I'm late posting tonight... It's 1:20 am, I'm back from the office (!) because of a project I'm still working on, so I won't have time to write a detailed caption... Allow me to post something simple like this smiling devil graffiti on a parking(!) meter 2 days ago. I thought it was cool (and yes, this green thing IS a parking(!) meter!). That's all. I'm off to bed now!
No kidding! What a scary picture!
ReplyDeleteThat 's nice! I just watched to the last Batman...this is so Joker!!
ReplyDeleteNite nite.
BTW, Bon nuit!!
ReplyDeleteI wonder who KRM is?
Yeah, looks kinda like the joker to me too, Guille. Or an evil Hercule Poirot.
ReplyDeleteChristie...GF how great...
ReplyDeleteEric...Have a wonderful nights sleep. What you won't do for PDPers.
It's only 6:30 pm here. Time to party...
Looks a little like Pirate Jack Black. I guess that any surface is a canvas these days.
ReplyDeleteI read the yesterday's last comments: it's fun how everybody thought that you were out Eric, in a classy grey suit, enjoying some private party or exhibition. You were not, obviously. :)
ReplyDeleteDon't work too hard!
Petrea, you're right: the moustache!
It's from V for Vendetta.
ReplyDeleteBTW Eric, I'm sure you used a saying to please me! You know how fan of them I am! :p
ReplyDeleteLe diable est dans les détails...
" You know how fan of them I am" Brrr it sounds bad, sorry. Didn't know how to say "tu sais combien je les aime" ("how much I love them"?). Yeah, probably.
ReplyDeleteguille...what a lovely profile photo.
ReplyDeleteGRAFFITI, my favorite! I don't recognize the artist, but I am learning.
ReplyDeleteI have been documenting various European cities and their graffiti as well as South America and New York. London and Paris have the most artistic, with Barcelona a close second.Buenos Aires the most political,and New York the most subversive. Rome? Real garbage(I can hear graffiti haters already)
.There is also a distinction between graffiti artists and the muralists.
A few weeks ago, I actually found French Jeff Aerosol's "Woody Allen "at77st and Columbus in NYC.I ran back the nexr day to photograph it and a worker was trying to remove it,to no avail.
I will end now, but I would love to continue.
Thank you Eric, for you gave me this new interest.
BTW, who is really GF today, according to the" rules?"heehee
Gramma Ann, the last one wasn't girly enough! :)
ReplyDeletePHX, you're such a traveler...that's amazing. I want your job!
You will see the toll it takes on me when I see you on Thurs!
ReplyDeleteEric -- you deserve a break, and you know we eat up anything and everything your post!
ReplyDeleteGuille -- quelle belle photo! btw, what you mean to say is "You know what a fan I am of them."
This reminds me of characters in silent movies who always twirled their mustaches just before they did something evil. I like true graffiti art like this -- not just initials scrawled all over. In the early 90s in San Francisco there was an artist called "dog" who painted mournful grey dogs on walls and fences, mostly on abandoned buildings and vacant lots. I kept a camera with me and photographed some of them before they disappeared. But I do not have the talent or perseverance of you, Eric. Bon Nuit!
ReplyDeleteCome on PHX, you're pretty as hell! Don't lie, I've already seen you!
ReplyDeleteThanks Alexa, that's exactly what I wanted to say. :)
One color from a spray can and look how expressive stencil art can be.
ReplyDelete(yes, "pretty as hell" was linked to the title of Eric's post. See, I'm so uncertain with my English that I have to explain my jokes. LOL).
ReplyDeleteGuille, insomniac.
Tall Gary, the link (yesterday)doesn't work..is it my knackered computer's fault?
ReplyDeleteGuille, I hope you don't have to work in the morning.
ReplyDeletePretty as a detailed hell. Hey, it gets my meter ticking.
ReplyDeleteWhich link?
Oh TG, Bosch, le Jardin des Délices! I love it. If hell looked like it, I could die right now.
ReplyDeleteThe link to the Edo Period music doesn't work...
Petrea, no I don't. Heureusement!
Erratum TG, I thought it was the Ecclesia's Paradise! I would prefer, if only I've the choice!
ReplyDeleteEric, thanks for the post! I, too, have been swamped with work and am slow to comment. I've a short breather; then I'm back at correcting. This photo reminds me of a humorous time in my teaching career.
