OK, this is not Le baiser de l'hôtel de ville of course, but I took this photo not very far from where the one by Doisneau was taken, and I can guaranty you that this one is not staged! I saw this couple and thought, "That's nice". But they kept going at it for about 25 minutes straight! Enough time to take a photo I'd say. When they were finished, they both pulled out a cigarette! Happy Valentine day everyone.
Hot damn!
ReplyDeleteI love this photo! There's movement, not just back and forth but also up and down.
Did you watch them for 25 minutes? Are we going to get an Animoto?
I almost forgot to say HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!
ReplyDeleteLa plus belle photo depuis l'hôtel de ville :-)
ReplyDeleteSuperbe Eric, superbe.
ReplyDeleteI am never disappointed with you! That is so ... :)))
As it is said, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow...
Happy happy Valentine day, which can be every day on PDP ;)
Wow, I'm going to try that out right now with Mr. PHX. Bring over the Pompiers!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteA Sex Pistols Valentine's Day kiss! No wonder it lasted 25 minutes...that's about how much time it took for Johnny Rotten to figure out where he was in any given show...or moment. lol I guess this is one way to melt the Parisian snow. Great weekend to you man!
ReplyDeleteSmooch! What a fun photo. Although, I'm glad I didn't have to watch it for 25 minutes!
ReplyDeleteGreat photo Eric.
ReplyDeleteHave a really nice Valentine day!
That's a special shot for this day, certainly enhanced by the bag she is carrying! Happy Valentine's Day!
ReplyDeleteWondeful picture Eric !
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine's Day ;-)
Superbe, Eric. I love that it's black & white, to mirror the Doisneau—and I also like your uncluttered background. So . . . wanna be my Valentine??
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Suzy!
coltran I waqs gonna say something about the Sex Pistols, but you did it better.
PHX -- have fun with your fella!
Phew, my laptop just steamed up! A beautifully passionate photo for Valentine's Day. Thank you, Eric!
ReplyDeleteLOL, Coltrane!
ET Suzy, GF congrats!
Make that "Coltrane, I was . . ." oops.
ReplyDelete[And Eric—just in case anyone else asks to to be their Valentine (I'm thinking Lynn, for some reason), let me just point out that I asked first!]
Of course, I mean "asks you."
ReplyDeleteI give up. Friday. Hard week. Sick and tired. Need alcohol. Later . . .
Are you sure their lips weren't frozen together? The fact they lit up afterwards is too funny.
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine's Day to Eric and all readers.
I think the bag says it all!!
ReplyDeleteHubba Hubba, I mean Ohhh la la. This is a GREAT Valentine's photo but your comments made it more so. I am LOL at this couple "going at it for 25 minutes". Damn, only in Paris!!!!! This may be my fav shot today Eric.
PS When you have 25 minutes you sure as heck ought to be able to pull off a nicely composed photograph.
ReplyDeleteAahhh! I adore the hats and the BW and blurry background (a passing train?) make your photo seem oh so romantic.
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine's Day Eric!
Hey honey - I know, lets do that thing where we stand in the street and kiss until someone takes a photo of us! I love that game.
ReplyDeleteYeah! Pucker up sweetheart!
Wow - ok, got a light?
Yeah - man, can I use a smoke! I thought that guy would never pull the trigger! First he's waiting through light after light for just the right amount of cars going by in the background. Then, it seems like he can't decide what the perfect angle's should be - I mean, did you see him lying down on the ground with his camera and then finally deciding he was going to focus from farther up. You'd think he didn't know we were aware of him! After 25 minutes of that, I think we should get some kind of worldwide exposure!!
Oh, I don't know - I think it was the perfect way to celebrate Valentine's Day!
holy moly....i had to pull out a cigarette myself..whew...HOT!!! i LOVE it. you know sometimes kissing is sooo underestimated. happy valentines to all of you.
ReplyDeleteThis picture is beautiful! It's like a postcard or a card you would get for a lover. Very nice.
ReplyDeleteOh Carrie, hilarious!!!
ReplyDeletehe he that's hilarious. What a great shot too Eric. I adore the way he's holding onto her. Wow. I could do with one of those right now. Happy Valentine's Day Eric xxx
ReplyDeletetrès belle photo!! elle tombe à pic!! félicitation , bravo pour ton blog Eric
ReplyDeleteOne of your greatest shots, Eric.
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentines day to all your PDP fans and to you!
BEST PHOTO EVER!!!!!!!! I love the effect in the background.
ReplyDeleteEric this is perfect, perfect photo, perfect couple and perfect subject for today! oh you're gonna make us all sigh....
This couple is hot, we can see the passion by the way they hold each other. 25 minutes.... that IS hot!
Notice how cool his bag is?!
Happy Valentine's Day!
ReplyDeleteKisses, kisses, kisses, Oh my goodness! (What my sweet little girl used to say when she was about 2) Very true today.
ReplyDeleteI definitely agree that kissing is very underrated. A good kiss can be better than anything!
This is all very well and good, exciting even, and so appropriate for the day, but the general public should be informed that kissing a bearded guy for 25 minutes can lead to a condition that is contagious.
ReplyDelete"Are you glad to see me or is that just a sex pistol in your pocket?"
