Global warming has struck Paris first! Buildings have started melting! OK, I'm kidding (and believe me it's not hot in Paris at all at the moment)! All of these windows and balconies are totally fake. They are painted on a huge cover that hides work at the Bleecker Group building on Avenue Georges V. It's really fantastic. Athem is the company that made this masterpiece. Congratulations and a big thank you to - sometimes not nasty - GG who gave me this info.
Thought you took this picture by focusing your camera on a street mirror os something similar.
ReplyDeleteEven the guy looks like he is melting. Graet picture.
ReplyDeleteWhew... I thought it was the post-op Vicodin doing strange things to me.
ReplyDeleteI love how clever and creative some of construction covers are in Paris. Very Dali-esque.
Excellent photo op Eric and GG. Will try to go see this one this weekend.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Buzzgirl...hope you're feeling better.
I just looked at the link Eric! Awesome! How did you ever even find the link?
ReplyDeletecame across this once before but it still has the same bizarro effect... it's the morph happening right before our eyes.
ReplyDeleteWow, for a minute there I thought you'd be playing with Photo-Shop !
ReplyDeleteI love it! Thanks GG
you'd been playing with PhotoShop.
I simply love this city!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat Idea!
Way coooooooooooool Eric! Love the drippy effects...like something out of Harry Potter! ;) That's some amazingly huge and detailed cover! Wouldn't it be a strange art installation to just have a few of these dotted around Paris? Building-sized blocks of concrete draped in the "design of the month" say? =)
ReplyDeleteWow you took the thoughts out of my head. I was playing with Photoshop the other day and did just this with some buildings. Nearly posted some but thought you'd all think i'd either gone barmy or you might boot me out of DP! I love this photo! Just great. Great that the sky isn't distorted, neither the other building at the side. Think i may post something after all, so long as you don't mind, Eric, or would you view me a plagiarist? lol
ReplyDeleteIs it too late to use this fabulous one in your contest? Perhaps. But they wil look at the whole site, right?
ReplyDeleteYou are so the winner!!!
Perhaps a building-sized portrait of Eric the invincible, winner of the Romans?
Michael, your geographic information and local knowledge is stunning and enormously appreciated. (Poteau d'hier).
ReplyDeleteJ'aime le 9ème arondissement beaucoup.
I am hoping to visit Paris in September and may stay in the 16th on a chaland avec mes amis qui habite la.
Il serait merveilleux de rencontrer vous et Eric.
Please feel free to visit my new ADELAIDE DAILY PHOTO at your leisure, monsieur.
It's a great idea. I love the swirly-ness.
LOVE IT! We need things like that around here!
ReplyDeleteame..hmmm, interesting. Perhaps something like that could be found in the Ministry of Magic building. The melting room, perhaps? Somewhere close to the Department of Mysteries, I'd imagine. Also, great idea to have several of these dotted throughout the city, and with a design of the month, no less! That'd be cool.
Great photo. I sat across the Champs Elysees from the Vuitton location in 2004. We loved the suitcase consctruction shrouds. This one on rue St. Georges is quite different. Infuses one with vertigo. It would be fun to watch people walk by as they see it. Do they stagger a little?
ReplyDeleteYes pop over to Adelaide Daily Photo, one of the newest DP sites - M. Benaut has kept promising to do one and now he has,it was well worth the wait!
ReplyDeletei'm sulking a bit, Eric, i have to say :( you never come to my blog! There, i've said it. lol. Okay, never's a bit strong, but not for ages...Soosh will you sulk with me?
ReplyDeleteGreat! A bit of Gaudi in Paree ;-)
ReplyDeleteOooh Eric, I LOVE how Paris covers up construction sites. Great photo. I'd like to see more of this sort of thing.
ReplyDeleteI remember that Vuitton site Jeff! The big suitcase with the cherries was beautiful. I wish they'd left it that way! I must have taken 100 photos of it.
Eric, This photo is utterly amazing and one of your very best. When I first saw it, gullible as I am, I thought....What's happening?!?
ReplyDeleteMarvelous and Magnifique, and more.
The linked site showed Vuitton's bldg. that was just being worked on when we were in Paris in 2005. I want to see it but meanwhile the photo really impressed me. Never underestimated the cleverness of the French!
Michael, Let us know what you think of the real building. What fun to live in Paris. I would never get bored there. I don't get bored here either. We are going to see "Volver" tonight and tomorrow the play, "Titus Andronicus" featuring words, mayhem, and nudity..What a classic!
My stomach lurched for a quick second when I first logged on, and I wondered how in the world??? Jeff & Mirabelle, I too remember les cerises on the Louis Vuitton construction in 2004 - I was so inspired by the giant suitcase construction site that I splurged and bought matching shoes! Thanks for such a fun Friday photo, Eric!
ReplyDeleteAmazing effect and funny text. J'adooorrrrrre.
ReplyDeleteSo now my $0.02 question is: does the real building behind look like the cover(without the distortion of course! ;-)
Ilove it, is dreamy!
ReplyDeleteOf course I will, lynn. Especially if the book I'm reading goes on like it's been going on. I'm very annoyed with it, but I will stick it out! And I'll pout the whole way!
ReplyDeleteWhat are you reading, Soosha?
ReplyDeleteThe new Stephen King.
ReplyDeleteAnother superb find, Eric. Your blog is a true delight!
ReplyDeleteI just spoke with "nasty drama queen GG" on the phone... He's very very touched that you chose to take a picture of this building, but he's unable to respond right now... He has to stay at home because of a contagious disease pretty serious. But going back at work to watch this picture is a great motivation for him to fight this disease !
ReplyDeleteHe's thinking of you a lot and send you lots of e-kisses (which are safer than real ones at the moment)...
Hope you feel better soon GG!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely awesome photo!
ReplyDeleteeve nelson new zealand
Just found on Parma Daily Photo the perfect bike to go with this photo! Here.
ReplyDeletewhat a great idea, rather unique.
ReplyDeleteBel effet !!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is fantastic. I thought you did photoshoped!
ReplyDelete> On my way to feeling better ! Merci Michael. Now, Nono's to be Mr sickman !
ReplyDeleteGreat photo!