Sunday, August 23, 2009

Live, from a Paris apartment...

Yesterday I had lunch with a friend whose apartment offers a typical Parisian view. He must have thought I was crazy, but the first thing I did when I arrived, was to take a photo! He advised me to also take the window railing - also very Parisian - which was a very good idea. You can all thank Bruno, a former expat in Sydney, now back to good old Paris! Have a nice Sunday everyone. Here it's just gorgeous (blue sky, perfect temperature, you should be here ;))


  1. Very typical and lovely. Wish I were there. I like the close-up and distance in the same shot. Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday.

  2. How exquisite! Paris is adorned with such beautiful ironwork everywhere you look! I am so lucky - I am arriving in Paris on the 9th of September for an entire week!!!!

  3. you're right....I SHOULD be there........donna in SoCal

  4. I made this my desktop background - thank you for giving me a piece of Paris to look at every day!

  5. LO-VE IT!!!

    This is a true gift to us Eric! By the window railing we can tell it's a charming apartment.

    Funny you mentioned.... all of us here think we SHOULD be there too!

  6. Here it's just gorgeous, you should be here: but your aren't, NYAAH NYAAH NYAAH! Oh, that hurts, that wounds. After all I've done for you, and you stick me with that! LOL

    It must be a park outside, for what avenue would be so wide? Maybe we're looking across the canal.

  7. Yes, two nice views - the gorgeous railing and what lies beyond. Thank you, Eric and Bruno! A picture perfect day.

  8. Dreamy ... Another photo that reinforces my heart's longing to return to Paris ...

  9. Your photos are making the last two and a half weeks until I leave for Paris bearable. To think that I will be there for 90 days is fantastic, and yet at the same time not long enough.


  10. Belle photo! I like the juxtaposition of near and far. And that the building is not centered in the frame.

  11. Wonderful picture.
    I think I just need that window in my own appartment in Paris !!! That is my dream.
    Well I have almost the same window railing at the place I currently leave but but but ... Not my own.
    I stayed alone yesterday cause I missed the train I had to take to join my friend. And I enjoyed a lot my freedom (even with all the things to do!). This morning, I took my train pretty early and am still in it. I'm almost at destination. I am able to see a lot of beautiful things through my window. Plus I've begun to read a magazine I like reading from time to time which main title is 'croire en soi et en l'avenir. I am catching up a lot !! LOL. Seriously! And here is the sentence i am keeping in mind for now: 'la qualité de vie dépend d'abord de ceux qui nous entourent'. I do agree!!!and I think I'd rather be there with you ;) Very inspiring. Thanks... Great to see outside!

  12. Thank you, Bruno—and Eric! It's unanimous, I think: We SHOULD all be there. Glad you're having such gorgeous weather. Today, the East Coast of the U.S. is getting the outer edge of Hurricane Bill.

  13. I agree with Alexa, yes we should all be there!
    Thanks for the "lovely room with a view" Eric.

  14. This is my favorite Paris view - I have a whole collection of this same angle from apartments I have stayed in. The best view to wake up to in the morning - thanks for the pic Eric!

  15. During all my visits to France, I have stayed in hotels. Eric, you have given me the initiative to reach out and rent an apartment for my next visit in November this year. Thank you.

  16. Lovely photo, lovely day, lovely thoughts as people get ready to go to the City of Light!

  17. Lovely photo, lovely day, lovely thoughts as people get ready to go to the City of Light!

  18. Lovely. Even better with the railing, indeed.

  19. I compulsively take photos of window grilles whenever I'm in Paris -- I love them. This one is especially good.

  20. well, I am glad everyone enjoyed the "room with a view" and well done Alice, you've found me!

    jeff, it's not the canal neither a very wide avenue, we are looking over a block of "ateliers d'artistes" houses. peacefull and quite...

    eric your pic is just great.

  21. Splendid! I love photos which give me a window into Paris rather than the other way around.

  22. I just love this, Eric. Dare I say the railing has a "Swedish feel" to me. Love it all the same! xo Anne

  23. Eric,
    Indirectement grâce à cette photo que tu as partagée aujourd'hui, j'ai découvert le blog de bv! Oui tu me diras c'est tardif comme découverte puisque le blog n'est plus très actif mais quand même quelle richesse! Je me suis tellement régalée par ses mots.

    Alors bv si vous repassez par ici, je ne sais pas, ...
    Je suis heureuse de vous connaître via Eric et ai lu tous vos cris comme j'aurais lu un recueil de nouvelles. Quel bonheur à lire! Quelle beauté dans certains du genre personnel, quelle lucidité et quelle justesse dans tous!

    On dit (j'ai entendu ça je crois) qu'on reconnaît quelqu'un à ses amis et bien là, chapeau, à tous les deux! ;)

  24. That's one of the things I love most about Paris, it is full of beautiful details.

  25. For a second, I thought you took the picture from my neighbours flat :p (

    Love this view, indeed so Parisian !

    Thanks for blogging, even after 3 years in Paris I'm still discovering things thanks to you :)

  26. je passais justement par là, merci Cn pour votre gentille et élogieuse appréciation de ma prose sur mon blog... effectivement un peu en panne ces derniers temps ;-)

    à bientôt je l'espère. bv

  27. je passais justement par là, merci Cn pour votre gentille et élogieuse appréciation de ma prose sur mon blog... effectivement un peu en panne ces derniers temps ;-)

    à bientôt je l'espère. bv

  28. Je l'espère aussi!
    Des cris, des cris, on veut des cris !!! :))
    Ces quelques mots me font bien plaisir.
    Merci et au régal de vous (re)lire.
