Sunday, June 11, 2006

Gourmet French food

I came across this row of pizza delivery scooters, all lined up and ready to go and thought you'd like to know that even we French have to take a break from gourmet food from time to time. This may come as a bit of a shock to some of you Francophiles, but we don't always spend hours in the kitchen preparing fancy meals when the kitchen can come to us! Now with the World Cup underway, the pizza companies expect huge rises in sales as people are afraid to leave their television sets. Pizza Hut ("pizza hoot" in French) has even dedicated a whole site to the World Cup here. Be sure to check out the "videos" there. You'll enjoy their tongue-in-cheek look at the change of French culture with the onset of pizza and sports.


  1. I'm LOL at the video link! How great it is that the French are willing to make fun of themselves. I hate to admit it, but I love a Pizza Hut pizza in Paris from time to time. Remind me to tell you about the free coupons one day!

  2. I wish Pizza Hoot looked sooo good over here!

  3. OK. The videos are VERY funny. Still, Pizza Hoot is garbage.

  4. Mmm... looks good! I'm having a caption contest (inspired by Mark from saintemaximdailyphotos) over at Come one, come all!

  5. Haha! You were right those Pizza Hut videos are hilarious!

  6. Bonjour,

    Pour être honnête, Pizza Hut n'est sûrement pas le restaurant où j'irais déjeuner tous les jours.

    Je ne dis pas que leurs pizzas soient mauvaises ou immangeables, mais par contre elles sont particulièrement huileuses et plutôt lourdes à digérer l'après midi !!!

    La productivité au bureau après un déjeuner chez eux décroît de façon dangereuse. Mes collègues et moi étions tous plus ou moins enclins à la somnolence...

    Cela étant dit, de temps en temps, pourquoi pas ?


    Didier (blog)

  7. Hilarious! And I love the little delivery scooters.

  8. The videos were great, I totally agree. Still, I absolutely hate Pizza Hut pizza (I am not a huge fan of pizza to begin with, I have to admit...). My daughter had a high school friends whose parents own a few Pizza Hut franchises, and I never patronized their shops. I also noticed on my recent trip to my hometown that the local Pizza Hut (located near the hotel where I stayed) had closed down since my last visit.

  9. the videos are hilarious..Euro 8.9 for 2 persons? not bad at all!

  10. Mi piace molto la pizza vera, quella italiana! I loathe Pizza Hut's ersatz "pizza"; horrid, greasy stuff with a dreadful crust. Fortunately it is possible to eat proper pizza in Paris, I have, with friends who had all met each other in Perugia, Italy. Alas don't remember the name of the little place.

    By the way, I make my own pizza, with goat cheese, organic flour, garlic etc. The latest was an artichoke pizza. Disappeared within seconds. ;-)

  11. Pizza Hoot! That's so cute. Of course the French likes Pizza Hoot. Everyone loves it!

  12. So, my coupon story (for the bored and lonesome)...

    W\I went to a Pizza Hut here in Paris with some French friends because we wanted something quick. It was anything BUT quick. While waiting, we noticed the placemats had one of those "keep the customer occupied so they don't rush us" quizzes.

    One of the questions was, "Where was the first Pizza Hut store?" with one of the possible answers being Wichita, Texas (the first Pizza Hut was opened in Wichita, Kansas!).

    Since we were mad about the service, and I couldn't let a misrepresentation of my country go unoticed, I told my friends that I would write a letter to the company and include the placemat. They all laughed and said it would get me nowhere...

    In the mail a few weeks later appeared a letter of apology for the service, an explanation that the placemats had all been removed, and a set of coupons for free pizza. My French friends were amazed, as you'd never see that in France.

    So you see, it sometimes helps to "put it in writing". Of course, the coupons were used at another Pizza Hut where the service was equally terrible.

    >>you can wake up now<<

  13. Il y a 9 mois que j'ai quitté Paris et à l'époque on disait Pizza "Eutte". What happened?

  14. Michael - I complain all the time (well, whenever I have the time to do so) in writing to companies whenever I get really bad service. Last year, this earned me a coupon for a free night at a hotel (I can't really use this coupon ever, but nevetheless...), and another time I got a fine that I had received on a TGV reimbursed.

  15. Elisabeth, you know I'm dying to know what went wrong that got you a free night in a hotel! Do tell all!!!!

  16. Your "Pizza Hoot" is a good play on words in American English, where "a hoot" is something very funny, or kind of a joke. "What a hoot!" = approximately "Quelle rigolade!"

  17. When we were in Paris in April, my son pointed out a couple of motorcyles late at night on the rue Claude Bernard: they were Domino's pizza, I believe. This may have been Easter Monday, when so many stores were closed or starting their Easter vacations.


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