Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Ascension of Christ

Today is L'Ascension that is, according to the Catholics, the day of the elevation of Christ into heaven, the fortieth day after his resurrection. You can say I took the wrong photo of course - since this one shows the Virgin Mary - but it's the only religious one I have taken recently! I actually took it last Sunday inside the Sainte Marie des Batignolles Church in the 17th arrondissement. And by the way It's also a Holiday so I take advantage of it to go to the South (Avignon) until Sunday. There will still be a daily photo here, of course, but I won't be able to answer your comments.


  1. Uplifting! Thank you.

    See Philadelphia's Champs-Elysee

  2. Very different from yesterday's photo.

  3. So very beautiful - merci!

  4. Beautiful...absolutely beautiful Eric!! "Bonne Pose" a Avignon!! kpg

  5. Ta photo est vraiment belle.
    Bonnes vacances à Avignon.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Nice shot Eric. Taking them inside churches is always difficult with the lighting, trying to be discreet with the services going on, and I suppose laying on the floor to get the right angle doesn't give a good impression.'ve managed another good one.

    Have a good rest and why not recruit an Avignon Daily Photo blogger while you're down there. It's another lovely city.

  8. I'd never been inside Sainte-Marie des Batignolles. Quite a contrast with the church exterior, of a neoclassical style with columns and no steeple. Batignolles, with its lovely square has something of a secluded village. It is upscale, but not grand. It is a short walk over to avenue de Clichy, much livelier and more "populaire"

    Eric, have a good holiday in Avignon; yes, it is a beautiful, historic city.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Great shot!
    Saarbücken is just hosting the Catholics Day 2006, so they're celebrating heavily downtown at the moment. =)

  11. Thank you for this beautiful photo. Have a great holiday!

  12. Hi, Michael,

    There already is an Avignon daily blogger. Great posts.

  13. Eric,
    Very nice blog, well laid out, interesting topics, upbeat, a real pleasure to read. Thanks.

  14. Ujima said...


    Ascension, uplifting ... very droll! :)

    Good shot, as usual, Eric. I can never seem to get close enough or have enough light to get decent photos inside our churches. This is indeed a shame, because, no matter what one's beliefs are, we have some stunning religious art that can be appreciated.

    Care to share any tips, beyond "buy a better camera"? :)

  15. The most special place in Paris regarding Marie is probably the "chapelle de la médaille miraculeuse", rue du Bac, just close to the "Bon Marché".
    Here, Marie is supposed to have appeared to a young religious sister.
    Have a guided visit of this chapelle :

    It is not as nice as the pic of Eric, but this emotional place is unique. Many people go an a pilgrimage to that lively place.

  16. *giggle* Michael, I can imagine eric lying down on the floor and kind of wiggling around like a fish out of water trying to find the perfect shot! Wouldn't that be a sight?

  17. first reaction to photo was why is a photo of the virgin mary titled 'the ascension of Christ'.. l o l.

    awesome photo!! i'm a big fan!

  18. Il y a comme un problème d'affichage sur la première photo de votre blog quand on essaie de l'afficher en message seul. J'ai été spammée en faisant des liens cette nuit. Des gens qui essayaient de m'empêcher de publier un lien. Ils ont réussi à m'enlever une lettre et comme je n'arrivais à publier le message avec le lien, j'ai déconnecté et ils m'ont mis des publicités pour des casinos de Las Vegas et des Night-Clubs américains. Depuis la lettre manquante à mon lien que j'ai refait ensuite quand ils sont partis, un g est difficile à taper sur mon clavier et il manque une icône sur mon bureau. J'ai pourtant deux anti-intrusions, plein d'anti-spams et d'anti-espions. Ils ne s'imaginent quand même pas que l'on va prendre l'avion pour aller jouer là-bas et danser dans leur night-clubs.Les français ne sont pas assez riches..

  19. Ceci dit, cette sculpture baroque est très belle. On dirait qu'elle est illuminée aussi spirituellement et pas seulement par le flash ou un projecteur ?
