It may sound totally old fashioned but we still have a horse cavalry in France! It's called La Garde Républicaine and it is the ceremonial unit of the Gendarmerie Nationale. And guess what? I came across this unit this afternoon in front of Les Invalides (see the dome in the background?). The scene was pretty impressive but I have been disappointed with the photos I made. In the end I selected this one because I like the play between the foreground and the background. If you want to know everything about the Garde Républicaine go here.
Eric, that must be quite the sight. Love the photo.
ReplyDeletereally fabulous composition,Eric.
ReplyDeleteTraditional rather than old fashioned, i feel and it's just great. I don't know why you were disappointed Eric, but i like them all. This one, though, was the natural choice. I love the composition, the way he is looking down, the height of the tip of his head dress against the tip of dome; everything. There's always a place for ceremony, in my view. Oh and thanks Eric, for the love ;)... lol ! A cheeky end to a serious comment. he he - let's get them guessing! I'm feeling mischievous.
ReplyDelete"let's get them guessing! I'm feeling mischievous." How come I am not surprised?!
ReplyDeleteAller, bonne nuit à tous, je vais me coucher...
I prefer the picture fourth from the top (on making of) as it illustrates the calvary and the composition is very nice.
ReplyDeleteJe les aime tous, et c'est pourquoi je veux retourner à Paris. La France est si française, non ?
ReplyDeleteJ'aime particulièrement la fanfare de cavalerie
ReplyDeleteI do like the composition of this photo.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm glad you put up the others too so we could see the horses. Very impressive.
they are all wonderful photos but i think the one you chose best reflects your particular individual style (le grand style d'eric, peut-etre). this event looks like quite the fanfare, must be lovely to witness in person. i'm wondering if french horses have that "je ne sais quoi" as well :)
ReplyDeletei love the contrast in this, the juxtaposition of the sharp, colorful, textural, humane figure in the foreground, versus the muted, flattened, architectural background of gold and zinc, and the beautiful gray haze of the winter parisian sky.
another winner, a mon avis.
Looking at the thumbnail, I thought this was the Cat-in-the-Hat.
ReplyDeleteI thought this was a wonderful photo, and then I read this "I have been disappointed with the photos".. no, no! This one is great! Is that an actual horse's tail hanging down his back?
ReplyDeleteI love the photo you posted and the last one on your other site, with the horses in the foreground. But they were all good photos. Very beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteCarol e: Would be poetic justice wouldn't it? Making un homme wear Barbero's tail? Desolee, Eric mais c'etait un continuation de Lynn's blog d'hier.
ReplyDeleteJe n'ai pas vu les autre photos de La Garde Republicaine mais ceci est tres evocative, et vraiment Francais, avec le tricolour et d'or sur l'homme et aussi le dome de Les Invalides. Nous n'avons pas beaucoup d'or sur l'architecture en Australie!
En 1975 j'habite a Paris pour dix mois, a rue Newton, 16e et aussi rue d'Aboukir pres du Place des Victoires et puis dans une petite studio a Montparnasse (Impasse de l'Astrolabe) et finalement, un appartement sur rue d'Ouessant, pres du l'Avenue de la Motte Picquet. Il y'etait une petite cathedral dans le fin de la rue d'Ouessant. Si vous voulez, un photo de cette cathedral sera tres bien.
Alors, j'aime beaucoup tous de votre photos de Paris, Eric. Merci, merci.
Pas mal, pas mal. (or was that pall mall?) *groan*
ReplyDeleteYOU GUYS! What's with all that foreign language!! And LOL @ CITH James!
ReplyDeleteERIC! Would you STOP with the disappointment with the photos! We don't beLIEVE you anymore!
And HEY! We stayed right THERE last April...we were a 3-minute walk from Napoleon's place there! ;)
OH! ERIC! I did something special just for YOU on my post today...come have a LOOK! Pretty please? =)
Wow!! You have an awesome blog!!Loved all your photographs.Each has a different story to tell. Would love to come back everyday to check back whats new for us. Keep Blogging!! Cheers!!Anna
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous photo - the dome is dreamlike in the background. And what a fitting theme for today since our poor Barbaro had to be put down. The "reject" photos of the other horses even look a bit like him... All the photos are beauties, Eric!