ReplyDeleteWhen I sported a goatee (nine years ago), my Hispanic students often called me "diablo." I've thought about growing it back, but it was too much work for this non-morning person to deal with; plus my daughters don't like my kisses as much with the gritty facial wear. So, I'm smooth as a baby's rumpus again.
Hey Tall G-Man...good to see you around again. I do love your whiskers. You wear them well. You have gotten some sun though. Vacation?
PHX-CDG...I think your graffiti project is extremely cool. Since your job takes you everywhere, you've got great access to global artistry (so to speak). Hey, has anybody ever asked you to carry a gnome with you on your travels and photograph it? ;-)
G'night all! You too, Gramma Ann!
Guille, it's part of the same triptych.
ReplyDeleteIf you have the choice? How has Santa been treating you these past few years? He might have some idea. Been a good girl? (ha ha). I thought the last judgement was reserved for someone in a Van Eyck painting.
I tried a couple different links over on yesterday.
Coltrane, there was an interesting eponymous spot at NPR. "The Cocktail Party Guide to John Coltrane." Like there would be anything there for you to learn.
ReplyDeleteThe photo is old, done on a computer "photo booth." Thus, the unnaturally healthy coloring.My fingernails, by now, should be about as long as Howard Hughes' were. Great for getting that hard to reach itch below my shoulder blade.
Yep, it's from V for Vendetta and recently there has been a few stories on the news about protesters of the church of scientology (they wear these masks) ;)
ReplyDeleteI like it.. I have the perfect counterpart in my blog, a smoking skull ^^
ReplyDeleteVery cool photo Eric. You have quite the eyr for these images. Like PHX I've been photographing graffiti for a few years, but only in Paris because it seems so much more like art than what I see at home. I could spend all the rest of my time here trying to find this one! Instead I'll just keep snapping my own photos. Today I'll attempt to post some of my current photos; maybe the nice guys at the Internet place will help!
ReplyDeleteThis devil looks like some old silent movie star but I can't think of the name. Very mysterious the way it blends into the parking meter.
ReplyDeleteHI KATIE!
it's supposed to be V from V for Vendetta who always wore a Guy Fox mask! :) great movie. great photo.
ReplyDeleteGreat photo, cheeky smile. Him, not you, Eric. Hope you slept well.
ReplyDeleteGuille you're looking sooooo elegant there.
I'm trying to update les Benauts whereabouts at my blog, but they seem to have vanished into the ether at the moment... :)
Oh but Guille I see I missed the newspaper profile shot. Looks great, wish I could see it in full size.
ReplyDeleteColtrane el diablo? ¡ Eres un santo más que un demonio! ;)
ReplyDeleteTall Gary don't worry, I do my best, Santa is proud of me. I expect to go to heaven, not to the Van Eyck hell, for God sake! LOL
Lynn, I send it to you ;)
ReplyDeleteThe Benauts disappeared?! Who kidnapped them? Rendez-nous les Benauts!
hey eric, that's v from v for vendetta...
Thanks I got it, Guille! Great shot.
ReplyDeleteI know, we all miss les Benauts. To that end, I have posted a pic of them at their blog, www.adelaidedailyphoto.blogspot.com go get your fix there!
This looks like the mask that the guy wears in V is for Vendetta, or something like that. Masks creep me out. I remember once being at a dance club and there was a guy (I'm assuming) wearing a mask and dancing with alot of pretty girls. He was so mysteriously creepy to me!
ReplyDeleteTanya, That does sound "mysteriously creepy". Thank you for sharing that story with us.
ReplyDeleteHey Eric and everyone, look here! You're famous!
ReplyDeleteMichael....Thanks, that was interesting..
ReplyDeleteEric...Way to go...you're a pioneer in 'city blogs' Congratulations...
which I'm sure everyone knew but me...
Michael...great link. Merci! A toast to Eric the trailblazer and to Michael for bringing this to our attention!
ReplyDeleteV For Vendetta!! That was a great movie
ReplyDeleteI love this! I am visiting Paris in 2 weeks and coming from Atlanta, GA USA. It'll be my first time there since I was 16 and I can't wait!!! I love your Blog.
ReplyDeleteBonjour Eric, yes, that is the Guy Fawkes mask worn by V in V for Vendetta. I am sure you may have heard enough of that by now. Love you sight and I am now a regular reader. THank you.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if it's not C215?!?