Saturday, August 01, 2009

Theme day: night shot

It's not because I'm away that I must skip the good old traditions, is it? Well today is a theme day and as I was lucky enough to find out about the theme day before my departure, here you go: a night shot of the Ferris Wheel, the one that I already photographed here (Not that I am short of unpublished night shots really!).

As always, see where the other City Daily Photo bloggers took their camera to last night ;)


  1. I'm getting upside-down vertigo looking at this! Wonderful shot from below, Eric.

  2. Oooh, lovely! Like Suzy, it makes me a bit dizzy just to look at this, but it's a spectacular photo. Glad to see you're following the "rules" even while you're en vacances :~}

  3. the composition is spectacular, the lines and shapes provide quite a contrast.
    Looks rather space age!

  4. As always I have a fellow cdp blogger to thank for reminding me it's theme day. It is a frantic image. Maybe I should really view when I am sober.

  5. From that angle, they (what are "they" called? look like flying discs. It's a great shot.

  6. I love your perspective for this shot. Very fun and makes me a bit dizzy. Wonderful color/whitebalance, too, BTW. That's a nice black night sky!

  7. Love your perspective on this one, and that matte black night sky!

  8. Great pic Eric, love the angle.

  9. Really great shot, Eric! My first thoughts: Is that the International Space Station? And how on earth is Eric going to tie that in to Paris? And how did he get close enought to take the ... Oh, wait, ferris wheel. Got it!!

    Now, I am confused about the ferris wheel situation in Paris. During the final lap of the Tour de France I saw that there were not two wheels set up in the Tuileries, but rather that they had moved the wheel from the Place de la Concorde down close to the Louvre (a move I'd like to see performed, for sure). But, now I see that the carriages are different than those that I rode in, which were enclosed. Do they refit the whole thing for winter and summer??!! Fantastic!

  10. So this is in the Jardin des Tuileries? Amazing. I'd love to take a ride on it tonight.

  11. Great shot and wonderful composition. Happy theme day.

  12. This reminds me of a tambourine. I have yet to ride the ferris wheel at night, but I plan to!
    More unpublished night shots? Can't wait to see them. We have been really good while you were gone so how about treating us to one when you return? Pretty please with sugar on top? ;)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Superb shot, Eric. So effective from this angle with that black night showing it off.

  15. What can I say, Eric?
    You have excelled yourself once again!

  16. eric, you can never take enough great photos of the ferris wheel. another terrific photo.

  17. At least you didn't have to lie down to take this one, Eric. ;) The stark contrasts are very dramatic. I can almost close my eyes and imagine being there, breathing in the night air and hoping the stars will come out...

  18. Click on the photo to enlarge it!

    Happy theme day!

    Night at Stockholm by pixels

  19. I didn't notify to be part of Theme Day again so I won't be on the portal. I find this morning I have no comments. None at all (it's not a great pic though). Nil points. I feel unloved :( LOL.

    Also: I miss Eric. :( Sob. LOL.

  20. The "must have" accessory for every groovy city - the ferris wheel! Do you know where thye first ferris wheel was? And why?

    It was named after George Washington Gale Ferris, who designed it as a centerpiece for the World's Fair in Chicago in 1893, to rival WHICH TOWER??? from the 1889 fair? La tour de Monsieur Eiffel, naturellement!

    Sydney Daily Photo

  21. 'Love the shot! And this is too weird: I was JUST talking about ferris wheels--and this ferris wheel in particular--with someone at work!! I told her how I saw it on the Tour de France coverage and how I love to ride it and get the fabulous view of Paris.

  22. Ferris Wheel's are scary!!! I'm scared of heights though, I don't even wear high-heeled shoes past 3"!!!

  23. Eric, I like how the illuminated form and shape of the ferris wheel stands out of the dark night. Awesome.

  24. At my first glance, I think it is giant swing, like the London eyes or something.. this is beautiful one. Amazing.

  25. In the U.S., if you were seeing this, you would be hearing either calliope music playing cheesy carnival music or, most likely, extremely loud heavy metal played through bad sound systems for all the other carnival rides around you. And smelling popcorn and hot dogs. I am curious about the sounds and smells in the Paris location.

  26. I am ashamed to say how many times we have passed this, and have yet to go up in it! I think we have been waiting for a trip with a warm clear nite...maybe this fall...


  27. Something in this photo evokes like a trip into the space to me: maybe the recent 40th anniversary of the first steps on the Moon that are coming back in mind! Or is it because I am looking at the Moon at dusk right now that I am thinking of it! I am fond of our dear Moon... So faithful. Every night showing up ;)
    Anyway that is a beautiful, beautiful night shot, Eric. I guess you are on your way back home, aren't you? Have a nice WE.

  28. Sooper!! Sooper!! Superbe!! I am here at work and showing this photo and your wonderful blog to all my French clients!! They are swooning!! J'adore!!

  29. A very nice picture of shows where one can see the great view of Paris.