ReplyDeleteI quite like the photo, Eric, especially the colors of gold, redwhiteandblue.
ReplyDelete>>And what a fitting theme for today since our poor Barbaro had to be put down. >>
In talking with people today I find I'm the only one who is glad they have stopped torturing poor Barbaro after these nine months.
Eric, do you know why the Republican Guard was out and about? We saw them from our window onto Quai de la Tournelle and wondered what was the occasion? Last time I saw them it was the French Veteran's Day so it made sense then. What's this occasion or was it just a dress rehearsal? Our dog loved seeing the horses too and gave a couple of friendly barks!
ReplyDeleteJames, cat in the hat thing made me laugh and strangely i can see how you got there!
ReplyDeleteEric, still feeling mischievous! he he ;) you know me well but then you would, having noted all that you did about me ahh it was so lovely i have it still in my head x ;)
Michael, just to confuse the matter, historically Pall Mall was known as Pell Mell!
Oh and i know i'm being greedy now in my quest for your visits to my blog, but there's a little something for you at mine too today! You are in demand today Lord Eric. Sigh...
ReplyDeleteSo come on, fess up Eric!
ReplyDeleteMr. Adelaide wants to KNOW!
Are you LYNN'S or MINE?!?!?
I can feel mischievous with the BEST of them!
LOL! ;)
Nice picture!
ReplyDeleteWe have a horse cavalry with a mounted presidential guard. I thinks it's a beautiful tradition that should be preserved.
Greetings from Chile
he's mine, Ame... (feline yawn)....:)
ReplyDeleteOoh Eric, now you have a bit of a dilemma. We are both calling you to our blogs. Which will get you (me), and we will also be watching times. Who will get you first (me)? he he! You poor man, you. What it is to have two women fighting over you, huh?
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't look so old fashioned to me- it looks very Parisian! :-)
ReplyDelete"What it is to have two women fighting over you, huh?"
ReplyDeleteIt feels great! LOL
Eric what a macho you are !
ReplyDeleteAre you expecting women mud-catching ?
Lynn, Ame : beware, you shoudn't push that guy to far. You don't wanna know what he's up to !
nice photos! i like them all!
ReplyDeleteCome on Lynn! GF! Hurry! Before I have to take the kiddlies to school...let's sway him a little...give him a little shove...you don't think he minds a couple dominating women giving him orders, do you? WE LOVE YOU ERIC! Don't make us have to decide FOR you! ;)
ReplyDeleteWell Ame, i won't get into a match with you, but i WILL tell you, Eric, that at my Things UK blog there a couple of little quiz-type things to accompany your coffee break, and a rather fetching little photo a-la-Eric at my Cheltenham blog. I really think you should attend both. At once. LOL !
ReplyDeleteYou poor, poor man. How on earth to choose. he he ;)
I agree with lynn on 2 points:
ReplyDelete1.) Not old fashion. Definately traditional, and tradition is what keeps a culture going. Without the wonderful traditions that every country, city, family, etc has we're just a bunch of people floating around aimlessly on the planet trying to get by.
2.) Poor Eric, indeed! Perhaps you should start carrying around a large metal pole you can beat the ladies away with when they get all carried away!!!
And as for you, Michael: I lol and groan at the same time. Hmm...*grlolan* *lgroanl* I think I like *grlolan* Yep, that's it. That's what I'm using every time you have a groan-worthy yet amusing joke!
Eric, I like the photo. You can't beat good architecture and a man with a poofie, patriotic feather duster on his head.
What a wonderful photo!
ReplyDeleteOh Eric i saw today on tv a little spot about Cafe Laduree in Pareee and it looked absolutely gorgeous! A real girly treat i think. I've searched your blog and think you haven't covered it yet so can i put in a photo request please? Just for meeeee pleeeeease? (you remember me, the one you are currently favouring over Ame?) LOL! I did tell you i was feeling mischievous.
ReplyDeleteWhere were you positioned by the way when you took the garde photo?
