I don't always get the things that people I share society with go for. Hence, Techno Music! But precisely, when I don't understand something, I try my best to get to know it better, to make sure I don't miss something ;) That is precisely the reason why I went to the "Techno Parade" today (Saturday). The Techno Parade is a big march in the streets of Paris where thousands of young people - and sometimes less young - gather and dance to the beat! It was fun to watch, but I'm not sure I'll stay tuned to Radio FG (the "official" Techno music station!) all day long! More photos here in a little Animoto video.
The Techno Parade is, with the Gay Pride, one of the nicest and bigest events in Paris during summer. I used to go there when I was younger. The music is still really nice but I can't stand the crowd anymore...Square, me? :)
ReplyDeleteHow are your ears right now, Eric? DO YOU HEAR ME? (yes, I'm shouting).
I heard some fireworks from my flat tonight. I guess it was the Parade ones!
I figured it would be the photo today...;)
BTW Eric, did you dance??
ReplyDeleteThe buildings create a really nice picture, the persective is almost making me...sick. Oups. LOL
ReplyDeleteYou go, GF Guille! I'm not really a techno girl either, but I'm up for a street party anywhere, anytime. It seems to be the kind of thing Parisians love to do, the kind of thing that Americans neeeeever do, and the kind of thing that will make my stay in Paris a total adventure. I can't wait to see who wants to take to the streets then!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the picture with the hands in the animoto video. One of my favorite.
ReplyDeleteHeuuu....where are you all faithful PDPers ? What, we're saturday ?!)
Just saw the animoto, Eric - excellent, and I like the music. One of the pix reminded of the photo of a monster-costumed guy you took, mmm, maybe a year ago, and also those white face masks were out again that showed up at the White Dinner, I think it was.
ReplyDeleteCarrie, wasn't it for the trainees in strike? I can't remember either...
ReplyDeleteon strike*
ReplyDeleteEric, you should install a research toolbar to allowed us to find your pix with keywords! trainees+strike. Or something like that! :)
Guille - yeah, that would be cool. I tried 'event', 'demonstration', 'celebration', and 'strike' and I couldn't find it. I think it would just need a list of the libelles, but I don't know how long Eric's been doing that. Maybe it was before he started. I seem to think the monster was riding a bike for some reason, tho that seems absurd!!
ReplyDeleteNo luck under 'fun' or 'unusual' either! I know someone (in our absentee PDP friends!) will remember him -- it was a pretty crazy costume.
ReplyDeleteEric, thanks for the introduction to Techno Music. I can;t say that I've ever heard of it but it has a good beat.
ReplyDeleteGuille....nous sommes la! I hope that's correct. I can't put the little ' above the a...
ReplyDeleteEric, Quite a different look. But I like the green light with the red shirt. Very unique. And the kid looks like he's 9 or 10 feet tall. Almost as tall as the buildings.
ReplyDeleteRed light...no, red t-shirt, green light. How's the view up there my good man? You're certainly not Gene Kelly. Did Eric catch you by surprise, affixed to quite a fancy light pole? Hang on! Wouldn't want you to fall into the mosh pit of Irish techno-dancers. That could be an O'Bloody O'Blarney affair.
ReplyDeleteNow, I must admit that I'm not a "techno music" fan at all (it's like disco on steroids to my ears), but I am intrigued by the notion of seeing all these dancers stepping, jumping, hopping, shaking it altogether "on the beat." Now, where have I heard those three words before?
Eric, I wonder if red t-shirt knows how quickly his face will be sent 'round the globe...soon to be famous because of PDP. I'll say this, you are always in the midst of the popular Parisian events. Merci for keeping your camera eye and ears on the heartbeat and pulse of Parisian life. ;-)
Guilletine...you "square"? No way, Senorita! Today you soar up there with...ah, with ET! Wear the GF crown well, as I know you will!
I continue to come back to your blog to see what you are taking pictures of in Paris and I am always pleasantly surprised. Keep up the good work. Not sure if I mentioned if any of my other posts abou tthe new travel site I found. Here it is for any of you serious travelers - baraaza.com.
