Who said that the average Frenchman does not wear a beret and eat baguette anymore? Here is a pic I took on Place de la Sorbonne (same spot as yesterday's picture) of a student waiting for the demonstration to start. Thought you'd like it...
PS: problems with blogger. A lot of you are reporting poblems accessing PDP or posting comments. I am sorry for that, it should not last too long but if you want to know more, please visit this.
just what we think the french are like - oh the stripy t-shirt is missing :)
ReplyDeleteToo cold Andreea, too cold!
ReplyDeleteShouldn't he also have strings of onions on his bicycle? :)
ReplyDeleteBut you know, anywhere else such a steriotype would be tacky. That lovely French Navy beret is just perfect. It has real class.
I have no idea of what frenchmen are supposed to look like,eric.
ReplyDeleteThere are only few I know, you, Vincent Cassel (?), and my favorite Jean Reno .
cool pic.
Oooh... merci beaucoup!
ReplyDeleteHey, Eric,
ReplyDeleteDo you know for sure that he's an "average Frenchman?" Maybe he's a CFA (Come From Away) who just wants to be. It's a powerful temptation. Last time I was in Paris, I was almost bought high heels. I settled for an expensive handbag instead.
I'm really enjoying your photos. I'm Canadian and often listen to the Overnight Service on CBC, our public radio network. The Service is a compliation of the best of public radio from Europe, Russia, Africa and Australia. It's interesting how often the radio documentaries and your photos collide - especially the protests.
Bon Anniversaire on your first year - and keep it coming.
Ha! He is probably Italian. Actually, he is cute so who cares where he is from. I think I love him.
ReplyDeleteThat is adorable!
ReplyDeleteoooh! so cute! I think i am in love!
ReplyDeleteJust tell me his name is Pierre, and the image will be complete!
ReplyDeleteEric--I have a question...as a photographer myself (I just dabble in it now and then) i have wanted to take pictures of people ALL the time but am embarassed that they will notice or other people on the street with notice or someone will get upset. How did you take this pictures and others like it?
ReplyDeleteI love this picture.....SO CLICHE!
je parie que c'est un touriste!!
ReplyDeletewell, good old traditions, huh. I really thing that it's about time for us to get rid of those old traditions. It's rather boring now!!!
ReplyDeletebuzzgirl, he must be a Pierre...he has no choice...
ReplyDeleteEric, long lense?
Not me... But I would bet he is a young american student in Paris intending to add some local colour to his look! A new lost generation?
ReplyDeleteI agree with san francisco,.It would be nice to see you in beret and baguette
ReplyDeleteGreat shot - very funny. Where's the accordian?
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice idea!!! I love Paris and your photos are great! I am living on the beautiful island of Mallorca, so it would be a good idea to make such a blog, but unfortunatelly I don't have internet every day to put pictures... :( But I will keep on looking at your blog! :)
ReplyDeleteI find his look rather charming...my boyfriend always nags me about looking like a french woman in ´68...
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love "Pierre".
I also absolutely support manuel's idea!!
As a French, I confirm we can see more and more old fashion french look in Paris
ReplyDeleteI saw a snippet on the French demonstrations on CNN this morning, and a "middle-aged" guy wearing a beret walked behind the reporter. I told my boyfriend (in jest) that CNN may have paid the guy to do that, so as to make the clip more "authentic."
ReplyDeleteQuite a neat shot, Eric. And yes, I am curious to find out if you ask those people permission to take their picture.
Maybe a tourist. I once saw a guy in Gare du Nord who was dressed exactly like Oscar Wilde--big cape, enourmous hat, flowing hair, and a trunk instead of a pack or suitcase. And he was American (living his movie, God bless him).
ReplyDeleteC'est pas possible, tu l'as payé pour poser !!!
ReplyDeleteC'est parfait!!!
I don't believe Eric has the $$$ to pay his subjects. . . :^)
ReplyDeleteGreat framing and liniar elements in the photo, BTW. . .now just roll the soundtrack from Amelie. . . :-)
Anyone know how the beret became a sterotype of Parisians? Must have been a film or??
Funny pictures, and as it is said up there, he may be a foreigner who wants to have ze "frenchy style".
ReplyDeleteAnyway I discovered your Blog today Eric, good idea and great job ;-))
7red from Paris
Et puis c'est bon, je révise mon anglais !!
He looks so flawless, so effortless.
ReplyDeleteWhenever I'm in France and buy baguette I can't help but tear off the crusty tip and savour every crumb. Looks like he can't either!
> Pam. I was not aware of the onions (I was about garlic though...)
ReplyDelete> Midnitebara. Excellent. At least you have a good image of the typical French guy. I like these two guys too and I am happy they have a carreer abroad.
> Eurobrat. Welcome!
> Barb & Tempest Fox. Frankly I would bet a lot of money that he is French. Congrats on your radio choice BTW...
> Michelle, soosha, anonymous. Isn't a little too quick? Can you fall in love with a photo?!
> Buzzgirl. Well, I think it's Jean-Pierre!
> Nahal and Elisabeth. I did not ask for his permission. I very rarely do that here if you notice but this time I couldd not help posting this picture. And I don't think he saw me because it was in the middle of a crowd on Place de la Sorbonne. There is no much harm though - everyone says they love him!
> Claude. Yes you're probably right. But you know what it's like: traditions are difficult to get rid of...
> Manuel, Midnitebera, Cynthia and a few others... Well, I was going to reply "it's out of the question, but on a second thought I might surprise you. One problem though: I don't own a beret...
> Bob. Thanks. It's true the accordeon is definitely missing!
> Mallorquina. That is too bad, it would be a splendid idea...
> Cynthia. If I dress up as typical Frenchman I want to see a picture of you looking like a French woman in '68!
> Anonymous. Do we?!
> Elisabeth. Honestly such things exist but very rarely. Reality if often much more impressive that fiction!
> Luggi. I wish I have been there with my cam!
> Marie-Hélène. Non!
> Kim. Non!! The Beret. I don't know actually, good question. The famous type os a Beret Basque - coming from a region of France. I don't know why it is so famous abroad (although I must say a lot of old men still wear a beret here...)
> 7red. I am sure he is French!
> Julia. I do too. French bread is the only thing I miss when I am abroad.
I know I keep saying this Eric, but this is one of your best. Ok, a stereotypical shot, but I love it. I guarantee he's French with his coat from Brittany.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie...I'd share his baguette with him any time!
ReplyDeletelove the picture, It could not be more perfect!
ReplyDeleteI hope he had a book by Sartre tucked into his bag...
ReplyDeleteTres Tres Paris! J'aime cette image et je manque mon amour à Paris ! ! !:((