Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Microsoft Windows...

This morning there was a press conference for the grand opening of the new French offices of Microsoft France. The building is really nice so I thought of taking a photo for PDP. I first thought of posting this one but I thought it was too "obvious" so instead I chose this scene, that I saw when I left the building. It's less impressive than what I saw live, but I sill like it. It reminded me of a photo I took a long time ago. Anyway, that will be my contribution to "work", especially for my American visitors who just celebrated Labor Day!


  1. Right -- "work" day, one day when we actually do NOT work. How ironic. Love this one, Eric—the blues are wonderful!

  2. This is a lot like that other photo you took back when—only blue instead of green. These offices look very posh and modern, btw. Where is this building?

  3. I pass by it every morning. Not bad from the outside!!! But I guess it is worth seeing inside!
    All around there are many others new buildings. Some have just been finished and delivered and some others are still unfinished. They are located just beside the 'bd périphérique' between Porte de saint Cloud and Porte de Versailles. I'll think of this photo tomorrow morning on my car !

  4. I do like your first choice very much, really stylish, but I can see why you chose this one Eric. The people add life to it. Lovely blues.

  5. The 2007 photo was of a school. How appropriate that the color was green. (A metaphor for new, young, inexperience.) The Microsoft blue is completely different from the green student environment.

    Or, is it only a shade different...?

    By the way, does anyone else hate what they did with all the Office applications? It's almost impossible to find the commands now.

  6. I like it. A lot.

    Speaking of Microsoft and computer technology, congratulations on your new blog Eric!!!

  7. I like this insider story, Eric! Thanks for your tremendous effort. We really appreciate it!

    * We = Bloggers, NOT Microsoft

  8. Cool. I sure hope Steve Ballmer comes over to give you one of his inspirational speeches

    (a classic, must see video)

  9. I suppose Microsoft [::spit::] has its place, like anything else. ;^)

  10. Very corporate.

    Tomate, loved the video. Who says the art of public speaking is dead?

    Seems like the lunatics have finally taken over the asylum.

  11. A nice shot, and I love the shot from 2007 as well.

    Here I go being negative, but is that the lunchroom? Those chairs look uncomfortable and, based on my Microsoft experience, I'll bet that's the intention. After 20 years of using Microsoft products, let's just say I'm happy with my new Mac.

    Ballmer has his work cut out for him.

  12. Pretty modern building, but I assume it's in an area where that works. I know people bag on Microsoft as a company, but in the end, they took the personal computer to the next level like Napster did for digital music. Good or bad, they played a role in modern life....


  13. Glad you liked it, Drummond.
    Yeah, Steve Ballmer is ... ahem.. passionate ;)

    I once got yelled at by a security guard and told to get the f.. off the Microsoft campus in Seattle.

    I was just trying to get a picture of myself standing next to the Microsoft sign, pretty innocent, I thought, but I guess at Microsoft, they're used to it ;)

  14. Probably yet another office full of Microsoft lawyers.

    Once again on Labor Day we were reminded by the news media of how few paid vacation days we are "given" here in the US of A. Even the Australians have more vacation days! Can you imagine that?! :)

  15. Nice shot Eric! I like the interaction of spaces and shapes and color and light, very interesting.

    I deal with a lot of Microsoft "people" from Seattle and they have an attitude of superiority that is totally unwarranted[to say the least]and really unnecessary. If someone is going to act like they own the world the least they could do is dress the part; dockers and a golf shirt is not the uniform of a leader.

  16. Faut bien reconnaitre que sur beaucoup d'aspects, il a une réelle supériorité ... Mais les Français aiment aussi beaucoup les outsiders, les challengers... Enfin, j'espère encore que c'est un peu vrai ;)
    un petit peu ;)

  17. Sad comment is the ever present security camera in the lower right hand corner.
