Who said it's summer time in the Northern hemisphere? Well in that case, I'm afraid Paris is NOT in the Northern hemisphere. It's been pouring rain for the past 3 days and this week is not going to be any better. People who come to Paris and find PDP often ask me what to wear, what the weather is going to be... And I'm always unable to give them a proper answer. At least the rain makes the pavement shiny, which is nice for photos ;-)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Come on, it's July!
Who said it's summer time in the Northern hemisphere? Well in that case, I'm afraid Paris is NOT in the Northern hemisphere. It's been pouring rain for the past 3 days and this week is not going to be any better. People who come to Paris and find PDP often ask me what to wear, what the weather is going to be... And I'm always unable to give them a proper answer. At least the rain makes the pavement shiny, which is nice for photos ;-)
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Some times nature is just not fair. But at least all the flowers in the parks are being watered naturally - are they still blooming?
ReplyDeleteBut more importantly - will the streets be dry next Sunday when the Tour rolls into town for a grand finish?
I tell people to dress in layers- and not look like a tourist! It is cold and rainy here in Western PA but 100+ in Central Texas (I think they may have rain and only the 90's this week.)
ReplyDeleteLovely picture. Notice in movies how the streets are often wet? Yep, like you said, it's nice for photos.
Hope you are enjoying week two of your vacation anyway.
I spent the last week in the Southest part of France and I can tell you that they are luckier there than we are in Paris with the sun!... But they do not have the E.T. nor somptuous bridges Paris owns! In a few days you are going to the Lubéron, you'll experience that weather for sure!
ReplyDeleteEric, your photo is really nice. The glossy pavement makes it look perfect!
Wow - I am GF for today. I always check in to see what wonderful pictures you post, but rarely comment.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy week 2 of your staycation in a great city.
Hope to see many of your pictures in future post
PHX would like to congradulate SEA!! GF is fun, isn't it!!!
ReplyDeleteI have said it before, but it rains in CDG much more than in LHR. Bring an umbrella.
BTW, it is 113 degrees in PHX today and everyday that i have been home. I long for the rain.
ReplyDeleteI was shocked to read in our local paper this morning that Jill Burnett, creator of SalemDailyPhoto, in Oregon, died suddenly on July 8th. This was one month after the passing of her husband to cancer. Her last blog post was announcement of his death. You can read the obit here
There is a widget at SalemDailyPhoto containing examples of her photography. I posted it at my blog in her honor today. If others, especially CDblogs would do this for a day or two, it might help her son get through this terrible time....
Eric, is this building the end (or the begining depending where you're coming from I guess) of Le Louvre?
ReplyDeleteAbout the rain, I guess it's been raining a lot in Paris this season huh?
PHX I think everytime I hear it's raining in Paris I'll remember you and your lovely beret, cause that reminds me of you telling me how much you hate the heat so you'll take the rain any time!
Eric, I can imagine it would be frustrating, especially on your vacation. But it does make for a lovely photo. Paris glows even in the rain.
ReplyDeletePHX, we're much cooler here in Pasadena. Only 100 degrees today! I long for rain, too. In these drought times I feel guilty watering the lawn. I water the front a little bit so my neighbors won't send me packing, but the back yard is all brown.
Lydia, USElaine put up a note about Jill's death on the CDPforum, but I don't know how many people go there. Does Jill's son visit CDP blogs? It's so hard to lose a parent. To lose both almost at the same time must be devastating.
It's not been very summery in most of the US either! The Northeast has had lots of rain, as you have, and temperatures in much of the Southeast and Midwest have been unseasonably cool. We've hardly hit 90 F all summer!
ReplyDelete.. I like the way the street lamps, the traffic signals, and the man all reflect on the pavement. Nice effect, Eric.
ReplyDelete.. Myself, I like it when it rains; la tranquillité dans la rue, et la tranquillité d'esprit.
Salut Paris! In spite of the rain, a lovely picture indeed! My challenge to you Erik: could you take a picture of the "Maison de Verre" - Pierre Chareau's 1932 glass house? (Assuming you haven't already in a previous posting) Bonne chance! Bonjour d'EAGAN daily photo
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting us know that sad piece of news, Lydia. My thoughts go out to her family.
ReplyDeletePetrea - good for you!! (I always like to encourage everyone on the water savings.)
ReplyDeleteEric, nice photo - sorry you had to pay for it in spring weather. I guess you won't be on the CE for the final stage of the Tour de France, then? : ) Enjoy yourself where ever you may be!
Just beautiful. Thanks for another distance shot of our beloved Paris.
ReplyDeleteEric, the rainy day made for an outstanding photo indeed! Both the view and the reflections in the water are excellent.
ReplyDeleteLydia, thank you for the news. I will say a prayer for Jill's son. As Petrea noted, losing both parents in such a short time has to be incredibly painful and challenging, to say the least. The widget sounds like a nice tribute.
Nice shot! I wish we'd get more summer rain out here. The rain does a really good job at cleaning the sidewalks and the air.
ReplyDeleteLooks bright and sunny out my window here Eric. Whic part of Paris do YOU live in? LOL Seriously, the weather is crap. There, I've gone and said it. Usually I'm all for some rain "to help the flowers", "to wash away the dust" and about 100 other rationalised excuses to get me through it, but this year it's crap!
ReplyDeleteOk, ok, calm... I do love the way the lamp is standing in the water that should be in the moat to the left and not on the right.
Thank you Lydia for the news. I did read it on the CityDailyPhoto.com site, but couldn't believe it so so soon after her husband's departure. May Jill's family find condolence in the memories left behind in Jill's excellent photography.
