Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Paris dragon!

I'm surprised this piece of art is not more famous... It's a part of a "dragon" that seems to emerge from the ground at place Augusta-Holmes on rue Paul Klee in the 13 th arrondissement. It's actually a fountain (there is water running inside, even though there was none when I took the photo) called La Danse de la fontaine émergente. It was designed by the French-Chinese sculptor Chen Zhen (who died in 2000) and it took no less than 7 years to build it. I think it's really cool even though my photo does not do it justice really. Click here for a broader view and here for more information.


  1. I find this sculpture quite exciting and was prompted to see the rest on your link. It makes sense to have it in the is the Asian section of Paris.

  2. Too bad that the artist never got to see the finished artwork.

  3. What a wonderful sculpture! Magical...

  4. A-ma-zing ! I love the idea of a fountain emerging from the ground associated to the power of a dragon. Really cool to think of such an idea that emerged from the head of an artist.
    Too bad he could not see the result. We are luckier! Thanks to your photo and you.

  5. Paris is so lucky to have such a variety of styles of sculpture by so many different sculptors spread all over the city!
    Not all in the "classical" style.

    Your other photo is interesting as well and invites the curious to explore all angles.

    Oh, is that your motorcycle to the left of the sculpture? Pretty snazzy!

  6. Oh zut, now I feel obliged to go have some Vietnamese food in the area just to see it with the water running!!!

  7. Actually Sylvia, in the neighborhood, just opposite to this "fountain", there is Les Nuits blanches, a Russian restaurant!

  8. Thanks for the other links, too, Eric. Neat idea. It's a shame someone has already vandalized it with graffiti:(

  9. I agree with you Trishia. It's a shame...:(

  10. I was going to say pretty much what Trishia said. Why do no-talent taggers have to mark up the work of a REAL artist? On the other hand, your photo makes me want to go see this amazing thing in person!

  11. I agree about the tagging too. As much as I like tags when they are nicely done and don't destroy the work of others, I really despise the people who did this on this "dragon".
