Wednesday, January 25, 2006

La Défense Heights

I told you last week that I was saving a picture I took from the rooftop of La Grande Arche (The Big Arch) of La Défense while visiting this exhibit. Well, here it is. La Défense is an area that I love (although it is extremely controversial). It is modern, very convenient and - to me - very beautiful. The large avenue you can see in the background is called l'Avenue de la Grande Armée and it takes you to the "Original" Arc de Triomphe (you can see a close up here) on the Place de l'Etoile-Charles de Gaulle.


  1. ouaiiiii
    moi aussi j'adore La Defense, je la trouve tres jolie, et bien fait. Et ce photo - super, je ne savais pas qu'on pourrait ascendre l'Arche pendant la nuit.

  2. Eric,
    May I be the last this year to wish you a belated happy birthday! I missed a few days and was so pleased to come upon your "Merci" photo and learn of your birthday. Your friendly ways and your outstanding blog have enriched our daily lives and won you fans and frinds all over the globe. Thanks for your knack of building community around your outstanding photos of your lovely city.
    We very much enjoyed visiting La Defense, and I love how you captured the grand arch in your previous photo. This night shot is super. I hope you felt comfortable way up there! Have a splendid rest of the year.

  3. Bonjour Eric, ça va?
    Le paysage parisien est complètement différent de celui d'ici, au Japon, alors j'ai le plaisir à visiter ton site. Cela me fait penser comme si j'y étais. Merci.

  4. An area of Paris with which I am totally unfamiliar, and that I will make a point of exploring this spring.

  5. J'aime beaucoup cet endroit aussi de Paris. De nuit, c'est vraiment magnifique !
    La vue de l'arc de Triomphe sur la grande arche est sublime aussi...c'est la meme a l'envers avec les voitures paquetees sur la place de l'etoile en plus.

    Super chouette photo : feels like home :-D.

  6. I loved this area! I too love how the new arch is in line with the old. I stayed in a hotel near the Arc de Triomphe...and walked all the way down that street to la grande arche! The scale of it is is decieving, since it is sooo big! I also saw an exhibit at the top of this arch. I love this view, but I never got to see it at night, great shot!


  8. I've just stumbled across your blog. Some great photos:

  9. I like the fact that the photo is almost black and white.
    I am not a big fan of la Defense area however except for the statues and public spaces.

  10. I love the photo.
    Have a look also in Rome!

    ciao JOE

  11. yeah, great shot !
    if you want to see more, i've made that one few days ago :

  12. Eric,
    What a wonderful photograph! It is such a contrast to the typical photos one sees of Paris. I will defininately include La Defense in my list of places to visit next time I visit your beautiful city.

  13. The rooftop of la Défense usually hosts exhibitions & conferences. I even had the chance to attend a Cure (the band) private concert there! The external lifts that get you ontop are worth the visit, you discover the view of Paris as you go up...

  14. Beautiful picture, Eric. You're taking pictures of all the things I never got close to. Keep up the great work!

  15. And so, if I can make it to Paris a third year in a row, La Defense is on the list. I want to see La Grande Arche, but haven't made it there yet. Thanks, again, for the great site, Eric.

    Au revoir.

  16. Great shot Eric ! Makes me remember with nostalgia of those years I worked there.
    To thoses who are interested about La Defense, what is and will be going on there, I advise to visit this site ( And yes, it's also in Englis !!!

  17. Wow, excellent shot! Great stuff, keep the photos coming and happy belated birthday :)

  18. Great Shot. I regret I did not get to visit La Defense while I was in Paris. I must go back! Please add a link to my blog

  19. gg: I worked there, too, but remember it with NO nostalgia whatsoever! None! In fact, it was from one of these buildings that I planned my "trip" to the States.