ReplyDeleteI hope they both had their cootie shots!
ReplyDeleteHappy V-day everyone!
I stumbled upon your site while researching everything and anything that has to do with Paris. I am going to be in your beautiful city at the end of March and scrolling through your pictures make me want to burst with excitement. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
ReplyDeleteJoyeuse Sainte-Valentine. Belle photo.
ReplyDeleteTG, besides the burn, there's the bruised, swollen lips, and for her the clammy cheek from getting breathed on for half an hour at close range. But hey, love is a drug.
ReplyDeleteHappy V-day everyone!
ReplyDeleteAH- AMOUR !
ReplyDeleteI must admit I expected a Valentines photo, and I thought it would be a shop window or something like that (my lack of imagination), but THIS is superbe !
What a lovely B&W photo and what a lovely, hot couple.
Happy Valentines Day !!!
Is there something more moving and powerful in the same time ?
ReplyDeleteI'll print it and frame it and keep it and ... :) and ... :) and ... ;)
It's such a close and URGENT kiss! Love it...
ReplyDeleteHey and I reckon he's English with that Sex Pistols bag! Maybe it's John Lydon himself!! I know he's very much in love with his long term partner/wife, can't remember if they're married. He's a great character! Wouldn't be surprised at all, but he's blonde...
ReplyDeleteTres belle!
ReplyDeleteUSelaine: I saw that same article today. Guys transmit testosterone in sloppy kisses. So, apart from contagion by proximity (my intention), maybe it really might not be totally impossible for her to develop that condition I put in the link above. (Well, of course it's impossible, to that degree anyway).
ReplyDeleteAh, a joke explained is a failed joke.
It's probably OK to click on that link. The link itself might not be contagious, but you never know.
Yeah, the hair color is right in there with John Lydon. But, I don't know. Seems like the ears are different.
ReplyDeletePerfect for today, Eric. Well, come to think of it, perfect for most days. A lovely shot, beautifully placed in the frame. Love the 'whizz' of the background.
ReplyDeleteThis Captures the love day very well. Why people have a thing about union jacks on bags and tee-shirts I'll never know.
ReplyDeleteDirectly in my top 5 Eric!!
ReplyDeleteThe blurry effect is awesome (people were running behind them?!). You have to zazzle it.
I love the cigarette detail, not romantic but funny.
Monica you're right,it makes me sigh! ;)
Shell Sherree: Your laptop steaming up made me laugh. "Whew."
ReplyDeleteIt looks like the world is moving so fast around them while are are standing still in time in their romantic moment. Sorry, got carried away...lol How romantic :)
ReplyDeleteTall Gary that's a great photo you chose of the fantastic John. I'm not overly keen on his music but his character is hilarious.
ReplyDeletePardon! I just came back by for another quick look. Would this qualify for a "cheap thrill" Eric? Whewww!
My favorite photo of the year so far! Thank you for capturing this magical moment... well, I guess it was a magical half hour, right?
ReplyDeleteVery cool . . . love the fact that they smoked a ciggie after the big . . . kiss.
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentines Day to you all!
What else is one to do after ...
ReplyDeleteOMGosh, between your comment about the cigarettes and Coltrain's, Carrie's, and Tall Gary's, I'm laughing so hard. "Hey, hey, my, my. . ." indeed! (BTW, Tall Gary, Johnny Rotten has not aged well at ALL).
ReplyDeleteEric, your background effect isolates them and captures that moment "when two lovers really love, there's nothing there, but this suddenly compact universe, of skin, and breath, and hair," or in this case, hats, coats and gloves ;^). . .
Keep warm, Eric! And a happy V-Day to you.
Kim: If your ears want a bit of a Bruce-Cockburn tickle on this, the coldest night of the year (for singlets). Lyrics clickable on the right.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of aging well, this guy will always be "Young."
Somehow you have to find this couple. They will love this photo!
ReplyDelete{Thank you, Tall Gary - and "...is that a sex pistol in your pocket?" Very smooth! Oh, Ms West would approve.}
ReplyDeleteTall Gary, Thanks for those two clips. Seems to me Bruce and Neil are aging a lot more gracefully than Johnny. Also, great tie in to Coldest Night of the Year thoughts about how many of us might view today. I'm choosing to not let being single again diminish the fun of the day. Went for a great meal last night followed by a fun romantic comedy fest (The Deal w/William H. Macy & Med Ryan, and 27 Dresses w/ Katherine Heigl. No roses, but warm memories and a happy heart. Bruce's new double live album gets released next month (can listen now at www.truenorthrecords.com)so that will be my Valentine's treat to myself :-).
Seattle Daily Photo
This for me is your best photo ever. It sums up why Paris is the most romantic city and what natural photography is all about. Love the bag and her hat too. Beautiful yet cool.
ReplyDeleteNice...but that bag has got to go!! LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteHi From Trinidad.
ReplyDeleteluv the messenger bag!
I love this photo so much I just had to come back and leave another comment! Bravo!
ReplyDeleteI love this picture as many do. The French photographers, Doisneau, Cartier-Bresson, Willy Ronis, etc. are so splendid. I love your site. I wish was there everyday.
ReplyDeleteSimply, brilliant! Well done.
ReplyDeleteAH PARIS..... C'est L'AMOUR