Monday, July 13, 2009

Les soldes à Paris

Good news: it's the summer soldes (sales) in Paris at the moment. I took this photo in Le Printemps which, despite the financial crisis was packed on Saturday. I have even better news: now the law has changed and instead of having only two strict periods of sales, there can now be either one more 2 week period or 2 one week periods throughout the year. BTW, are you ready to celebrate Bastille Day? It's tomorrow!


  1. Macy's in NYC would not be impressed with the number of sales periods in Paris. They come up with a sale every week, it is amazing the amount of names they come up with for their sales, too.

  2. PS, I wish I was in CDG for the sales!!!
    As we went grocery shopping today in Phx, I noticed the stores were promoting wine sales under the guise of Bastille Day!
    Tomorrow in NYC, they are closing a street for the Bastille day celebrations, as they do every year.

  3. I'm making my crown with a Bon Marche shopping bag and decorating it with their price tags, showing the full price I paid for what is on sale now.

  4. Wish I was there on the 14th but.........

    Wanted to take a photo of the poster of the Eiffel Tower promoting Bastille Day but just rushed from one theatre to another - 3 shows in 24 hours - never seemed to be on display when I had my camera out. So Eric - if you could capture it I'd be eternally grateful.

    Here is a link

    but I can't increase the size of the picture!!!!


  5. Eric ~ Sounds like a fun time in Paris this week, SALES! Who can pass up a good sale!

  6. lol like your crown Phx!

    I'm with you, the English shops would be amazed to be restricted on sale times!

    Ok Eric I'll celebrate, but no idea what happens. So how do we celebrate? :)

  7. Phx,

    Congrats, GF right before Bastille Day!

    Make sure Bon Marché is not using RFID tags or you will be tracked by radio waves wherever you go...

  8. ahhh les soldes.... makes me miss Paris even more!!!


  9. PHX good to see you around here again!

  10. I must remember this and try to time my next visit for les soldes. Looking forward to Bastille Day!

  11. I actually don't pay attention to the Paris soldes when I'm there, because if I am in Paris it means I don't have any money left over to buy anything. Dommage, oui, but at least I'm in Paris! And I wish I was right now, to help Eric celebrate Bastille Day tomorrow (I'm sure we all wish that.).

  12. Happy Bastille Day early everyone - here's my best wishes for a very special (not bought on sale) colored jersey to be worn by a Frenchman on the 14th!! : )

  13. My, what a muscular mannequin. Comes from lifting all those bags of Soldes goodies, I guess.

    Phx, hello!! Congrats GF - a very creative crown. :)

  14. In anticipation of your photograph to commemorate Bastile Day, my friends - on a recent trip to Paris - raised the eyebrows of a kindly parisian, when they asked him if he could direct them to the Bastille. Theyclearly hadn't paid much attention to their history books before booking their trip

  15. Heck yes, I am ready to celebrate Bastille day! This Misplaced Parisian will be toasting the day with a kir, perhaps numerous glasses of kir! ;)

  16. Jealous - wish I could be there for the fun. I am "back in town" after 2 weeks at the cottage. Feels great to be reconnected again. Have fun tomorrow! Anne

  17. Anonyme, how funny! After having read Paris history I know better than to ask, but I'd still love to have seen it. (Although I don't blame the people for tearing it down.)

  18. Parisians take a bridge holiday today, we often celebrate holidays on the closest weekends. So, Saturday and Sunday were Bastille Day(s) here. Good parties. The weekend ended on an odd note as a neighbor's car was repossessed at 12:30 a.m. in front of my house. It was a noisy ninety minutes and so not much sleep! Sheesh. Vive la France, anyway...where's my coffee cup?

  19. I am ready!!!

    We have plans to dine at our favorite French restaurant, which is going all out for the night. Actually, they started yesterday with a poodle parade! They also have some boules lanes set up outside. PHX-CDG, I'm going to wear the special glasses you made for me!

    Then at midnight we head to the theater for the first showing of the new Harry Potter movie. J'adore HP.

  20. Suzy have you seen my posts of the last three days at the blog? More HP pics!

  21. Eric, as you may or may not know, in the States we've YIELD signs painted in this most eye-catching color scheme along our roadsides. YIELD is certainly what I do for such sales' shoppers. I usually head the other direction, since I've too much STUFF anyway. I'm trying to get rid of STUFF. In the words of George Carlin: one's "house is just a place to keep your STUFF while you go out and get more STUFF." I won't further what George also says about stuff...I think you can imagine. :-)

    Gramma Ann ~ oui, I do love pina coladas.