ReplyDeleteSummer finally returned to Minneapolis today. The weather was perfect, after a week of chill. No rain, however, and we are in a bad drought. I have started watering the lawn, Petrea, and the big ash tree in front that looks very thirsty.
ReplyDeleteMy condolences to the blogger who posted her last. A story: I ran into an old school chum in the market where he works. His birthday was yesterday. I said isn't if funny how many people don't like having a birthday--don't like getting old. We both laughed. Think of the alternative. Immediately, a woman interrupted us, saw "Paris" printed on my shirt. She said "Oh, I learned French in school. I'm 92 and I still remember it. Where are the Brussell sprouts, young man?" As he led her to the vegetable section, I waved and said: "Birthdays! Let's have more!"
Drought in Minneapolis, Jeff? I guess we'd better get used to the fact that our climate is changing.
ReplyDeleteYes the pavements when wet make great shots Eric and this is one! :)
ReplyDeleteLydia this sounds awful, I had no idea; I don't go to the forum so I miss these sort of things I'm afraid. I am so sorry and will go back to my blog post today to honour their memory. Thank you for letting us know here.
I will in fact do it tomorrow as my post today is jovial.
ReplyDeleteAaaaaaaaah, your summer has migrated here to the southern hemi, where in Sydney it's still, cloudless, sunny and 20 deg. Winter, indeed!
ReplyDeleteI hear we're getting hit with El Niño this year. Winter 2009-2010 for the Northern hemisphere. I know what it means for us in Asia, but I have no idea how it'll impact on your winter.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I completely agree with your last statement ;)
My sites are expected to
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard about this being an el Nino year - for us in SoCal it usually means tons of flooding during the winter months. Hmmmm. Maybe I should go to Paris instead. (Ok - that's my quick answer for just about every problem in life!)
ReplyDeleteWho doesn't love Paris in the rain???
ReplyDeleteRIP Jill Burnett of Salem Daily Photo, and her husband, as well. In my business, I see widows and widowers die of broken hearts all the time. It's romantic, in a way.
ReplyDeleteI would describe this photo as "clean." It reminds me of how the movie studios clean the streets when they are filming something in San Francisco.
What is this rain of which you speak? I'm enjoying our south Bay Area Summer weather. Cool and crisp mornings and warm/hot afternoons and early evenings. Then we cool down 20 degrees or so for great sleeping conditions. Ahhhhh....
I found this info:
ReplyDeleteCinéma au Clair de Lune, moonlit cinema from 5 to 23August (13 projections, 13venues, free of charge. For three weeks, for its 9th edition, the Cinéma au Clair de Lune festival will be setting up its giant screens to show films under the stars in different places around Paris,... A different film and a different neighbourhood each evening: "Pierrot le fou" at the Trocadero, "Tchao Pantin" in the Parc de Choisy, "The Three Musketeers" Place des Vosges, "Le rayon vert" in the Parc André Citroën...
PLEASE, somebody go see "The Three Musketeers" at Place de Vosges and tell me all about it!
ETSuzy, I think you'd better tell us what business you're in.
ReplyDeleteYes, Suzy, I'd be curious to know as well. Eric, I spent a few days in Paris one July (2002), and thanks goodness I was staying in a friend's apartment with some spare clothes in the closet, or I would have had to go out and buy a coat. Took a bad spill on the the slippery cobbles in the rain too. I was okay but both my cameras were damaged. Still, cold, rainy weather or not, at least I was in Paris! And look how nice your picture is. (They filmed a movie scene on my block once and had their own water truck for wetting down the street for affect & ambience.)
ReplyDeleteHope the Cinemas au Claire de Lune don't get rained out.
Petrea and Alexa - estate planning, trust administration, probate. Where there's a will there's a way.
ReplyDeleteJeff that sounds divine!
Monica, Le Louvre, thanks for mentioning the name of the building, palace, museum -- I am painting this building presently, but at a different angle. Can you imagine to be King or Queen of France, and this being your home. Wow!
ReplyDeleteChristina SEA, Funny one "staycation" I love it!
Eric, Yep! Shinny pavement with the reflection of white, blue and red. How patriotic. Love this photo BTW, the angle is cool. Kinda the angle of rain falling.
Lydia, thanks a million for the Widget you made in honor of Jill Burnett. I must say I felt weird - and sorry of course - when I saw the news on the portal, because - I know it's stupid - I feel like all city Daily Photo bloggers are part of my family!
ReplyDeleteI could not really imagine that one day, one of them would die (which is also stupid!)
Anyway, thanks again for reminding us and for making this special tribute.
On a different note, thanks everyone for your comments about this photo. I was not too sure.
yes Monica, it's one end of Le Louvre (do yo know that some people talk bout rebuilding the whole original castle BTW?)
PHX: I hope you have a good air conditioning system LOL! 113° should be prohibited!
poodletail. "Who doesn't love Paris in the rain???" MEEEEEE! (And Alexa!)
Jeff. Cinema at PLace des Vosges??? Are you sure.
Lois "Can you imagine to be King or Queen of France, and this being your home. Wow!" You'd lova that, wouldn't you!
Eric what a lovely thing to say. We are part of the PDP family so I know exactly what you mean there.
ReplyDeleteIt is not nice to be there when it's raining too much... but that lady looks great in wet-look.
ReplyDeleteEric no I didn't know people talk about it. hmmm is the original castle very different? I guess so since it has been build over the year by different kingdoms...
ReplyDeleteI'm am sorry to read the news about the citydaily blogger. RIP.
Looks like Paris has done a swap with Sydney. We're in the middle of winter and have had some glorious sunny days. Quite warm too and we have hit 22 and 23 degrees on a few days this week.
ReplyDeleteSydney - City and Suburbs