Lynn, Laduree is very much a woman's place for lunch or dinner. They have great salads, albeit expensive at close to $20 for a dinner sized salad, and even better desserts. Throw in a glass of wine or two, great conversation, great friends, an after dinner coffee and some macarons and you have a great treat!
ReplyDeleteI think the extra pictures look great despite the crappy weather, and I'm glad you decided to include them.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's the horses, maybe it's the uniform with the "long hair" floating in the back, maybe it's the little feather duster on top of their head, I don't know, but I always thought they looked the COOLEST when I was a kid.
ujima - i must confess that i love your posts..you seem like such a lovely woman.
ReplyDeletei would also like to say that if my previous comments were in any way taken as a personal affrontation, by yourself or anyone else, i fully apologize. strong opinions about matters one is passionate about are, for myself, quite difficult to temper, and were meant strictly in the interest of discussion.
good luck with your work in philly :)
Oooh Cathy sounds marvellous. Let's hope we could organise a Ladies DP lunch there one day!
ReplyDeleteAnd a little red-handled beer tap! See it? Right there on top of his feather-duster-horsey-hair-EWWWWWWW-hat...gold with a red "pull-down-for-beer" handle!!!!
ReplyDeleteLynn: Laduree is AWESOME! The vanille macarons are to die for. I hear one has opened up at Harrod's - don't know how close you are to London.
ReplyDeleteThanks Pont Girl! I'm not near but will be going to London pretty soon i hope so might check that out.
ReplyDeleteO.K. Eric. I see what you are doing in trying to court to ladies. You can have Ame but leavr the Beautiful Lynn alone.
ReplyDeleteI really like this picture. I miss Paris so much.
You won't believe how many attempts it has taken to get this comment published. I still hate beta.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed looking at the photos today. They aren't bad at all.
Eric, I want to see the skaters at the Hotel de Ville if and when they start, so have your camera ready. Voila!
Eric, what is the real scoop on "Vista"? Everything I have read thus far has been negative but I know I'll get the real lowdown from you.
Michael, keep on practicing your French. I am still struggling with the subjunctive and all the bloody verbs.
Oooh goodness, Anonymous! I wonder who you are...? lol and ... thank you (blush)
ReplyDeleteHarumph! So what Anon! Am I just chopped liver? What's a gurl gotta do around here to get ATTENTION! ;) Come on Lynn Darling...let's take it to the MUD! >/
ReplyDeleteFrom what I've seen you seem to get quite a lot of attention Ame. It is just that Lynn has at least one more than you.
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon to you AME. Good night and sweet dreams oh Beautiful Lynn.
Oh! and taking to the mudd what would progressives, and the Bay Area feminists think of that Ame?
ReplyDeleteInteresting idea though.
LMAO! ;)
ReplyDeleteJames, I flashed on Cat in the Hat at first glance, too. . .strange minds, ours! Now that I see it fully, that is a good choice for the composition, Eric. I like that his gaze is downward, too.
ReplyDeleteUm, hope it's not too dangerous for me to be leaving a comment in the midst of what looks like a cat fight over you paying a visit to a couple blogs, Eric. ;^p Perhaps like me they are receiving fewer comments than usual. Comments have been very light at SDP for quite awhile. It's my habit to leave a comment when I visit a blog. My stats show many visitors dropping by, but very few say "hi" lately. We must all be very busy. Now the cat fights are breaking out. Scary! :-)
LOL! Thanks for the sweet dreams, Anonymous. Are you someone we already know, masquerading as Anonymous? Bet you are!
ReplyDeleteWell, Ame, i'm not sure i know what the mud is to be honest, but if it's wrestling i wouldn't dare! You're far more fit than i am with all that running. I go in for gentler activities like swimming and dancing and would probably be slaughtered, gf!
Not sure what LMAO means Ame, but it sounds like a mouthful of... Come to think of it I am trying to have Eric give you all his attention. I am helping you. You are beautiful as well and deserve the friendly parisian's flirtations.
