If you have seen Amelie by Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, in French) you probably are very familiar with the Abbesse Metro Station for that is a where she meets Nino, the guy who she falls in love with... This station is very typical of the Paris metro and it is also the deepest one (30 meters deep - 98 feet). No wonder, it's located halfway to the top of Montmartre.
PS: Thanks a million for all your support for the Festival de Romans in which I participate. If you haven't voted yet and care to do so, please go there.
These stations are just incredible. I cringe to think what would happen to them if they were placed in New York, my hometown.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite one! It is interesting also to show a photo of the rounded stairs inside.
ReplyDeleteYou 100% deserve the 4 votes we gave you me and my best friends already!
allez, allez, allez, le Eric!!!
Ah, the classic photograph of the Abesses metro station... Every time I go to Paris I photograph a very similar one near the Chatelet (yes, EVERY time), only because I'm too lazy to go all the way up to Abesses... and I suspect I'm not the only one ! ;) So thanks for doing that for us, Eric!
ReplyDeleteA little "Eau de Metro" would be nice right about now, just to get us in the right mood, but if that's not available, I'll have a glass of wine, instead... Have a good week, everybody!
Wonderful picture of Paris, it's a fine entrance for the metro. Happy New Year! Feliz Año.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photo Eric. No wonder I voted for you!
ReplyDeleteThis metro station is much better through your daily photo eyes than in person I think. Those long winding stairs...or grundgy elevator...just don't compare to the beautiful stroll up to Montmartre.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Metaphysicalmama though, it really is a lovely photo.
I really like the movie "Amelie."
ReplyDeleteSo Eric, are you now speaking English with a funky Bostonian accent? Hmmmm....English with a French / Boston accent....now that is something I would like to hear!
Michael, how was Florida?
As usual Eric, a wonderful picture and a fun post. As it turns out, I have visited that very station, and Amelie is a favorite film of mine (of course). Happy new year!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in Paris last year, I stayed at Villier, not far from Montmartre. But I didn't get to visit it. Maybe next time.
ReplyDeleteI love the green neon color.
I really want to see Amelie and this is a great photo.
ReplyDeleteTalking of your English, Eric, i am often intrigued as to your phraseology and wonder where and how you learned it. You are fluent of course, but you also use quite colloquial and sometimes classic turns of phrase. 'If you care to do so' for example is quaint and very polite, something unfortunately, which is not often used today. I love it and use it myself but most would say 'if you want' (too casual, to the point of rudeness) or 'if you'd like' (perfectly acceptable). Just making an observation as a teacher of English myself :)
I'd like to see this film in French but no idea how i can.
Bonne continuation, je viens de voter pour vous !
ReplyDeleteEric, you even managed to capture the green/red color palette of the film! This is a lovely, lovely night scene.
ReplyDeleteThe American release "Amelie," is in French with English subtitles: beware, one of the common side effects of viewing this film is becoming addicted to the sound of a spoon hitting creme brule! ;^)
yes, i too have been continually curious as to where/how you have learned our phraseology ...'care to vote' elicited a hmmmmmm.... response as well.
ReplyDeleteas someone who struggles miserably at self-expression with schooldays francais, i have the utmost admiration for all those who can master the colloquialisms of more than one language.
so eric, please, do tell ;) ...
I, too, love the Abeesses station with its Art Nouveau motif actually glazed into the individual bricks before construction. I love to think of the masons examining each brick to ensure it's in the proper place.
ReplyDeleteAmelie: ah, yes. Watched it with my last sweetheart. Lovely movie, with the proper company. When things started flying through the air at me a couple months later, I was ready to run for the nearest subway station...
..hmm, and it seems several of us have a spelling problem with Abbesses
ReplyDeleteMakes me want to take out my 'Amelie' DVD and re-watch it.
