You knew it was coming, didn't you?! I'm surprised how many reactions I had (here, on Facebook, etc.) after I mentioned I was going to Ikea yesterday! Apparently, everyone has his own experience of this Swedish institution! There are no less than 7 Ikea outlets around Paris (and 19 in the rest of France) and they are extremely successful. I went there to buy a new bed and ended up buying all sorts of junk I don't need instead! But isn't that what makes the fun at Ikea?! FYI. A little PDP gathering will take place Tuesday 25 at General Lafayette (a restaurant located 52 rue Lafayette). If you want to joint just email me (eric at parisdailyphoto.com) so that I know approximately how many people will show up. Thank you.
I don't care what anyone says: I love Ikea -- especially the Swedish meatballs in the cafe! Nice shot, Eric.
ReplyDeleteOh, how I would love to be joining you in Paris on the 25th! Hope you have a great time. Meanwhile, I'll hang some meatballs from the crown.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Carrie -- I just went back and read all about your day yesterday. Wow, you sure know how to fit in a lot. Isn't the Cluny museum fabulous? It may be my fave in Paris (although trying to pick one favorite museum in Paris is a bit ridiculous). So glad you're having such a good time.
ReplyDeleteFor an awful moment there I thought you were going to say that a little PDP gathering would be taking place at Ikea.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great photo. Love the colours. Yes everyone has their own experience but a lot of them are similar!
Well done Alexa! Meatball crown, yay!
The buying of other stuff is fun yes Eric, of course, provided you can find your way home afterwards. I'm so glad they let you out.
Eric you don't tell us nosey parkers (ok it's just me?) enough! How was it, did you walk in circles, how many miles? Did you find a loo? Was it so difficult to find the exit, you had to flat-pack yourself out of there, what?
ReplyDeleteDinner at General Lafayette (have a verre for me...)? After impulse shopping at IKEA (how many candles did you buy?)(was it Paris Nord?)... I miss Paris (live there 7 years)! Thank you, Eric for keeping my memories fresh!
ReplyDeleteIs that a very tiny plane in the sky or a large bird?
ReplyDeleteI love Ikea too! Probably because the nearest one to me is several hundred miles away, so I don't get the Ikea experience very often. If there was one close by, perhaps the novelty would wear off.
ReplyDeleteoooh I love these colors Eric and the stark metal building against the natural sky. Very nice indeed.
ReplyDeleteI was just saying today that I need to make a trip to IKEA, but I do not find it fun.
You have such a positive attitude Eric!
I wish I could be at your next gathering. I am still crying over having missed you in NY.
I trust you all will share lots of details!
: )
How did you get the sky to match the building?
ReplyDeleteBe sure and post a photo of the gathering on the 25th. Wish I could be there!
A little off topic, but January 26th will be the first anniversary of the Golden Finger award.
ReplyDeleteUKLynn was the first winner(I still haven't gotten over it,Lynn) of this extraordinarily exciting world wide phenomena.
I want to give everyone fair notice to get in shape for this coming year's contest.
wow! the blue is striking. i went to ikea to look for a cutting board and ended up purchasing a kitchen - what can i say, it works for me. amuse toi bien le 25!
ReplyDeletePhx I am flexing my fingers as we speak! What a good idea to give us prior notice. Just imagine if I won this one too. Oh the heat is on!!
ReplyDeleteEric I forgot to say I am impressed by your Swedish! I wish I could make your blog soiree, since I will have been doing DP for 2 years on that day! I shall be there in spirit.
Maria it does have that effect doesn't it? It's quite curious.
That could be their slogan - I went to Ikea for a cutting board and bought a kitchen.
haha we did the same .. lovely cakes good colours .. and we left without leaving one cent there .. take care .. foto-sh
ReplyDeleteEric I just went to Ikea's website, I think it's best if I don't visit the store next year when I'm in Paris. I might not be able to find my way out. Ever!
ReplyDeletePHX you are unbelievable!! I can't believe you know the exact date GF context began. It's been almost one year already??!! Wow time flies.
ReplyDeleteIt is a great idea to inform us about this so that we can all have the same chance to prepare ourselves. Although something tells me Lynn will be a much thougher player than she's been (if that's even possible) for this big event!
My wife and I used to spend a lot of money at Ikea, about 20 years ago. I built at least 3 kitchens 100% swedish ;-)
ReplyDeleteThen we even forgot the name...
And since a few months, and our sons beginning their own independant lives, Ikea's back... ;-))
Last Saturday, we've been to the new Ikea in Tours: Nothing's changed in 20 years, apart from the size and the crowd :-(
Alexa, expect a box from Ikea where you will have to assemble your own GF crown. Accessorizing with Swedish meatballs is optional.
