Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to school

Monday August 24, the day everything went back to "normal"! Paris plage has closed, the streets have started filling up again, most of the stores are reopening today and tourists have started leaving... Bye bye vacation time, hello Metro Boulot Dodo (the rat race)! Is it good or bad? I don't care really as I went back to "my schoo" almost a month ago, precisely to "feed" on time the people who come back at the end of August ;-) Anyway, before things go back to crazy, let me offer you a peaceful Paris set: La place du Châtelet at dawn.


  1. What a lovely image, Eric. I guess it can't be helped—it all goes back to normal eventually. I'm back to work too, after some days at the beach. Oh well.

  2. well, I'm glad that it will be back to normal since I'll be arriving there tomorrow! I'd prefer Paris with Parisians in it and all the stores and restaurants opened. Nothing is good or bad, it just Tolle would say..:)

  3. Why are the stores reopening? Do they close for the summer?

  4. Is that the Tour St. Jacques?

    I love how the clouds are the subject here.

  5. Now I know the perfect time to visit: at the end of August (perhaps at dawn).

  6. I am not fond of quiet Paris,but I am fond of this Magrittish picture.
    Hopefully, the weather will get back to normal. as I will be living up to my "name" next month.

  7. Janella--August is a big month for vacation in many European cities, with monthly closures from restaurants to stores. Most locals are gone to the seaSHORE---i MET A fRENCH COUPLE ON mIami Beach 2 weeks ago and thought how smart they were as their money was going further than on the Riv1era .

  8. Back to school can be both exciting for the child and apprehensive for the parent! It's a step forward for both, just like your picture Eric; to a brighter tomorrow.

  9. Beautiful! The clouds have taken on an almost silky texture.

  10. Stores are reopening? Why did they close? The summer seems to have gone really quickly for me and no holiday away. Time off, yes, but no zooming off in a plane somewhere exotic :( all say ahhh. lol.

  11. Eric, this photo is breathtaking!!!
    High contrast and wide space. Wow. I have in mind the picture of a bird ready to fly in that beautiful sky.

    Back to school is more apprehensive for me now than it used to be in the past. Very often, I feel fragile before although I have really few problem to adapt myself after. And I often prefer after!!!

  12. Owen started kindergarten 2 weeks ago. Fun! We're both loving it. Our walks to school are as peaceful as this enchanting photo!

  13. Hi Eric,
    My little finger tells me you were at bv's place yesterday :-)))
    Great photo! Nice place eh? Very quiet too, which can be rare in Paris.

    Yes today is back to work for me too.
    Yuk. Can I say I hate Mondays?

  14. This photo is breath-taking! Well done.

    Today is my baby's first day in the 4th grade. She's grown about a million inches over the Summer. I can't keep up with her!

  15. I hope the clouds don't accompany the return to normalcy in Paris....we come in the Fall so it is more normal, but the clouds can maybe extend their vacation a little longer for us!


  16. If you are going back to normal, dear friend, then I need your Tweets in English! :-) I have been lost for ages and it is not fair. I know, I know, learn French, you say. I'm trying!! xo Anne

  17. I lilke Paris without the tourists ( would that include moi???)! I admire you for being up at dawn to capture this wonderful shot Eric. Bravo! zzzzzzzzzzzzz
