Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mole art...

I took this photo at the Hotel de Sully, a stunning hôtel particulier (private mansion) that was built between 1625 and 1630 and is now the French historical monument center. It's worth a visit in general, but it's even more worth a visit right now, as they currently have an artist (Ghyslain Bertholon) performance in the gardens. What is it about? Moles... Yes, giant moles, like the one you can see in the foreground of this photo. It's odd, but pretty unexpected, therefore creative...


  1. This scares me a little! Great installation. Art should make one react.

  2. Nice angle. The mansion is very beautiful. I would like to see the other moles as well. I think it's very creative.

  3. I am a very big mole and I live in a very big hole.

    Holy Moley Batman, you will need your very biggest bat spade to whack this one!

  4. More info about Ghyslain Bertholon on his website :
    There, you'll find lots of pictures of his work.

    I don't really like his current work on skulls. But I'm a great fan of his "POEZIE" (particularly the "Vanitas deer" one) and "Troché" series !

  5. How cute! Moles are snuffly and little and cute. Not in real life, of course, but here, they are adorable! Thanks for sharing these!

  6. For some reason I absolutely love this. I'd love to be there to see it in person.

  7. The mansion is very beautiful. I would like to see the other moles as well. I think it's very creative.