OOoooooooooooooo too sexy-too sexy....that ABCESS--oh, and you TOO Eric...don't know about anyone else, but that shot of you by that Bostonian statue...Hmmmmmmmm! LOL! And yep Jeff...guess we're ALL metro-station-name-challenged today--give us an English lesson Eric...I'm sure Lynn will be your willing assistant should you need any help! =)
ReplyDeleteI wonder if this was metro stop I remember so well. We saw some narrow winding stairs and we saw an elevator. We decided we'd go up the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. The stairs just kept going up and up. We thought they'd never end.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if this was metro stop I remember so well. We saw some narrow winding stairs and we saw an elevator. We decided we'd go up the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. The stairs just kept going up and up. We thought they'd never end.
ReplyDeleteOh yes...I must agree with Michael, I usually love the Metro in Paris but this station leaves a lot to be desired!! The paintings on the circular stairway makes it bearable, but the climb can bring on some "heavy breathing" and not the "good" kind..LOL! The elevator and the area are a bit grungy...but hey, didn't St. Denis walk headless up that hill??
ReplyDeleteThe last time I was there it was quite cold and in front of the funiculaire I had a "weak moment" and fell victim to the fellows that will tie an African style string bracelet on your wrist for a couple of euros. They were amusing and very talkative and the bracelet was actually pretty. I wore it all day and considered leaving it at the tomb of Dalida in the cimetiere de Montmartre but I gave it to my little great niece instead and she loved it! Ahhh, Paris!
what a fabulous pic to start the week. i agree with the others, it is a bit grungy in real life.
ReplyDeleteI have a Limoges box made in the exact shape of this Metro Stop. Inside, I tucked away one of my little green Metro tickets. It always brings back fond memories of Paris.
ReplyDeletetres belle photo. il faut savoir que c'est une des deux dernieres entrées de metro dans Paris concues par Hector Guimard en 1900 (d'ou le nom de 'Marquise de Guimard'). La deuxieme se trouve à la porte dauphine. Elles sont couronnées d'une marquise en forme d'ailes de libellules.
ReplyDeletevery beautiful photograph. it should be known that it is one of the two last entries of subway in Paris designed by Hector Guimard in 1900 (of or the name of “Marchioness of Guimard”). The second is with the dauphine door. They are crowned of a marchioness in the shape of wings of dragonflies.
> James. Well the NYC Subway stations are quite typical too aren't. A little less art decoish maybe but...
ReplyDelete> Philos. Thank you so much for the 4 votes ! LOL (How on earth could you vote 4 times ?!) And yes you're right the stairs are a must see. I will photograph them one day
> Eau de métro, that is so hilarious! I know that this metro station is loved by everyone: Parisians and tourists. And the neighbourhood is nice too, I love it.
> Carraol. Thanks. Feliz Año tambien!
> Meta. Well thank you very much. If I have a prize I will owe it to you all.
> Michael. Well tanks. To be quite honest I was not too keen on this photo because I thought there was nothing special about it. I'm glad you and Meta liked it then.
> Susan. Nope! I did not stay long enough. But I did hear it from time to time though. What is it with Bostonians and Rs?! LOL
> J. David ZS. Thanks. Happy new year to you too. I am glad you liked Amélie cause I am a big fan of it - all movies by Jeunet as a matter of fact.
> Ming. Oh you were in Villiers? So you probably went to the market there then? It's a nice place to stay isn't? (Although a bit far for the center maybe).
> Lynn. Well thank you! In fact beign a foreigner I learnt English at school. And teachers tend to teach you the "proper" English - sometimes even too proper! Then you go to English speaking places and you learn that one word is enough to express what you want! To be honest I have no idea whether "if you care to do so" is better English than "If you want to" it's just something I learnt one day so I use it!!
> Karine. Merci beaucoup!
> Kim. It's good that they did not dubbed it. I hate dubbed movies; you lose 2/3 of the flavour I think.
> Barbara. Well, see my explanation above. But also I must say that English is probably much more simple to learn than French (you don't have genders in English to start with...)
> Jeff. LOL (well I hope the run to the next subway station was not too painful though). Do you have a new sweetheart now?! Cause if you don't : LADIES, JEFF IS THE SWEETEST GUY ON EARTH, DON'T MISS HIM!
> Smilnsigh. Well, yeah, why don't you do that?! Although I think it's mush more enjoyable in a movie theater.
> Ame! LOL. So, how come you don't have a new avatar showing your new haircut by now?! BOYS, AME HAS A NEW STUNNING HAIRCUT!
