Thursday, January 05, 2012

How to meet Parisians?

In big cities people can easily be isolated. Nowadays you can go on line and make new "friends", but you can also take part in "real" social activities like a walk through Paris, visit a museum, attend a concert... you name it. That is exactly the purpose of, which address I found after photographing this advertisement on a public phone booth (I actually liked the "confetti effect" on the right end side). As far as I could see it's mostly in French, but precisely, it's a good way to mix with the locals! And for those of you who prefer going out in English, you can join my friend Sab's meetup group: Paris if you please...


  1. How wonderful! It is sometimes very hard to meet new and interesting people. Great idea!

  2. Oh, those Christmas lights on the right side of the photo are a nice touch. I miss Christmas already.

  3. I would totally do that.

    Next time...


  4. I think I'm more impressed that there are still telephone booths in Paris! I like the lighted reflection on the right too. Looks festive!

  5. That looks fun, but would local Parisians actually do that sort of thing? It sounds like a wonderful way to visit some amazing places with some new acquaintances!

  6. It is a great idea, and Sab is always having great ideas about Paris.

    By the way, do you see Sab often? He only comments very seldom.

  7. @Lois "I miss Christmas already." Me too, it when especially fast this year...

    @Jeff "By the way, do you see Sab often? He only comments very seldom." Actually never! Only once a year at the PDP picnic! (But we always promise ourselves we're going to see each other "soon"!

  8. Quelle idée géniale (though it's probably designed for thirtysomethings). If I lived in Paris, I would totally join Saab's meetup—it looks like lots of fun!