I found him! September 23, 2007 -- sorry I don't know how to do that link thing.
ReplyDeleteOooh, bet that was fun! Not nearly as much fun as I had today though!!!
ReplyDeletecarrie...thanks I think I can find it.
ReplyDeleteGuille...GF of the day...Yippee!!
Coltrane...Hi Drummer Boy...Hee,hee!!!
Hi Gramma...I have trouble with accents, too--on the keyboard that is! Hope it's been a good weekend for you!
ReplyDeleteJeff - you had a late post the other day and I responded even later, so you may not have seen it. If you're coming LA way you have to let us know!! I love to meet fellow PDPers - and it seems I'm usually not alone. We're a hopelessly gregarious group of grinning gruys and grirls (couldn't think of an appropriate 'gr' noun!).
ReplyDeleteYou can email me anytime at Carrie.12345@yahoo.com.
Isn't he wild, Gramma Ann!? I wish I could have seen them in action - the other photo just whets my appetite. Great costumes and fantastic makeup.
ReplyDeleteCarrie...that sept. 2007 post was wild, and it was fun to read the comments. There were some weird commenters, unless of course they were COLTRANE in disguise;)
ReplyDeleteGreat photo Eric! I bet the parade was colorful and fun.
ReplyDeleteGramma...I believe I left Crustacean man alone that day. He was as you might say, a bit "crabby." And can you blame in that outfit! ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnother great one, Eric! It must have been a wild event. I love your imagination for getting the unusual shot.
ReplyDeleteColtrane, the music sounds like plain old disco to me. But you can dance to it! And what better place than Paris to have something like this going on?
Jeff! You can find my email address by clicking on the top left side of my blog.
Separate question: is anyone having trouble opening profile pictures besides me? I can't enlarge them. When I click on them they download. Any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteA few days ago I was going to change my profile, and since I mostly don't know what I'm doing half the time, I thought I did something wrong. Maybe I didn't. You know they have a new follower thingy thing that is new this week, so I think when they do new things it messes us all up. At least that my theory and I'm stickin' to it.
ReplyDeleteI love the angle of the shot, and great colors! He looks like he's ready to jump on you, Eric.
ReplyDeleteGreat creative shot and great video Eric, but didn't you see me there dancing? I was just on the other side of the street banging my head up and down and doing some techtronic dancing made famous by the French. I noticed that half the people were wearing ear plugs of course!
ReplyDeleteCarrie and Gramma Ann, here is the link to your missing monster...
I don't know how many of your readers actually follow techno music or its history, but for those who do, you'll notice in Eric's video the famous D.J. Bob Sinclair. I saw him riding on top of one of the big trucks playing for the parade (I think he was the last "float" in the parade").
ReplyDeleteWoo-hoo, GF Guille! You and Carrie have taken over.
ReplyDeleteEric -- great photo—the video too, even if I'd rather listen to Coltrane (John, that is, although our coltrane is very entertaining too). Did you have to ask this guy's permission to show his face?
Guille - I forgot to say "congrats"! But what is a beautiful young lady like you doing staying home on a Saturday night? I would have thought that you had some nice, handsome Valentino swooping you off your feet to a nice dinner and dance somewhere.
ReplyDeleteSorry, it's Bob Sinclar, not Sinclair.
ReplyDeleteThis shot -- and the others in the animoto compilation -- really capture the techno vibe. I particularly like the one with the hands in the animoto, but this one is really great, too. WOnderful composition and great attitude!
ReplyDeleteI'm still in my twenties Eric (americaine et francaise) and I don't totally "get" techno either, but thanks for the inspiration!
ReplyDeleteIf YOU try, I'LL try.
And Carrie - if you're looking for some street parties, try coming to NYC for a street festival or one of the 100 international parades - like the Puerto Rican Day Parade. You'll find quite a party, for sure.
Michael, "didn't you see me there dancing? I was just on the other side of the street banging my head up and down and doing some techtronic dancing" LOOOOL I would have PAID to see that!!
