Thursday, August 19, 2010

The exercise tower

Here is a pretty interesting sculpture I came across by coincidence in the 17th. It was made by Wang Du, a Chinese artist who has been living in France for 20 years now and who was ordered a monument dedicated to the Paris firemen, by the Paris town hall. It's called the Exercise Tower, and it's located right in front of one of the largest fire stations in Paris, at Place Jules Renard. It weighs 7 tons, it's 11 meters high and it's made of polished iron, just like the firemen helmets. Which makes it pretty difficult to photograph LOL!


  1. The reflection of the building on the left is just perfect.

  2. Can you run up inside it? (Not that I would want to, lol.)

  3. I can see how this would be hard to photograph—but you did it very well! Love the reflections.

  4. Wow this would be hard to shoot. Very modern but cool

  5. Well that's a lovely tribute to les pompiers!! Very nice shot Eric.

  6. Interesting! Buildings are reflected on the left, like a psychedelic effect! Well captured! The height of the tower (which is finally not so giant) is also well placed in perspective with the appearance of "little people" on the ground. Funny!
    And the matter of the tower fully restores the perilous nature of the firefighters activities.
    Great photo Eric. Great tribute.
    Et un bon exercice de commentaire!

  7. Yes difficult, Eric, but we wouldn't mind seeing your reflection at all! :) I really like this commission. Particularly the polished iron surface, it's quite beautiful.

  8. I can't imagine wearing a helmet made of polished iron! It is beautiful and the picture is just lovely, Eric.

    (Wouldn't those helmets get hot in a fire? Being made of metal and all? Just curious... :)

  9. Yes, curious!
    I do not know what this tower really looks like in real life, but in pictures that seems just out of the ground and ready to pierce the sky like a rocket. Moreover, it does not necessarily integrate well with other elements like buildings, which in a city like Paris, is not without offending some architectural sensibilities... But I do not say I dislike. Just a subjective perception and an interesting subject of photography! Beautiful reflections.
    LoL Lynn...

  10. It's certainly interesting but I wouldn't like to be the person who has to keep it polished.
    Perhaps the firemen do it in between polishing their helmets.

  11. A lot of chinese artists live in Paris. Wang Du, one more in the amazing list.



    [Barcelona Daily Photo]

  12. This Wang-Du Tower is a kind of Iron Lady. Really nice. Though, the Iron Lady I do prefer, is the Eiffel Tower! In Paris, I always ask for a piece of the Iron Lady at my breakfasts!

  13. Fantastic! I want to see it myself next time I'm there!!

  14. Cool! I haven't seen this one before Eric - I'll be on the look out for it - well spotted!