> Natalie. No wonder, it's the deepest one in Paris... Next time you'll wait for the elevator!
> KPgallant. Excellent story. I never heard of someone willing to leave a bracelet to Dalida LOL
> Rickemannuel. I totally agree (not with you judgement on the photo! but on the grunge part).
> Pont girl. How sentimental is that?!
> Olivier. Thank you, you're right actually I should have given him the credit. Thanks again.
Well yes it is better English, Eric. More polite. Perhaps a little more formal. I prefer it. Though i would not say 'would you care for a cup of tea?' i would use 'would you like'. We're pretty awkward and confusing aren't we lol. You did it again above by the way, with using 'art decoish'. You're an Englishman in disguise really aren't you!!
ReplyDeleteOhhh...this is my favorite Metro in Paris! I just love it and have many of my own photos of it. Love the lighting in yours.
ReplyDeleteAnd I did see Amelie....great movie with great shots of Paris.
This is a lovely shot, even though I am not familiar with Amelie. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy belated new year from Quito!
ReplyDeleteI had the same ... weak moment in front of the funiculaire and I let these funny and talkative fellows to tie this african bracelet on my wrist!!!
I kept it,because it reminds me one of my best moments there in Paris!
Eric, I loved Villier! And yes, the hotel was right by the market so I bought fresh fruits and pastries there every day. It reminds me of my neighborhood in Queens. Actually, I have some photos that (maybe) I will post on my blog. Is that allowed?? Will I be stealing "Paris" from you?
ReplyDeleteI enjoy all these little reminders of the past even when they are big reminders of the past. Curious....the word learnt. I haven't heard it used for years and years. I vaguely recall folks using "t" instead of "ed". This is my third year of studying French which qualifies me as an advanced kindergarten French speaker. The verbs with their 18 tenses boggle my mind. As for the genders, I just fake it and hope for the best. I refer to my French as "Tarzanian". Me, Johnny..you Eric. LOL
ReplyDeleteLooks like I need to add another movie to my queue. I am totally digging this photo. You wont see anything like this Merto entrance around here. It's too fancy. Fancy would be graffitti-ed up in a second, even in the nicer neighborhoods. Montmartre...that looks familiar. Not like familiar as in Eric has mentioned it tons of times, or historically well known familiar. It's striking a different familiar note in my head and I can't figure it out. Perhaps after I get some coffee in me my brain will start functioning properly!
ReplyDeleteI love these Metro entrances.
ReplyDeleteRegarding formal English: I prefer correct English (grammar) but do not like "formal" English at all. No surprise since I am American....we like to keep it informal and friendly. Too much formality seems cold and stiff to me.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Boston accent: I'm not sure about the "r's" but they speak VERY NASAL and it is kind of strange (funny)! I think it is because it is so cold up there. People from the extreme northeast as well as Canada have a decidedly nasal quality...so it must be the cold weather. I'm not sure if that's true of people in Norway, Sweden, etc.
Interesting. Nice pic. The metro is soon coming up in Mumbai too.
ReplyDeleteVoted for you at the Festival de Romans. Current nombre de votes = 244
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting my favourite site of Paris lol i dunno what it is about the sign i just love it!!! i saw a print during the week which had four paris pictures and one was the eiffel tour and one was the Metroplitain sign yay!!!!!
ReplyDeletele metro s'appelle ABBESSES pas Abbesse
ReplyDeleteje sais parce que j'habite la bas.
je vous recommende vivement, c'est un super quartier
Ou, c'est un quartier charmant où il flotte encore un air de bohème. Préférez les petits cafés d'apparence décatie aux grandes brasseries.
ReplyDeleteC'est là que vous rencontrerez les "figures" déglinguées qui font toute la saveur de la butte!
Bon courage Eric, j'aime bien votre site!
I hope you dont mind me using this photo as the desktop for my computer M. Eric?
A Brit living in Montmartre
Fantastic photo!
ReplyDeleteThanks for an idea, you sparked at thought from a angle I hadn’t given thoguht to yet. Now lets see if I can do something with it.