ReplyDeleteP.S. UKLynn you are the original Jaws, lurking under the surface ready to rise in a calculated attack(beware future GF contenders, as I lick my wounds).
ReplyDeleteMonica: I remembered what month we dueled. I just looked at the blogging archives to figure out the day.
I like the cloud sitting on the fence.
ReplyDeletePHx you're hilarious. I love the flat-packed crown idea. My jaws are snapping at the very thought! Oh yes, I shall be lurking....boo!
ReplyDeletePHX Lynn : "I want to give everyone fair notice to get in shape for this coming year's contest." LOL...
ReplyDeleteI like the crown idea too. I need to work on something for this unforgettable anniversary ;)
BTW, did you know that Ingvar Kamprad founded Ikea when he was 17. A self made man, no doubt; no wonder he got into the DIY trade!
LOL great joke, Eric. Love it. Self-made man. he he.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. I fell in love with Paris this year and have been back there 3x. Coming from Asia, it's not exactly a short flight, but every single minute I spend in Paris is worth all those hours of traveling. Thank you for constantly bringing Paris back to me even if only in photos...
ReplyDeleteHey, you're out?! Ouf! I liked the Nasty GG (or Nasty Tomate, last time)'s idea to send me there. Unfortunatelly it wouldn't had been a good idea...I'm able to stay there for 3 hours and would have pushed Eric and Michael to unnecessary purchases!
ReplyDeleteYour English is superb, Guille. That last sentence is just perfect (hope you don't mind me commenting).
ReplyDeleteI mean from 'I'm'.
ReplyDeleteLynn, thanks...but I'm quite afraid: do you mean that my other sentences are always full of mistakes??! ;)
ReplyDeleteHere is the proof: "it wouldn't HAD been a good idea", well done Guille. But I was writing and serving Guinness in the same time so...Okay lame excuse but it's true.LOL
Did you really come out of the store, Eric, or are yous still in there, and posting from your Blackberry? ;)
ReplyDeleteThe few times I've been to Ikea I end up with what I intended to buy or leave empty handed. I think I need to be more spontaneous. :D
ReplyDeleteGuille, only you can serve Guinness and post a comment at PDP at the same time so well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monica ;) merci.
ReplyDeleteI can also "draw" shamrocks in the foam. LOL
Eric, what does your title mean btw?
Since the word is out let me tell you all that PHX and I have been monitoring the GF daily winners and we are preparing a crown for its winner.
ReplyDeleteI think even though the anniversary date is the 26th, we should give the crown on the Spring PDP picnic...
What do you think?
So far, Suzy, Katie, Alexa and Guille are ahead everyone else.
SO, Eric, if you forgive us for taking over your site, PHX and I can be in charge of the GF crown business...
...did somebody say Guinness???
ReplyDeleteRose is much too modest. I am only a lowly co-conspiritor to her idea of giving a crown to the person who won the most GF's for the year.
ReplyDeleteJanuary 26th will be the one year anniversary of GF's formal inception. How about a crown(or whatever) from both Eric AND Rose for this special person who wins on the 26th.
I think it would be hysterical if UKLynn would be at the picnic crowning the new winner, unless she will be pulling a Napoleon and crowning herself!!!!!
What a coincidence! I posted a pic from IKEA just a couple of days ago.
ReplyDeleteI have been leeping records from the last picnic but it is no problem, I can easily go back and get the GFs for those dates...
ReplyDeleteI can't give a crown to anyone... I can make it, count the number of GFs etc, but the actual crown is for Eric to give.
"Eric, say yes"... Rose whispers.
Rose and PHX: I bet you two could rule the world if you wanted to.
Monica: I think they do. :D
ReplyDeleteGosh no Guille, your English is ALWAYS great (though unfortunately has only one l) it's just that sentence seemed so very perfect, I had to say. So English.
ReplyDeleteYeah, did someone say Guinness? Though I really don't drink a lot I do love an occasional glass of the black stuff. Yum.
Oooh isn't it tempting to go over to Frank's to give opinions on Ikea! No. I'd better not. Frank - see the comments of yesterday.
Phx I shall do my best to be there in person to relinquish my crown in a formal manner. he he. My crown is ever changing so not sure what type it will be. My reigning crown is full of diamonds from a few weeks back, I recall, so I'll use that one I think.
Frank? Who's Frank? Frederik I meant. So sorry Frank er I mean Frederik. Goodness the thought of a new crown went to my head!
ReplyDeleteGuille I think it means a great day at Ikea.
ReplyDeleteJ' adore Ikea :)
ReplyDeleteReally great post, Thank you for sharing This knowledge.Excellently written article, if only all bloggers offered the same level of content as you, the internet would be a much better place. Please keep it up!