ReplyDeleteWe could ask for some Bob Sinclar music at Les Deux Magots on Thursday and see what happens! What do you think PHX and Katie?
re-Michael "I would have thought that you had some nice, handsome Valentino swooping you off your feet to a nice dinner and dance somewhere.", Well, he sprained his ankle: lame excuse, true story.LOL
I was home? No, I've internet access on my phone and was surfing the net in a nice Irish pub, with dozen of friends...OK, I was home.
Petrea, I've to download too...I don't know why!
Carrie, I saw your monster! But I was thinking of the white masks and couldn't find them. Eric? ;)
Petrea, when I attempt to view a profile photo it downloads to Photoshop. Don't have any answers. Sorry.
ReplyDeletePetrea, Funny thing though, when I attempt to enlarge Eric's profile photo it works correctly. So I attempted to open a profile photo of a blogger friend in New Guinea, and no good.
ReplyDeletePersonally I love techno, but then I love all forms of music. I'm just a music-y kind of person.
ReplyDeleteGuille - the masks are from the White Dinner -- you can get to them by going to June 13, 2007 or by going to 'event'.
ReplyDeleteWell, friends, I,m just going to paint a picture. Here in LA its 7:30 am and I just woke up (coffee and PDP) - and I just have to say, (can anyone relate?) - I had to get a root canal yesterday, and the ibuprofen hasn't kicked in yet. I really never minded dentists before, but, whew, today, it just seems like going to the dentist is like paying somebody to punch you in the face! ; }
ReplyDeleteWell, I'll just keep distracting myself rereading Tomate's tribute till the caffiene carries the killer to my craw!! Good morning, afternoon or evening to you, whereever you are....
Hehe - I just realized that the perspective in the picture makes me think that this guy looks like he's Mr. Natural's kid!!!
ReplyDeleteG'day all...
I love the video and the photo and even the music! Your photos make me feel like I was there. Thanks for that.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear the news Carrie. Maybe a good bloody mary this morning would help ease the pain.
ReplyDeleteLOL Guille.
Mmmmm - Michael - that sounds bloody good, but sadly, I'm so busy lately that I've already been at work for a couple hours and I don't think it would do much to increase my motivation to stay here!! Its going to be so, so good to be on vacation, but I'm paying for it up front -- I left work last night at 11:30 and I'll probably be here till 10 tonite.
ReplyDelete: {
I feel like I'm doing nothing but complaining this morning, so sorry folks. Its great to check PDP and find a sympathetic ear, tho - and, of course, this too shall end. For Paris, I'm more than willing to pay the price!
Carrie, I'm so sorry you're having to work these long hours--with a root canal, no less! That Paris vacation must be looking good right about now.
ReplyDeleteI've been writing to Blogger about this profile photo download issue but I get no response. Maybe if other people send a note, they'll do something...? hint...
I knew that was somthing Guille would dig!
ReplyDeleteTHis guy was posing for you, wasn´t him??!!
I went to this Parade once in Paris. I sort of stumbled upon it. It was interesting to watch for a little while. I stayed about a half hour, and got bored when a young man (on drugs or something) started flirting with me. bye bye ;-)
ReplyDeleteLunchtime check-in for me! Thanks Petrea, you're sweet. :~}
ReplyDeletePurpley -- yeah, NYC, DC and SF probably have more people partying in the streets than car-stunted LA does. In Santa Monica, though, there's a pedestrian only street where I go sometimes on the weekends because all kinds of street musicians and artists show up - you never know what you'll get -- and a lot of them are really excellent!
love this picture, parade sounds like a lot of fun, oh i want to go to paris, are people still inline skating through the streets?
ReplyDeleteYou are probably the most open-minded person I know. Most people, if they don't like something, they don't like it. That's that. And if you try to convince them of why you enjoy it, they'll tune you out and/or argue with you. I must admit that I'm somewhere in the middle, but lean more toward the latter side of things. And I'm not a huge fan of techno. :o) But people like you are really inspiring, because you teach us that not liking something sometimes means not understanding it. If you experience it, give it a try, learn more about it, and still don't like it, that's your right. But now you have reasons and can say with authority that it's not your cup of tea. Thanks, Eric!