ReplyDeleteI am not masquerading as Anonymous Lynn. I happen to visit different blogs and try to say hello to those I visit. I have left messages on yours as well right after you posted your new picture which might not be that new by now. It is just that when you posted this last picture of yours I saw sensitive eyes and after a few visits realized that you were an artist and a writer. Most artists are rich emotionally, and so are you. Beauty is only the icing on the cake.
LMAO...Let Me At Ononymous! JUST KIDDING...Laughing My Arse Off! And Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...this could be a NUMBER of people...and I have an idea...but I think I'll just leave well enough alone! ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm too sleepy to add anything else....Lynn, take over...talk FOR me GF! ;)
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn...didn't sleep a WINK last nite...and it WASN'T noisy here at MY house...I could hear the hum of the....NEVERMIND! ;)
Lynn, we're REALLY outta HAND!
I love the Guard photos. Somewhat sad, somber, yet striking and proud. But then I guess I mis-clicked somewhere. How the hell did I get to this odd soap opera in cyberspace?
ReplyDeleteAh, but I am able to read mme benaut's comment! Hooray. I must be learning something. Couldn't understand it spoken, though.
I'd better learn more, and fast: 83 days until Cannes, then Paris. Yes, I am excited about Florence, too. I love Botticelli.
>>i would also like to say that if my previous comments were in any way taken as a personal affrontation, by yourself or anyone else, i fully apologize.>>
ReplyDeleteBarbara, I'm 67 yo and living the life of Riley. Words don't bother me. I *love* people who are passionate about issues. (But pests *do* annoy me :)
Goodness, well thank you again indeed, Anonymous, I'm sure. I feel very flattered.
ReplyDeleteYay, Eric you came to my blog!!! Thanks. Do i win? he he what fun we had today. I'd be out though when Ame wakes up if i were you! Eek.
ReplyDeleteAlas, this time I cannot claim to be anonymous, as you know I've been to your blog ages ago and haven't left any comments lately. I appologize for that, lynn!
ReplyDeletelovely, and i agree with you totally ujima, words don't bother me either :)
ReplyDeleteWow, just checking back in this morning to see all this back-n-forth stuff. Ame and Lynn seem like two who would really get along in person. Ujima, I hope you weren't refering to me when you mention "pests". ;-)
ReplyDelete*She waves her little white flag and surrenders..."
ReplyDeleteAnd Mr. PDP didn't even go see my cute little picture thingy I did...just for him! Oh well...
That's ok...I know who my friends are!
Sniff-sniff! ~waaaah~
Oooh dear. I'm keeping quiet. (hi Eric ;) lol)
ReplyDeleteAwwwwww that's OK GF! Still love ya! Eric and I started our cyber-fling waaaaaaaaaaay before you came on the scene anyway...so I'm not the least bit bothered and, in fact, am very comfy with my PDP position! ;D
ReplyDeletelol oh it all comes out now then. Just how long have you been cyberflinging with the great Eric? lol ! Cheeky pair. Eric, how is it i'm always the last to know (dramatic pause, glance downwards and tissue pressed to lips. Lips not eyes you understand, so that you can see my tears). Oh yes, there's always a method in our madness. Then a strangled "how COULD you?" escaping through the tissue.
ReplyDeleteWell obviously, I don't do this, it's all the other women. Not me. No.
And the crowd goes WIIIIIIIIILD! RAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!
LOL! ;)
PS: Eric, I'm not talking to you until you visit me and ACKNOWLEDGE your little GIFT! SO THERE!
PSS: HI ERIC! =)))
lol Gosh! ... well this is such a shock, i've no speech prepared. Oh, off the top of my head, erm. (lip quivering) I'd like to thank Eric for bringing me here in the first place, various other DP members including Michael for humour in verse, Soosha and Ame for girlfriend giggles, M. Benaut for down under jokes, my agent and of course the DP family for their support. My apologies if i have forgotten anyone, it's just such a surprise! Thank you everyone, I really don't know how to.. oh goodness i'm having a Gwyneth Paltrow moment, i'm so sorry (backs away holding award which looks strangely like the Garde's headdress) Thank you! Means so much to me! Thank you and Goodnight!