDP for foolishness!HA And Petrea, don't ask.... just don't ask.

  20. Petrea, I wonder if it's a variation on this.

  21. Mmebenaut...LOL! (Reminded me of Meg Ryan's OMG to Billy Crystal in the restaurant.)

    What would Forrest Gump say..."As my mama always said Jenny, life is like a box of naughty erection objects." Run Forrest run!!!

    Say, I'm still looking for some chocolate! There's gotta be chocolate!

  22. Eric, you never cease to amaze me(us)!
    Has anyone ever heard the expression, way to much information? Seroiusly though this post has been extremely umm, what's the word? educational, yes! very educational! Thanks Uselaine You guys are too funny.

  23. E.,
    I looked. Well I HAD to. Yep just as I thought.

    As "Le Roi de CDP" , with this rowdy crowd of CDP'ers are you sure you want to LOWER the bar???? Risky business:)

  24. Virginia: I think the bar has been raised. ;-)

  25. "Naughty Paris; A Lady's Guide to the Sexy City"
    ...c'est "hot". J'ai apprecie cette image. merci ;)

  26. The bar? Low or high, I just need to get there for a drink.

    Elaine, I wish I hadn't looked. Did you notice that the one customer review gave it only one star?

  27. Better than smoking, Ma Parisienne. I always knew you could light up on your own. Sure. The heat within you. Pushing to get out. Pushing to get in. It's everywhere.

    Naughty Paris.

    I'm home and loving this blog. Too bad I'm home alone.

  28. Sorry P and V. You could always just browse for one of them there rabbits...(one is perched on Heather's left ear)

  29. Apparently, the buzz on Rabbit Fever left something to be desired.

  30. That's DARING Eric! You didn't realize in which endless conversation you pushed the PDPers I think!
    Stylish book, stylish woman and most of all, stylish erected objects!

    Have a nice day all.

  31. To adapt a quote from Monty Python:

    'Eric's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!'

  32. Eric
    I agree with Guille, this is a clear invitation to misbehaving :)
    Look at the girls , they are all ( not me,lol!!!)excited, giggly and uhm... maybe I should say no more!

    Since Petrea is not asking can I ask?

  33. Can I too, ask? I've no idea what it is, Petrea. I've never been to such a party! Only Eric has, it seems, amongst us here LOL. I would like to know, though; I am curious. Perhaps it's her hair ribbon just slipped off onto the platform by mistake. No? What, then?... :)

  34. I'm with Lucio, Eric -- take Heather—or just a colorful assortment of her out(up?)standing "toys".
    Jeff -- in this instance, if you were a woman it wouldn't matter if you were alone!
    When I was living in Naughty Paris, I twice found myself at a party that turned into an orgy—once at the apartment of a well-known movie producer (that one was very impromptu) and once at Salvador Dali's country house (that one was very elaborate; there were dobermans). Both times I was "rescued" by someone who used my tender age as an excuse to get outta there!

  35. Surely today's and yesterday's posts are in the wrong order, Eric! The cigarette comes AFTERWARD...if, er, you know what I mean.

  36. Alexa

    I guess I need to hang out with you! I haven't been to one of those in years! lol

  37. Just joking in case anyone here would even dare to think that I would ever consider being naughty in Paris... or any other place ;)

  38. Alexa, you are KIDDING, right?!! Dali's house? Dobermans? Argg.

  39. Alexa I'd have come to Dali's house with you in the blink of an eye, but not for the sex... ! My what experiences you had. And 'there were Dobermans'. Sounds horribly ominous. lol. Eek. or perhaps Guille's Argg is better. :)

  40. Eric is probably highly thankful today that his economic appearances in the comments box are accepted. His hectic worklife has paid off for him in not supplying more details i.e. what happened after the champagne was had, Eric? :) oh I'm not frightened to ask.

  41. I'll be in Paris in 29 days. Petrea and E. I have it on my list as souvenirs for you two!. :)
    And Eric, I doubt the Women's Forum will be as much fun as we've had here.

  42. 'Who said only men are interested in sex?' - Poor Eric, that's where you've been going wrong!

    BTW Heather looks very demure and respectable in the photo - just goes to show that it's the quiet ones that you've got to beware of!

  43. Very clever, Lucio!
    Just got back to PHX from CDG and wanted to add my 2 centimes to the past few days.
    Dinner with everyone at La Cigale Recamier was like being with old friends. It is amazing how a blog brought disparate people together who then had a warm wonderful evening together...just like the May picnic!
    On yesterday's ciggie pix: Paris has named a street in "honor" of Jean Nicote. He was the person who brought tobacco to the country. Need I say more about his last name????
    Naughty Paris...I wonder if this certain street I heard about, and don't remember the name of, is included. My friend was shown, and I emphasize SHOWN a street over 25 years ago,where regular people go to pick up other regular people for WHATEVER. Don't know if it still exists.

  44. Lynn, you'll find out what it is by clicking on the first link Elaine posted.

    Virginia, that's very kind of you but I'm sure I can get one in Hollywood! How about a Tour Eiffel?

  45. Hmmmm. I would say it's the anonymous ones that you've got to beware of.

  46. Merci Eric for the man's point of "view". I don't see the point with dildos. I don't like plastic sex toys -- boring -- I Latex intolerant. ;-)

  47. It always interests me to contemplate "all the lonely people". Why don't we just "get along"? Even though we each have our preferences and dislikes, surely there are those who can keep good company together for whatever span of time is comfortable for the two of them. Or more. Lacking that, I guess one must go "where the toys are".

  48. LOOOOOOOOOOL I knew today's comments would be fun. I have not been disappointed, you all crack me up.

    Virginia you're right, the women's forum is not fun, but it's very instructive. I'm just out of the "Does progress improve happiness" conference. But I still don't have the answer...

  49. Jeff, "...where the toys are". That brings to mind something I was told once by my X. He said, "you have the best toys" referring to my body. That really made me laugh.

  50. Alexa, I was at Régine's in NYC and Salvador Dali's brother invited me to his live-work space in NYC -- we just talked, and I talked with their niece a couple of times on the phone -- once there, and once while I was at Huntington Hartford's mansion. No orgies on any occasions -- nothing about sex at all. We just talked about life and our artwork. They are painters too. Well, I don't think the brother is alive anymore.

    Heather's background in the photo sure does look sterile. The shot of the window saves it though. My thought when enlarging the photo and seeing the window with people, was, "good".

  51. Virginia, you are very thoughtful, but like Petrea, I can get any clogged drains cleared on my own. So kind, you are.

  52. E. and Petrea , I'll scratch that off and get you cute la tour Eiffel keychains instead.

    Eric, We all know the answer to what improves happiness. Surely you don't need a grandmother of 5 from Alabama to tell you.

  53. Lois -- We really need to sit down and talk for a couple of days. At some point, you'll come to NYC or I'll get to SF, and we'll find out we know 47 people in common (and probably each other)!

  54. Virginia, I have a feeling a grandmother of 5 from Alabama knows a lot about happiness. Especially one who promises sex toys as Paris souvenirs.
